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Posts posted by Ohio

  1. Where else are you going to get a good burger in Pattaya?

    Am I right in thinking that the Hilton does burgers in one of it's daily 350B lunchtime buffets?

    If so, it's a fair bet that it will be a good one.

    Personally I wouldn't pay 5B for a burger as I don't like them.

    Don't like burgers?? Then I couldn't see you wanting to pay anything for something you don't like. But certainly you will not get good quality meat for less than 100thb a burger if it can be had for that.

    I keep meaning to try the hilton lunch buffet and telling me they have burgers might be what gets me in there.

    Thanks for that.

    led me add that the most popular Carl's Jr burger that has been on the menu since I was a kid is the Western Bacon Cheesburger. Obviously comes with bacon and cheese as well as nice BBQ sauce and fried onion rings on top. It will be hard for me to pass up on one if they have them here in Thailand.


    I'm with you. I will hit the joint as soon as I get there later this year

  2. You may have to get over the "we don't want a farang teaching us anything" loosing face barrier first.

    This is why they will always be a developing nation that struggles in every aspect of society and government.

    That is why I only relax in Pattaya / Thailand , did something a few years ago for DSI in Bangkok. Watched what happened . Decided then & there Thailand is my Escape place ONLY. I teach & practise everywhere else but not here. I love my decision and my wife and I have fun here for a quarter of the year with side trips to other places. Love it..

    Just another aside on SWAT in Thailand -

    Always curious why a 'Sifu' (Chinese ) wore 'Sensei' gi ( Japanese) I was trained by Narasaki Takeo ( HanShi ) a genuine Shaolin Disciple from Seta Gaya Ku. Can't see any name of Gosei (Farang ) from New Zealand on the Historical List from Shaolin...Oh well probably slipped their minds.

  3. Your intentions sound like you want to impart knowledge .

    I can't see a problem with that. Like I said before Good Luck with it.

    I only relax in Pattaya my wife and I are there to forget everything else, my advise is:

    " Do your own thing "


    I think you should know what that means


  4. the number of wild stray dogs in Thailand puts them up there with vermin and they should be treated and eradicated as such (flame time clap2.gif )

    Yes.. Round them up and put them down ( humanely ) Can we add to these all the badly cared for dogs that howl all night and the dogs that lazy owner let out to defecate in the moobahn around 6am everyday.. Oh and don't forget the dogs that clueless farangs buy for their 'girlfriend' who then abandons it once she is bored and the puppy is no longer 'cute'

    I'm amazed that so many self professed 'dog lovers' take such little care of their animals.

    I am assuming 'put them down humanely' refers to the dogs not the fervebt Farangs ??

    the number of wild stray dogs in Thailand puts them up there with vermin and they should be treated and eradicated as such (flame time clap2.gif )

    Yes.. Round them up and put them down ( humanely ) Can we add to these all the badly cared for dogs that howl all night and the dogs that lazy owner let out to defecate in the moobahn around 6am everyday.. Oh and don't forget the dogs that clueless farangs buy for their 'girlfriend' who then abandons it once she is bored and the puppy is no longer 'cute'

    I'm amazed that so many self professed 'dog lovers' take such little care of their animals.

    I am assuming by 'put them down Humanely ' you are referring to the dogs & not the Fervent farangs ??


  5. Visitors to Pattaya are all too frequently hustled by the proprietors renting chairs and umbrellas, jet skis, banana boats or parasailing. The tourists are also plagued with pick pocketing, chain snatchings and other types of crime, most of which happen on Walking Street and along Pattaya Beach.

    The Deputy Commander reviewed the policy given by the Commissioner of Royal Thai Police Bureau Region 2, Pol. Lt. Gen. Dr. Panya Mamen, which emphasizes that the police should make the safety of the people their first priority, and that all police, tourist police, marine police, immigration police and all volunteers, must work together 24/ 7 to deter crimes. Patrol points will be set every 300 meters with CCTV cameras and officers. Traffic on Pattaya Beach Road will be managed more efficiently


    This is a DREAM that could just become part of the nightmare

  6. I am a Senior SWAT / HRT Team & Master Interrogator Trainer & will be in Pattaya from late October. I haven't been there since 2010 usually every year for a few months . I assumed they were disbanded.

    I just relax when in Pattaya & have fun but Tac medic Training would be good for anyone on a Team.

    Nice of you to offer

    Because I'm a trained tactical medic as well. Just wanted to see if they wanted some training when I get there in Sept. Trust me, I know all the other attractions there, just a side gig!biggrin.png

  7. Could you ask the Indians/Pakistanis to write a warning in Hindi/Urdu/Punjabi and post it along the beach road? This would not be risky for the people putting up the notices because the jetski mafia can't read it and this could help many tourists and hurt the criminal jetski business.



  8. I find it absolutely fascinating that this Scam can generate a consistent interest with a plethora of recorded and witnessed incidents providing more than enough reason for Jet Ski Hire in Pattaya to be totally ceased full stop until there are enforceable Regs put in Place.

    But that is a normal procedure to eradicate an organised crime Scam so I guess that is not going to happen.

    Almost 700 replies to this topic over time and there were oither threads some years ago similar .

    The reality is that with the Funds generated by the Participants and the 'Blind Eye' supplied by authorities this will continue unabated and even if there is a Death it will not stop but will continue in another variation.

    It is similar to the Drug market "Too Much Money to be made"

    Sad but True


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  9. IMHO I doubt that a process generating millions of Baht annually will be eradicated, particularly when the Overseers of the Scams are sharing the spoils with the Organisations that are supposed to stop it.

    High profile arrests of unconnected Teens will not fool too many people I hope.

    Just appeared on Oz TV that a Female (Pauline Hanson) was able to purchase a complete set of Photo IDs in Bangkok in the name of Julia Gillard. Glad she didn't hire a Jetski in Pattaya it would have cost more.


  10. Had my first taste of action yesterday, to be honest I had been miserable thinking about it after reading everything on here about how people hated it etc. Anyway after a few minutes my mind was quickly changed. Everyone having fun, roasting hot day, playing in the water, drinking beer, men, women and children laughing, playing and having fun.

    Really does get on my nerves farangs trying to dictate what should happen in Thailand, when I was in england it would make me livid when you would have immigrants telling us that Christmas was offensive or that I cant do things this way because it offends people etc. If you dont like it go to somewhere that local tradition doesnt wind you up or just simply leave whilst songkran is on and let the thai people and farangs who want to join in the festives get on with it.

    What goes on in Pattaya or other farang intensive locations has not a lot to do with tradition. Tradition is when the children pay respect to their elders and is a charming occasion. Rightly or wrongly I blame farangs for turning what was a sensitive and respectful occasion into drunken mayhem - and the locals follow suit. Not a few offices and businesses in town close for a whole week causing disruption to many. As others have pointed out, those who participate in hurling water, which many would like assurances that it is potable, hardly qualify to be considered forming part of the intelligensia - which goes some way to explaining their brutal senselessness..

    Spot On

    Songkran in Pattaya is NOT the Traditional Thai Festival it is an excuse for Drunken Idiots to be more idiotic than ususal. But it's now entrenched


  11. rocky123

    You said it.

    If you want a real eye opener follow the sewage line cutting through Siam Bayshore Garden down to the outlet & you will see the source of some of the Film on the surface


  12. There are many Lawyers,High Ranked Military , Police , TAT Executives & Local experts who you can call . Please ensure you have a big fistful of BAht , but US Dollars may be a little better.

    Oh! by the way , once you have lodged the 'Formal' complaint I would be on some sort of rapid Transport out of the area


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