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Posts posted by Ohio

  1. ..... I don't know why people like me bother to Train as Investigators....

    Large Denomination notes can be confused , what ever happened to Verbal Interaction to solve a problem ??

    A Russia woman tried to communicate with a Thai woman - that's what happened. Most Russians cannot speak Thai or English, and most 7Eleven staff cannot speak English or Russian.

    That's a difficult situation. I'm surprised as a trained investigator you didn't consider this. Perhaps it is time to go back to school.smile.png

    Don't have to be insulting . I don't speak much Russian or Thai but have been able to make myself understood in several different circumstances.

    But of course you know absolutely everything so we bow to such superior all knowing over every incident involving Language counter cultures in Pattaya.

  2. I would like to see ALL the FACTS before passing an informed Comment, although some posters seem to have an incredulous insight , I don't know why people like me bother to Train as Investigators when all this 'sixth sense' insight is available.

    BUT, 'Breaking' would suggest Glass - serious assault !

    Incorrect Change ?? if so does not warrant such an assault. ! A better reaction would be to request / demand a Register / Till balance .

    Large Denomination notes can be confused , what ever happened to Verbal Interaction to solve a problem ??

  3. .

    Apparently most of the crew posting here are opposed to BPH based on cost. I'd partially agree, but in most cases you get what you pay for. I've paid from 400 to 1000 Baht per visit depending on the specialty and experience of the doctor. I don't consider that unreasonable - especially if it's a critical issue.

    I always go first to Dr. Iain Corness for a recommendation on which doctor to see - he's a Brit. and the liaison between expats and the hospital staff. He's always been very helpful. I think his hours are weekdays from 8am to noon - he's on the 2nd floor in the International Department at the top of the lobby escalator. He can also be reached by phone.


    Ian is an Australian & as far as I am aware is NOT permitted to practise in Thailand. My expeience with him is he's a salesman & after the last couple of experiences with BPH , Never again.

    Dr. Olivier & Pattaya Int on Soi 4 we have used .

  4. It does look menacing up close. But then hearing 'fishing lure' kind of takes the impact out of it.


    Not if it connectected with your eyeball it wouldn't take the IMPACT out of it

    But this sort of thing happens everywhere BUT the Police having no interest in pusuing the matter is Very Disturbing

    Or was it the Foreign Volunteers who are Not Police ??

  5. Over the years - Siam Bayshore , Siam Bayview , Diana Gardens , Diana Inn , Amari etc

    Not much difference whne it gets to the local Movie Channels.

    Usually watch Aljazeera it's fairly constant

    Bit of tongue - in - cheek but get the Drift ?

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