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Posts posted by dickyknee

  1. Men have to be made more responsible. If DNA can prove it's your kid, then you have to pay a certain percentage of your salary every month to the mother for the child. (I know - probably would never work here)

    Sex education in school is vital. Teenagers, particularly boys, think about sex all the time. The chances are they're probably going to have it. Hand out condoms, etc, and make sure teenagers, probably some of the teachers as well, more aware of safe sex.

    takes 2 to tango.

  2. Don't know, possibly. I recon they would be the first go-to for stuff like that.

    I'm only quoting, was in there this afternoon to get some replacement hack-saw blades and the guy in front of me at the till was buying a ridgy-didge dremel... So I know they have dremels.

  3. i didn't say anything about about armed UDD

    I think its very suprising. 10,000 UDD armed UDD supporters providing security?

    Could you turn down the Hyperbole amplifier next time?

    i didnt say armed UDD supporters providing security, I said the PTP candidates mates were providing armed security. learn to read.

    Perhaps you could be more articulate in what you want to say but your statement clearly insinuates that the the PTP/Red Shirts were providing armed security. Any photos or statements in the media indicating that people were intimidated by these armed mates of PTP candidates? That would be nice to validate your hyperbole.

    my statement clearly states that it was the PTP candidates mates who were armed, not what you think it clearly insinuates.

    people with guns are intimidating, do i need to validate that?

  4. He said he noticed that Pheu Thai Party supporters were more confident in expressing their political opinions, while the Democrat supporters were not so expressive.

    with a 10000 PTP supporting red-shirts and the PTP candidates mates providing armed security at the polling stations, it this at all surprising?

    I think its very suprising. 10,000 UDD armed UDD supporters providing security?

    Could you turn down the Hyperbole amplifier next time?

    i didnt say armed UDD supporters providing security, I said the PTP candidates mates were providing armed security. learn to read.

  5. even to the point they had shit loads of red shirts intimidating at the polls.

    edited the rest of the non-pertintant-to-my-point out, the point i want to raise it wasn't just the red shirts intimidating, but the police as well with guns. number 9 was a very high ranking policeman... and within hours of loosing has resumed his previous posting as a very high ranking policeman.

  6. Great stuff WTK. Is there a way into the insides of the wall at Thai Pa Gate?

    By any chance are you one of the swimmers?biggrin.png

    I hadn't really noticed before, but after realising the gate was hollow i looked last time i drove past. on the western side "inside" of the gate there is an insets part on each side of the gate with stairs and door.


    (not mine, pulled off the web)

  7. Mind you if she came walking I feel sorry for her three young kids who came with her to vote too.

    No photo, but I would almost bet that the boy would be wearing sunglasses :-)

    Her 3 young children voted too?

    Well, I must admit 'young' is relative. All way past 21, but the oldest not yet 30 I think.

    ok, her 3 dependants then. I was unaware of how young they are.

  8. If your Australian plugs don't fit, you can always get an adaptor.

    I think you missed my point about them fitting the Australian plug, the power board is the adapter. Getting a power board that doesnt fit, then buying an adapter for every plug that goes into it is a bit silly.

    The Belkin ones I purchased are 3 pin in (2 rectangular power pins, and 1 round ground pin) which go into a thai 3-pin wall socket, to a 3, 4 or 8 international sockets with an illuminated switch and surge protection.

    300 something baht for the 3 outlet.

  9. I remember seeing a while back on the chiang Mai forum a good DIY on knife sharpening.

    I can't help with the OP as i do my own, but personally wouldn't put a good knife on a cheap stone from a hardware.

    Also, steels aren't for sharpening. They may help keep a good edge, but if the knife is blunt you need a stone.

  10. Please Google the word "methamphetamine". You may discover you have a lot to learn about that medicine.

    There is no methamphetamine problem in the US, or anywhere else (though I'm fairly certain you can only buy methamphetamine in the US - it is not available anywhere else in the world, apparently).

    The facts are as follows:

    Meth-amphetamine is produced by Lundbeck Pharmaceuticals.

    Meth-amphetamine is produced by no other pharmaceutical company.

    You're talking about a poisonous, addictive killer drug that the criminals who make it have labelled 'meth'.

    Personally, I do not consider the word of criminals to be synonymous with facts.

    It would appear that you do.

    Because you cannot claim that a substance is a medicine when it has not be subjected to regulatory controls.

    I didn't claim anything about medicine, no-one did except you. The topic spoke about illegal drugs, which don't exist apparently because they aren't being sold as medicines and you don't trust the people that sell them.

