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Posts posted by Ohio

  1. Last time we stayed at the Siam Bayview there were a couple of major groups of Russians & it was NOT a Cheap stay & when we met some people at the Marriott there were many Russians there as well.

    If they are considered 'cheap charlies' they must get a heck of a discount

  2. I know there would be a cost . It is BPH after all.. I couldn't care less about cost ,I am concerned & BPH & the hundreds of Hospitals world wide that used these I doubt had any idea of the Truth,but I just expected a more positive attitude about getting them out then "watch & check every 6 months" .

    We now have found that an acquantance of my wifes who had them as well at BPH has just had a Masectomy because of a Cancer development & that is a worry.

    Because of the removals being done at our home Country there is a 'back up' & long wait, so I foolishly thought that the "International" BPH where we had it done would be more Worlds Best Practise obliging to assist.

    I guess after travelling there annually for over 20+ years one tends to forget some of the attitudes that still exist .

  3. Ready for our Annual visit to patts

    We Normally stay at Diana Gardens, thought we would try what we do in Malaysia & Rent a Condo for the two of us.

    Need a 2 bedroom though & preferably in Patts not out.

    Tried a couple of sites but seems hard to get any idea of vacancies are we trying to book too far ahead ??

    We have several other trips coming up & just returned from Eu & the States so thought we'd get the reservation out of the way.

    Any suggestions Please.


  4. If you want to have a long and healthy life please avoid Pattaya during songkran.

    That's a bit of an exaggeration. Songkran is a pain in the B, but it's quite easy to live through if you take a few basic precautions.

    I agree stayed Locked up at Home day & night


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  5. I would suggest the Best Place to be during Pattayas "version" of Songkran is


    It has degenerated into a Drunken Rabble throwing 'water' (Sewage) & annoying anyone they can.

    I have ensured that I will be somewhere else the last 3 years & the last time I was a Victim as I walked past some idiot Euro & US Tourists with my bags of NEW Clothes & asked them NOT to drench me ,one of them waited until I was past before soaking me .

    He was 'accidentally' hit with my knuckles in the face after I chased him into the Bar..Never again......


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  6. Corruption out of Control in Pattaya ???

    Definately NOT , it is very well controlled as it is in the rest of Thailand.

    According to UN stats it is second to Philippines with Indonesia running a close third.

    BUT , if you choose to live/retire in Pattaya or Thailand then you live the way the 'system' is.

    If you are that nieve to think there is no corruption in UK / Australia / USA then you are 'blinkered'

    The major difference is that it is just more 'direct' in Asia


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