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Everything posted by youreavinalaff

  1. The north wants to be on a level playing field with the south. For house prices, rent and beer in a pub to be made "level" upwardly, prices would need to increase by those figures. Wages are basically on the level, with the exception of those receiving London living/working payments. So, in answer to your question, Yes, in respect of the examples I posted. I do believe I neglected to mention increased council tax due to the rise in property value.
  2. Sounds like I do. Famous people get tried by the media when accused of something. Non famous don't. Just as in your post.
  3. I find it strange those living in the north of England are so keen on leveling up. Do the really want house prices and rents to double? For a pint in a pub to increase by 50%? All the while earning the same salaries. It's a strange wish list. Well. Many of those in the north that I've heard comment would much rather the money was spent on a West to East rail link, linking Liverpool, Manchester and Leeds.
  4. If your village is 2 hours from Buriram it's also quite far from Prakonchai, as that itself is only about 45 minutes from Buriram. Bus from Bangkok to Prakonchai, Nakonchaiair Bangkok to Ubon bus, might be better than flying as Buriram airport is about 2+ hours from the village where your ex lives, about 1.5 hours from Prakonchai. There are a couple of hotels in Prakonchai and a few nice "resorts". I'm sorry but can't remember the names. Good luck to your daughter with everything.
  5. Daughter returning to Thailand to see her Mum? Mum who returned to Thailand a while back. British? I doubt it. Dual Thai/British? Probably.
  6. No. Any degree would get you a waiver. An Education degree has always been required for a licence. In fact, international Scholos do not come under KSP licencing rules as they are not governed by OBEC.
  7. I haven't tried anything of the sort. I also find it offensive that you seem to think I don't know what I'm talking about. You are not the only one with a background in financial services.
  8. The point I'm trying to make, currently falling on deaf ears, is Halifax didn't require proof of UK address. I didn't have any proof and got an account opened there and then.
  9. I wasn't on the electoral register. Neither were my wife or daughter. Both wife and daughter had never lived in UK. I had been away for 20 years. It's has been said on here, if they can't find any information they will ask for further evidence. No further information regarding address was requested.
  10. Number one is funny. We recently moved regions and I move electoral register. My credit score, doesn't matter to me as I don't want credit, went down. Reason, less time on electoral register than previously.
  11. Me 2019, daughter 2020, wide 2021. None of us were on the electoral register at the time. All accounts opened with passport only. Wife, Thai passport.
  12. They opened my account there and then. No checks were made at that time. Everything they did was on the screen that was right in front of me. I was told by many expats prior to my visit that opening a bank account would be impossible. That I would need this and that. I didn't. Passport and my parents address, where I had never lived. Done. 2019 I believe it was. That was followed a year later with my wife and daughter opening an account at the same branch. 2020 and 2021. Daughter with UK passport, had never been on a UK electoral register , and wife on Thai passport.
  13. I'm quoting existing posts. I cannot be off topic unless........
  14. I doubt they check the electoral registers. The bank account I use now, with Halifax, was set up on the back of providing passport details. I used my parents address. An address I have never lived at. At the time I was not even living in UK, I was visiting, and had not lived in UK for 18 years.
  15. Anyone can hide behind the use of the internet and pretend to know it all. Others have better things to do.
  16. Look back at your posts. It was not clear what you meant. You are still not clear. You talk about accredited schools then you say not Thai schools. There are hundreds of Thai accredited schools. Then you talk about licenced and unlicenced teachers. Generally there is no rule about salaries and, yes, in my 20 years of experience, all teachers in the same schools get the same salary. I believe you should have started your first post as " teachers in accredited international schools.........", but then you would have been off topic as the thread is about tests and licencing from techers' council of Thailand and, thus, about Thai schools governed by OBEC. Here is your first post. You have not indicated type, level or nationality of school: "Parent's are paying big money for their children's education, they want to know that the teachers have been appropriately trained. Now, I do understand your frustration, and agree that hands on experience is better. However, by requiring all teachers be licensed and have the paperwork to show it means that the school is able to evidence to parents that all of their teaching staff have had a similar level of training and education."
  17. You started with "parents pay". I pointed out many don't. You then said "only accredited schools". I pointed out your assumptions were incorrect. You now say " I don't mean Thai schools", on a forum "Teaching in Thailand". Now you say " licenced teachers are paid more than unlicenced teachers:. Again, as a generalisation, incorrect.
  18. Don't call me "Dude". I'm not a dude. You've moved the goalposts on your comments so many times I doubt you know yourself what you are trying to say.
  19. I doubt many voters vote entirely because of manifesto. There are a lot of other reasons people vote the way they do.
  20. Correct. Whatever party one votes for in the next election, everyone knows, or should know, that Rishi Sunak is PM.
  21. I wouldn't use breadcrumbs. The yeast in them can react with other ingredients I make my own rusks. Just flour and water, mix together and bake. Then grind.
  22. Who? Friends and family? They are very happy for me. People I don't know? Couldn't care less. Everyone in UK? They don't all know me.
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