    Illegal poisons are sold in the inner city street corners of every major metropolitan city on the planet. Meth-amphetamine is a medicine.

    You will not be buying meth-amphetamine that isn't Desoxyn or a generic (which is supposed to be identical to the brand name med but I have a history with Alprozolam and Xanax and I'm telling you that I've never come across a generic which is the same as the brand name med - placebo effect, perhaps; but very unlikely). Meth-amphetamine is a wonder medicine that has been used for nearly a century and continues to be used right now without any negative side effects (unless abused, but you know you can have negative side effects if you abuse [insert any noun here]; did you know the damage you can do with a kitchen fork? We must ban kitchen forks TODAY!)

    I said that there is no meth-amphetamine problem in the world today. There has never been one. There will never be one. This is a fact. I'm sorry to have to be the one to tell you that the government and media lie sometimes. There is a poisonous drug problem where everyone is keen to take criminals at their word all of a sudden. How peculiar. Be that as it may, there is no meth-amphetamine problem in the world today. There has never been one. There will never be one. This is a fact.

    If you have been led to believe otherwise, you should question why you were lied to.

    that stuff you put in bold... actually, all that you typed... please back it up with something, you know a citation to make it resemble a fact, to at least uphold some intellectual honesty, and don't say because "I said" because that just makes people tired...

  11. Please Google the word "methamphetamine". You may discover you have a lot to learn about that medicine.

    There is no methamphetamine problem in the US, or anywhere else (though I'm fairly certain you can only buy methamphetamine in the US - it is not available anywhere else in the world, apparently).

    Well, you would be very much at odds with the facts

    The facts are what you are failing to recognise.

    The facts are as follows:

    Meth-amphetamine is produced by Lundbeck Pharmateuticals.

    Meth-amphetamine is produced by no other pharmateutical company.

    You're talking about a poisionous, addictive killer drug that the criminals who make it have labelled 'meth'.

    Personally, I do not consider the word of criminals to be synonymous with facts.

    It would appear that you do.

    fact is desoxyn is the brand name of methamphetamine produced by Lundbuck. Methamphetamine isn't the brand name, it is the name of the drug.

    Panadol is paracetamol, I purchased some paracetamol yesterday that wasn't panadol, was that too an unknown poison or paracetamol?

    Please explain how methamphetamine manufactured by anyone else, legally or illegally cannot be methamphetamine because it isn't desoxyn.

    Because you cannot claim that a substance is a medicine when it has not be subjected to regulatory controls. Did you buy your paracetamol from this guy?

    And if you did not, why wouldn't you?

    I didn't claim anything about medicine, no-one did except you. The topic spoke about illegal drugs, which don't exist apparently because they aren't being sold as medicines and you don't trust the people that sell them.
    • Like 2
  12. Please Google the word "methamphetamine". You may discover you have a lot to learn about that medicine.

    There is no methamphetamine problem in the US, or anywhere else (though I'm fairly certain you can only buy methamphetamine in the US - it is not available anywhere else in the world, apparently).

    Well, you would be very much at odds with the facts

    The facts are what you are failing to recognise.

    The facts are as follows:

    Meth-amphetamine is produced by Lundbeck Pharmateuticals.

    Meth-amphetamine is produced by no other pharmateutical company.

    You're talking about a poisionous, addictive killer drug that the criminals who make it have labelled 'meth'.

    Personally, I do not consider the word of criminals to be synonymous with facts.

    It would appear that you do.

    fact is desoxyn is the brand name of methamphetamine produced by Lundbuck. Methamphetamine isn't the brand name, it is the name of the drug.

    Panadol is paracetamol, I purchased some paracetamol yesterday that wasn't panadol, was that too an unknown poison or paracetamol?

    Please explain how methamphetamine manufactured by anyone else, legally or illegally cannot be methamphetamine because it isn't desoxyn.

    • Like 2
  13. Perhaps you lot should stop asking for chicken steak then.....ask for a fried beef steak or however you wish to pronounce it maybe you'll all get it.

    Who in their right mind calls a beef steak chicken steak...regardless of how it is culinary destroyed to appeal to the yankee taste bud.

    Its called chicken fried steak to some because its battered like fried chicken, can your mind wrap around that concept?

    Yank taste buds are better than eating some British dish called spotted dick or maybe some nasty ass hagus? or however you spell it. smile.png

    Dont get me started on that vegemite crap.

    Vegemite is Australian......I'd never spread that on my crumpet.wink.png

    vegemite is made by Kraft Foods, which is an American food company.
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