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Posts posted by Ohio

  1. Second time this year at this particular range; it has happened before at this range and at others in Pattaya (Tiffany's, Pattaya Shooting Park and on Koh Larn)

    Such incidents are easily avoided if the range is properly constructed and the weapons properly secured, as they should be for novice/unknown shooters.

    This type of incident has happened in many Ranges in many countries.

    One of a few I was Investigator on we timed the incident from the Security Camera & it was less than3 seconds for the subject to go from aiming down range to placing it to his head and firing.

    Reaction time by the Range Officer was much longer & that is because of the "Fright,Flight,Fight' Syndrome.

    Sad but it is a rare incident compared to the number of people attending Firearm Ranges using Handguns.

    I have trained Officers from Police,Security , SWAT,HRT, Military in several Countries ,for over 40 years attended several suicides doubt I have seen any that a Range Officer or Bystander or family member could have stopped once the gun was in the subjects hand


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  2. Have looked at buying a Condo in Pattaya for more than 10 years , we stay a few months a year and Rent.

    We have investment properties in Australia & USA. They all have a good return for us.

    The money being asked for some Condos are high we bought a 2 Story 5 year old house in North Las Vegas rented out within a month on Lease for just over half the cost of a 2 Bedroom Condo in Pattaya.

    Some Condos we looked at 2 - 3 years ago are still for sale. Investment ??? IMO ....NO !!

    To retire to ........YES.... so buy in 10 years when it happens.

    My nickels worth


  3. 21 Baht ????????????????????

    OMG ! Where's the Price Control Police when you need 'em.???

    Let's see that equates to around 68 cents USD

    I would have the joint Blacklisted !!!!!!!

    I'm amazed that such blatant disregard for Farang is allowed to exist in Thailand. Show me the door quick


  4. Violence in Thailand ..........NO

    'Retracted' your steps. Did you take them back?????

    Glad you weren't hurt., not like the Aussie lady in Phuket stabbed to death on a Bag Snatch.

    Unfortunately Violence is a fact of life NOT just in Pattaya.


  5. And in my humble opinion it's driven by drugs and corruption.

    I'd go as far as saying that Pattaya would probably be the most dangerous city in SE Asia. I can't think of anywhere with more crime.

    Drugs and corruption? Nahhhhh ......really? coffee1.gif

    Oh.........Manila has much more crime.

    Yeah, Angeles City and Manila are both far more dangerous than Pattaya. There are parts of Manila where you'd be lucky to survive 30 minutes walking around.

    I think the way the local papers report every little mishap here makes it seem more dangerous that it really is.

    I agree it was only Gun Fire & neighbours rubber necking with several carrying handguns. Those B****y newspaper scaremongers , I can't get over it.

    Heck everyone knows how safe it is to have people shooting off handguns over road rage and firing bullets to avoid arrest

    . It is much more dangerous in Syria also. So I guess we should just 'suck it up' and stop reading those scaremongering papers.


  6. We want to relax , eat well Asian & Euro , have a good laugh at a decent bar / Restaraunt , use the net when I have to , get cheap flights throughout Asia when we need to travel, have the convenience of cheap local Taxi/ transport, enjoy a pedicure and manicure whenever we want , live economically without stinting on pleasures ,etc . etc.

    Can we do that in Pattaya .....You Bet !

    Most convenient in the World ? ..... No .....BUT We absolutely enjoy what it has to offer that we want to use & experience from conviviality to Zip Lining .

    2 - 3 months a year since 1985 we stay and lap it up . Love it but am not blinkered ( my first solo visit was 1968 - a little different then )


  7. The debt ceiling in most Euro countries has been lifted as has the uSA , this allows more borrowing power & a way to print more currency.

    More currency in circulation means less buying power as it becomes devalued.

    Aussie Dollar has been stronger than the USD for a couple of years but if China slows down so will Aussie because their export of natural assets ie Iron Ore , Coal ,Gold , etc is linked to China predominantly.

    'Bail Out' just means more debt to cover bad management. Another reason the Currency gets devalued.

    Seems to be a never ending circle


  8. Bought our son to Patts back in the 80s and our Grandaughter 2 years ago.

    Didn't go to walking street after hours but still had normal 'fun' at the Fishing places , Golf , etc.

    I personally still look at Pattaya as a sex tourist area , but that part of it has no interest to me & my wife and we still have a ball there when we are there.

    There are sex worker areas in every City I have been to and been to plenty when I am on assigmnment , the only thing that gets under my skin is the 'Kiddy Fiddlers' I see sometimes in Pattaya . But I saw much more of it in Cambodia.

    Don't personally think Pattaya will ever becom a 'Family Destination' per se but if you are sensible it is OK.

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