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Posts posted by Ohio

  1. I would suggest that Tourists aren't the only Targets of these opportunistic type robberies that in some cases have led to death.

    Neclaces or handbags ,phone what have you are all fair game & being prudent would be a necessity , but unfortunately with this type of scum around there will always be a victim .

    Hope the injuries are not major & the cretins are quickly apprehended , although the speed with which they are arrested lately seems to be a vast improvement.

  2. All my Pattaya bus rides these days are 20 baht, so I'd love to know where to find these buses that are only 10 baht.

    I have a motorbike. But whenever I'm ushering around a group of people in a non-chartered baht bus the fee is 10 baht. Keep 10-baht coins on you. Whenever your stop comes and you get out just hand the coin to the person in the cab and keep walking. No discussion needed.


  3. I may be missing something here !

    Isn't Pattaya a Tourist Destination ???

    I have never seen any signs about the Socio Economic standards required before Tourists are allowed to pay Air Fares & Taxes to get here.

    We have been coming here since the 80s for 2 - 3 months at a time , not once was I asked about my Social status or Financial spending patterns to be allowed in to Thailand.

    Obviously I slipped past the Critics on this page. Tch . Tch.


    • Like 1
  4. "6g of drugs"

    Could be anything or nothing. It all depends on what the drugs were and who he was selling them to.

    For example, I can see absolutely nothing wrong with selling Ecstasy to disco-goers in Walking Street, or cannabis to the more laid-back buyers on Beach Rd. Selling heroin outside a school, or amphetamines to bus/taxi/MC drivers would be somewhat different.

    The response to crime often seems to be all-or-nothing, with little sense of proportion. With little sense at all, in fact.

    So you approve selling illegal Drugs but only certain types to certain people ??

    So by your morals it would be OK to do an armed robbery of a Bank but not a McDonalds in case there are kids present.

    Maybe we could then approve Rape but only of certain women / men

    In my experience Drug Dealing of any drug is dealing in peoples DEATH .

    Sorry IMO

    • Like 1
  5. Multiple attackers is not exclusive to Thailand.

    A 45 yo Brit carrying a knife ??? Hmmmmm ??

    A DRUNK 45 yo Brit Returns with knife - still - Hmmmm ?

    An argument develops into a fist fight because a drunk knocks over their table & a knife is produced during the melee that sounds a little more believable.

    But just another scenario I'm not the Investigator just an interested onlooker / reader


  6. The "Ban it" brigade should really try to understand that banning the lawful possession of anything merely deprives law-abiding people of that item - it does NOT and can NOT make those items magically disappear form society............as the UK has found out on many occasions!

    Really ? how about some facts for the numpties here:

    The United Kingdom historically had one of the lowest rates of gun homicides in the world even before gun control legislation became stricter from the late twentieth century.[1] In The United Kingdom there are 0.22 recorded intentional homicides committed with a firearm per 100,000 inhabitants; for comparison, the figure for the United States was 3.0, and for Germany 0.2.[2].

    The UK has had few firearms rampage incidents in modern times. During the latter half of the 20th century there were only two incidents in which people holding licensed firearms went on shooting sprees and killed on a large scale, the Hungerford massacre of 1987 and the Dunblane school massacre of 1996; each led to strong public and political demands to restrict firearm use, and tightening of laws. The result has been among the strictest firearms laws in the world.

    In 2012 the Home Office reported that, "in 2010/11, firearms were involved in 11,227 recorded offences in England and Wales, the seventh consecutive annual fall".

    Rather interesting to note that the UK kills more citizens with BOMBS than guns , guess the Handgrenade death of a female Police Officer & her partner shot to death is minor also.

    Statistics by Government -" Yes m'lud I will prepare them now , what do we need them to say ??"

    oer 300 million people in the USA over 10% of that illegals

    Banning guns doesn't stop killing just check out the knifings ,etc in UK & other places like Japan where there is NO gun ownership even for sports

    I carry a handgun when working & have done for many years I also shoot for recreation , BUT, I strongly believe in Control but NOT OVER control

  7. I'm not sure that working out of a shed in soi 5 was an ideal representation of the British Embassey and although I've never been to see either of the guys there I suspect it wasn't viewed favourably perhaps a little adhoc - no insult intended.

    If Howard is inclined to helping people here in Pattaya perhaps he will continue the role on his own

    Firstly, it was not a shed, it was adequate but certainly not ideal. I did not receive one complaint from anyone who came to the Consulate about its size or even it's lack of air-conditioning during my 16 months there. For the Embassy to use that as an excuse to close the place is shameful in my opinion.

    Your final comment amuses me.......I used to be called a fake Policeman when I was with the Tourist Police. You are now suggesting I become a fake Honorary Consul instead........no thanks tongue.png

    Personally I think you made the web as a Fake Policeman only because you weren't a Policeman but tried to appear as one.

    A Volunteer assistant is NOT a Policeman even though I notice that some of the crew of Farangs there the other night are wearing Vests with 'Tourist Police ' emblazoned on the back.

    BUT even with your vested interests I always had the impression you do really try to assist

    I am not a Brit so it has no effect on me but I don't believe the US or Aussie Embassies give too much assistance to their citizens here either

  8. Lend money to a Gambling addict ????? hmmmmmmmm! would that seem stupid ???

    I think so but only if you expect it returned.

    Gambling excess, Alcohol abuse & Drug taking are social curses as they are addictive & to loan anything but moral support to an addict is just not good practise

    Not criticizing just observing from 40+ years working the strets of several countries - as a Law Officer that is - before the comments click in & I've seen it with family members as well & NO I would not help financially. Have helped with accomadation etc Bad Mistake

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