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Everything posted by youreavinalaff

  1. To all those linking political views with transgenderism, for effect, shame on you. Sexuality, sexual identity, sexual preference are all defined in the brain. The case of a young lad, under 16, taking the Brazilian government to court over the right to a sex change was a defining case. Many experts testified that sexuality is not defined by what body you were born in but rather the way the brain identifies. Unfortunately for some, this means the brain and body don't match. There are different views among experts as to what age the individual should be allowed to chose and decide for themselves. The most common theory is to wait until after puberty. During early life, some in later life to, mental health is a concern. Not just from the inside but also from peer pressure and discrimination from those that either fail to understand or refuse to accept. Keep politics out of it. It's not needed and only confuses the delicate subject.
  2. I too can read and write Thai. I spent many years teaching English and helping many schools, businesses and government agencies to translate and transliterate Thai to English. ออก can be written both as "awk" and "ork". It is the same sound. As for writing to those in your link to tell them they are wrong, I'm sure, as one that reads Thai, you have seen many different dictionaries use different ways to transliterate as there are different ways to do it. I've accepted both ways as both are correct. I have never said they are wrong.
  3. Looks like you've been drinking. Drivel and typos. Have a good sleep.
  4. No. Sorry. My stance has not failed. It's law. I've said all along, if Brand is found to have committed the crimes he has been accused of, he should be punished according to the law. He is innocent until proven guilty. I can't be supporting a sex offender and have never said I am or would. More false accusations from you.
  5. "Appears" being the vital word. One cannot be charged or convicted for appearing to be something. My wife says no need to pity her. She is more than happy with her life choices. It's a shame you feel the need to try, and fail, to belittle other just because they disagree with you.
  6. Until the police decide to charge? What would enable them to decide? Evidence? Confession? If neither are present, the accusations would be deemed false. The accused, innocent. Meanwhile he's had to move himself and possibly his family because of the persecution he and they would have been subjected to. Is that something you would accept yourself if you were wrongly accused of such crimes?
  7. Let’s just nail down this ‘anonymity for those accused but not charged with sex offenses’. So if allegations of serious sexual offenses are made against you. Would you.... A. Want to all your neighbours, aquaintences, work colleagues informed as soon as the allegations are notified to the police, B. Hope the authorities wait until formal charges are brought. And If you want everyone above to be informed as soon as allegations are made against you are informed to the police, would you expect them to be gagged by the law from telling other neighbors/parents?
  8. I would never do such a thing. Your question is, therefore, inane. The link I posted is regarding the anonymity for someone who has been accused but, as yet, not charged.
  9. That's funny, considering I've been very happily married for over 23 years. You seem to be quite judgemental. By judging me incorrectly you've proved your judgements stand for nothing.
  10. But those that don't hate women can control them. With that, I disagree.
  11. So, by understanding women it's possible and OK to control them. I disagree.
  12. Sex offenders? Not until they've been charged with evidence to back the charge, in the eyes of the law. That's the whole point. I'm sure you'll agree it's wrong to call someone a sex offender when they are not.
  13. No. You clearly maintain that many occupations are low level and that women should be controlled. It's there to see in your posts.
  14. No. This is what you wrote. You'veveven done it again the the above post. "But this woman hating only illustrates that you don’t understand ‘em, so don’t know how to control them." "Them" clearly refers to women andvthe controlling of them.
  15. Control them? That's a form of abuse. Your low opinion of so many people, based on here by sex and occupation, is shocking.
  16. The law is the law and should be abided by. I'm sure you'll agree with that. It's not right for innocent people to be persecuted. I'm sure you'll agree with that too.
  17. On the right track. Hopefully, more countries will follow suit. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-northern-ireland-66942145
  18. You are correct. I have the intellect to understand all employees of any business are/should be respected equally.
  19. The subject is abuse of women. Whether it's sexual, physical, mental, financial, verbal....etc, it's wrong. What gives anyone the right to suggest receptionists and other, unnamed occupations, are "low level"? Would you call a woman, or any worker for that matter, "low level" to their face?
  20. You've not read my whole post. I guess that is your privilege, being holier-than-thou and all that.
  21. That's not abuse? I'm sure receptionists around the world would love being labled "low level". So, what other occupations would you, oh so high in society, call "low level"?
  22. They changed the calculation method for predictions into the future to become more believable? ????????????????.
  23. There certainly is. Ork and Awk is the same sound. Pork/Hawk/Dork. Hence my comment that Ork is accurate. Aawk is not.
  24. Thanks for the answer. I'm not that interested in the drivel
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