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Everything posted by youreavinalaff

  1. You must be fun down the pub. Person 1 : it rained really hard last night. I think there must have been 100mm of rain. Chomper: have you got a link to that? Person 2: it's really hot now though. It must be 40 degrees plus. Chomper : have you got a link to that? And so on.
  2. I agree. There was not so much help then so people got off their a$#es and helped themselves. I remember my parents selling our family home and downsizing to make ends meet when Dad was unemployed. Nowadays people won't even cut their phone or TV deal down to save money. Too many people thinking they deserve help for the mess they've got themselves into.
  3. Agreed. It will be interesting to see who's fault it is when they are in power.
  4. It's ironic you go against your own ideas. The figures are there for all to see. The amount of people turning up at the English coast compared to those who get taken in on their way across Europe. It's obvious to those even with a tiny bit of savvy.
  5. Oh dear. Why have so many people lost the ability to use critical thinking in their lives? I guess it doesn’t work when the results are not what they want. It really is a sad state of affairs.
  6. No need to forgive you for your own failings. It's sad what effect the internet has had on some people.
  7. Like I said, for those with the ability........ Not to worry. You seem to like your shell. Just stay in it.
  8. Yes. For those with the ability to put their political bias to one side for a miniscule moment, the evidence is there. The figures are there.
  9. I believe that is the point. Along with the other safe countries the immigrants travel through to get to UK. Those countries don't seem to care about the immigrants plight.
  10. Who is he then? I don't see any reference to any names. Your comment is inane.
  11. I always know someone will say England, as a whole, is a dump. Everyone knows that simply isn't true. Don't pay much tax either. What I do pay I get something back for. Swings and roundabouts.
  12. Sorry to hear you had to slum it in a dump. The part of England where I am is glorious.
  13. No. You are incorrect. Vegetarians do not eat any animals. Pescatarians don't eat meat but will eat fish and sea food. Pollotarians don't eat red meat but will eat poultry. Vegans don't eat any animal products at all, including eggs and dairy. Many vegans also won't use animal products such as wool and leather.
  14. Then, you need to learn how to agree on something you clearly do instead of suggesting similar or same meanings are opposites. Also learn not to throw part of the conversation because you can't argue against it. I'm sure you'll then be able to communicate efficiently and effectively.
  15. Libdems are government? We learn something new every day. Read the illegal migration bill. The one they are apposed to. It will all make sense then.
  16. There is a prediction. Simple. It doesn't matter if it's a 5 year prediction from now or a prediction next year will be the 5th year. It's still a prediction.
  17. No confusion. As another poster has said, officialdom in Thailand is not constant. Anyway, we are off topic by a mile.
  18. Well. We'll agree to disagree. I have been keeping an eye on citizenship requirements since 2002, when our daughter was born, and have noticed many changes on many occasions.
  19. No. The topic is about a prediction there will be 5 years of lost growth. There was a prediction that UK would fall into recession in 2022. That was wrong See?
  20. Exactly my point. Although there is more to it. More spice blends and flavours, more textures and varieties of ingredients. Having been to India and having eaten in British Indian restaurants, if Kao Hom is authentic Indian food, I would make the trip. If it is authentic British Indian restaurant food I wouldn't. I can easily replicate those dishes at home.
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