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Posts posted by Ohio

  1. 100 Baht that will definatley discourage them from their wicked ways.

    OMG . What was the fine for ??? Because you are a Katoey you will be fined ????

    I still don't get it . There's incidents of Drugging & Robbery so we round up 50 Lady Boys & fine them 100Baht each.

    The last few times it was 40 guess the last lot of fines encouraged more attendance ??

    When I worked a Gang Unit this would have been Comedy Central material, Come to think of it ????

    I am so glad I come here to relax professionally I cringe when I read some of this stuff but it sure is entertaining.

    I present some of these stories to my students for a break , keep 'em coming it is a releif from the real stuff


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  2. Wow 60,000 + views & still going.

    This will be in the News again soon to show how it's being stamped out with cooperation from all Bodies.

    Why ?? because it's almost HIGH season "Scam High Season' that is so the Powers that be will demonstrate that they are taking action

    Just like every other time it starts becoming too well known.

    We've been back 2 weeks & the only changes are there seems to be assistance for the scammers by Farang from my observation.

    Heck what would I know anway . But 'when will it stop? ' NEVER !!!

    It's a part of life here

  3. OK

    Let me get my head around this post

    You committed an offence & were punished as you contravened a regulation ....Right??

    In some of the jurisdictions I have worked you would have the vehicle confiscated for 14 - 28 days & lose driving privelges for up to 90 days as well as a pecuniary loss.

    If you obey the rules then there is no problem.

    Or is there a special dispensation you have I'm not aware of ??

    SORRY , BUT I always thought if you comply with the rules where you choose to live then there is no consequence.



  4. What is more important to Thailand's Keystone Cops. The actual pinch or the group Photo's?

    I would suggest the photos and they can distract us from minor things like Drug Dealing , Jet Ski Scams , Bribery & all those other extremely minor crimes when we can show such a Major Bust and get the chance to get it on Camera for the world to see that Pattaya , Prevents CRIME........................Well a perception of prevention anyway


  5. An Aussie Tourist chief lady in Thailand was a victim of a similar occurence outside her Hotel in Thailand she did not resist as it was very quick & the middle of the day in Phuket.

    By the way the knife went into her she died at the scene.

    The perps are now in jail with life sentences , obviously this punishment doesn't scare of knife wielding bag snatchers.

    Bag snatchers in a car Perth , Australia dragged a female by her bag strap along the road in broad daylight until the strap broke she was very seriously injured & hospitalised for weeks very lucky to be alive. She is in her 70s.

    It is an International problem.

  6. The question is "When will it stop??"

    Answer : - Never

    Unless another scheme that produces cash replaces it.

    The Thread has been going for over a year with plenty of publicity globally ,BUT , not much has changed.

    In the end it is endemic in the system

    At the end of the day it is part of the County make up & to avoid being involved don't use a jet Ski in Thailand


    BUT don't expect it to stop.

    Next thing you know you'll expect Heroin to stop being sold

    Or a Politician to keep an election promise in USA,Australia,UK etc.

    Or even wars to stop over Oil Producing Countries

    OMG !!!

  7. First of all, how could he afford to have that house ????

    There was properly a reason for the search !

    2 corrupt groups meet each other, good entertaiment.

    I have a very good friend where I live in Loei who is a policeman. He also has a nice house, nice new car, shop & restaurant in the village where we live & has a very good lifestyle. How? Because both him & his wife, as well as her parents work their <deleted> off every day & I for one admire him for givving his young family a great life. You on the other hand I find quite pathetic with your slanderous & uneducated dribble towards someone you have no idea of whom you are talking about.

    The old philosopher "Confucious" had a great saying which I think you should consider very much...

    "It's better to remain silent & appear a fool than open your mouth & remove all doubt!".........I rest my case.

    Hear ! Hear !


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