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Posts posted by dickyknee

  1. this survey basically says that people like what she is doing.

    they like the rice pledging, the new car program.

    they like the minimum wage too.

    so much for the conventional wisdom spewed here

    "people" as in 1275 people.

    and your point is what exactly

    proving to not know how polls work maybe

    my point? it's a very small sample. nothing proved.
  2. this survey basically says that people like what she is doing.

    they like the rice pledging, the new car program.

    they like the minimum wage too.

    so much for the conventional wisdom spewed here

    "people" as in 1275 people.

    huge percentage of the population for sure.

    1275/63000000 = 0.00002

    oops i'm wrong. 52.1% of 1275 people.

    so it should be "people" as in 664.275 people.

  3. The final paragraph of the 2007 Constitution, Section 309, legalises the coup of 2006 and all actions by the military junta prior to and after the coup which overthrew the TS government.

    It is the military's Get Out of Jail Free card. The fact that it affects TS criminal record is secondary.

    Changing the conversation is very neccesary for some agenda's.

    To see the Democrat Party come out so furiously in favor of maintaining the legal status of the coup and all actions by the military junta shows their affiliations. This association will affect them very negatively in future elections.

    Right now,Thaksin's politically motivated criminal record is the least of their problems. The alleged murder charges against their own leader is something they are also busy "changing the conversation about".

    I see changing the conversation is also necessary for your agenda.
  4. >"The media reflects the readers and the people who are consumers. The Thai media is not very big on getting ahead of public opinion," - This is a very meaningful quote from this speaker. It strikes me as meaningful not only from the perspective he is addressing, but in all things Political. Every time I inquire about why most people from the anti-Amart side of the political divide pay scant attention to the mainstream media, preferring their source, in particular Asia Update, I get the same response, "the domestic media is beholden to one side of the political divide due to its ownership linkages. Plus it is controlled by powerful elements of the anti-Red Shirt persuasion". By this, I reference print media, television and Public Opinion Polling.

    >This is an interesting point this speaker makes, and may reflect similar underpinnings. In addition to it being anti-Red Shirt and being ignored accordingly, is it viscerally anti-Southern issues as well? I am the first to admit I am not steeped in understanding of the Southern insurgent issues, but does the same apply in that instance, with respect to the orientation of the media with its' roots and influences? (344)

    a parallel could easily be drawn between the attitude in this response to the attitude Mr McCargo speaks of in the whole article - there are more important things to be concerned about.
  5. It is almost impossible to defeat any guerilla war by force. This one needs negotiations which have been lacking in any meaningful way.

    The Thai government is correct in my view not to describe them as terrorists. Acts of terror have been committed by both sides & there is no evidence of any 3rd party help.

    Ah yes, the Islamophobia attitude rears its ugly head. There are many insurgencies around the world, many Muslim (the ones that get western media attention) and others not. Painting them all with a broad brush displays a lack of understanding of what the reasons are behind each individal case.

    Let me say that I do have some support for the local people in the south, including the insurgents. However I do not agree with their tactics of targeting teachers & schools. Military & police is a different matter. As Mr McCargo says, the military should not be the ones in charge in the south, but then neither should a DPM who is afraid to even visit the area, with or without his ear medicine.

    "Let me say that I do have some support for the local people in the south, including the insurgents. However I do not agree with their tactics of targeting teachers & schools. Military & police is a different matter."

    So let me get this right, you're OK with some local people in the south attacking the military and the police but not the local thais and you call them insurgents.

    When you have the army shoot at and kill local unarmed thais in the north and some others fight back against the military you rage at them at every opportunity and call them terrorists?

    Am I missing something?

  6. And some interesting tidbits, it runs on diesel (Thielert Centurion Diesel engines on the older models or Diamonds own Astro Turbo diesels)

    The Royal Thai Airforce owns 26 of them as trainers!

    in short, the diesel engines are actually all Mercedes engines. Thielert went broke in the development, and diamond took over otherwise they were left with an aircraft without an engine.

    And they run Diesel engines, but actually run on jet fuel, not diesel fuel (though they can run diesel fuel with limitations)

  7. Yes, Amorn also does have (did have) amp clamps for a few hundred baht as well as brand name ones for 2-3k I think. Some also have multimeters built in today.

    Sucking eggs aside and for reference for non-sparkies, always check the meter across a known source before testing and also periodically resistance test the leads (should be 0 Ohmns).

    and to check the fuse, move the COM (black) lead to the Amps input (leaving the V (red) lead where it is) and put the meter on either continuity or ohms, touch the probes together and it should read close to 0ohms and/or beep if the fuse is good.

    and keep 1 hand in your pocket.

    there is some good reference (and marketing) stuff on the fluke website.

  8. Looks like a love bird, I would say that it is use to human contact, nice bird, I am sure it will make a great pet and give you years of enjoyment. Just a suggestion make sure you have some 'cuttle fish' or similar so that it can keep its beak in shape!


    that would be cuttlefish bone, not chopped up bits of cuttlefish from the fish market... i'm sure the bird wouldn't appreciate a live one.

    they love that stuff, it's good for them too.

  9. I
    Ahh but they are not birds, so if your from Oz should be an emu and a 28.
    sorry, I was quoting a Rodney Rude skit - pensioner eats pelican.

    for those easily offended I'd advise them NOT look it up.

    If your easily offended you might not want to look up Rodney Rude at all.rolleyes.gif

    Actually lived down the road from him in North Beach WA, jeez he made some money touring the goldfields and with LPs

    Always a Living next door to Alan fan myself.....

    I think that is Kevin B. Wilson you speak of, another not to look up.
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