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Posts posted by dickyknee

  1. Number 1 is of course still there. What Chicog may have attempted to say is that the part of Number 1 that is on the Eastern side of the small soi is currently not open; as it's low season there's no need. They did this last year too.
    I think you might find the original bar you speak of is slightly more permanently closed now. There isnt much left inside, its pretty much gutted.

    The bistro opposite is certainly still open.

  2. Rubbish to you also. The battery in my car in Chiang Mai is 7 1/2 years old and still working fine.

    agreed, there are lots of things that kill lead-acid batteries, air-conditioning (which runs off the engine, not the battery) and temperature aren't part of that equation.

    my RX7 in australia got 5 years out of the battery, was only dead because of a 3rd parties abuse. being a rotary engine, they are a bit picky about batteries/starting sometimes, and you risk flooding it if it doesnt crank hard-and-fast when cold. this is wankel engine related stuff, not pertineant to a honda.

    now back to the OP, if the engine cranks over and sounds as fast as normal, but wont start. not your battery.

    if it goes tik-tik-tik but the engine wont turn over, it is probably a flat battery. the solenoid is engaging the starter gear, but the battery doesnt have the power to turn the engine. maybe it needs a charge, but a discharged battery will shorten the life of the battery.

  3. http://www.agrimoney...good--5135.html

    The US dept of agriculture does not agree with you either.

    But <deleted> would they know

    this is getting silly.

    "The Australian wheat crop has been dismal" is what you said, because it is down on last years record crop (which is up over 30% from 2 year ago, and nearly 3 times what it was 6 years ago)... down to what? at worst - well above average? not dismal anyways.


  4. The Australian wheat crop has been dismal.

    down 11% on last year, the largest on record. 2012 comes in at the 4th largest year on record, the last 3 being the last 3 years.

    Get ya hand off it.



    Down 28% according to bloomberg West australian crop down 6 million tonnes from last year alone

    My hand is off it

    nope, your other hand has a firm grasp too.

    sorry, i'll edit... because it isnt obvious to some.

    now i quote year-on-year production figures for wheat in austraila...


    "will probably decline" from bloomberg...

    then you quote some bloke in Melbourne speculating on wheat in WA...


  5. Ok another noob question here but I hear there are some girly bars down by the night market. Where abouts and hat road? Are they on Chang klan? I'm usually all set on Loi Kroh but fancy tryij out some new ones this time and maybe even foxy lady and that other one silver star although I've heard some bad stories about the latter.

    probably chang klan road. there are a bunch of karaoke bars spread out along there.
  6. First we had k. Korkaew saying "a police officer had once told him" and then we have k. Jatuporn with "he learned from army sources".

    Now the questions, who's next and what will he have been told :-)

    It'll be Barney The Dinosaur, he's purple and therefore neutral, he will start with the old tried and tested "we know a song about this don't we" and all the children will sing along, the production staff who are paid with money from the coffers of BtD, which originated from the children anyway, will of course support this applauding merrily along and point a 9mm at anyone who isn't enjoying the show.

    Yes it's me.

    Yes it's me.

    Yes it's me.

    Oh yes it's me.

    Suck it up like children.

    Yes it's me.

    Barney the dinosaur? Not "meet the feebles"?
  7. I think that the Pheu Thai and The Red Shirts can only gain true credibility if they can really get rid of the ammart groups and also the thai chinese hisos that the Democrats have been supporting.
    all part of the reconciliation process.

    Did I miss some thing what reconciliation process?

    I have yet to see one step toward reconciliation. I have heard a lot of talk about it and seen the current Government claiming that a amnesty and reversal of existing verdicts on Thaksin is what is needed. But no effort to reach out to the opposition. Now they are going to have forums around the country with only PT and their sympathizers allowed to take part.

    As I said there is just the word . There is no process..

    you missed my sarcasm, and agreed.
    • Like 1
  8. 7/11

    For the beer, eye candy or both? unsure.png

    and friendly staff and regulars.

    Don't forget the stamps.....


    Jokes aside, there are a bunch of non-franchised convenience stores in town that fit above criteria.

    Cheap beer, table out front, regular customers, girls walking past every afternoon/evening dolled up going *where ever they go*.

  9. If he was shot by someone from the red side, it wouldn't matter what he was waving, as he was simply being used as a sacrificial lamb to increase tension and pressure on the government. I don't know that he was shot by the red side, but i don't know that he wasn't. And nor do you. So what is your point?

    are you listening to yourself? your implying they were killing themselves to make a point cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

    What on earth is funny about that?

    You don't think the leaders of the reds knew that the more fatalities there were on their own side and the more blood that was spilt on their own side, the more pressure the government would be under, both domestically and internationally? Or you think they did know but weren't capable of doing such a horrendous thing?

    Do I hear the X-files tune somewherewhistling.gif

    aliens did it?
  10. I used to frequently bring 2 or 3 bottles of wine from Australia, i had some pieces of PVC cut to length with caps then taped up to reduce the risk of breakage and leakage in my suitcase.

    I've stopped doing this, as my desire for wine can be filled locally.

    as also has been pointed out already, customs in Chiang Mai are a bit more vigilant.

    i have noticed that if you are coming through with a package, that looks interesting to them, they will x-ray it... but the last 2 times i came through, they did the package, but not the suitcase.

    other peoples experiences may be different.

  11. "Korkaew said he could confirm that no men in black were present among the red-shirt protesters"

    I guess he dosn't watch Utube much.

    Perhaps he means the 'black shirts' were not 'red shirt protestors' (who were peaceful despite being shot at) but rather a stand alone part of the equation

    or perhaps he means literally what he said.
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