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Posts posted by cutethaigirl

  1. CTG - the strength of your statement implies you have insider knowledge for Siam Commercial - do you work in the banking industry?

    Your defiance level also suggests you vote TRT - is that also true, and if so, what is your opinion of Thaksin saying the Human Rights report (this week) is invalid?


    My statement is based on experience and a polite enquiry at the bank :D

    Have you really wasted 5 years looking at this and coming up with your conspiracy theory?

    So if i state a plain simple fact to try and help you in your question i love Taksin??

    Best be careful what i write :o


  2. They want next year 12 million people coming here, and in year 2010 they want 20 million coming in (or whatever their target is).
    In that number did they specify how many they want returning again and again on back to back 30 day Tourist Visas?

    THe previous posters points seem valid.

    Surely Thailand offers MANY visa types to those that want to stay longer.

    Seems the rules are quite clear and fair?

    And I would like to add. It never will!

    Whatever you guys says!

    Would you like to make a money bet on that :o ??

    <outside of Thai soil of course>


  3. Britmaveric and Khonangrit.

    Nice to hard to read two pages of jealouse criticism before reaching a couple of correct posts!

    No I don't Tata and neither do I think that songs such as 'Sexy, naughty, bitchy me' are doing any good to Thai culture - it's more western pollution teaching kids that it's cool to be a bitch and be nasty and screw around being unladylike.

    Celine Dion has a face like an ironing board and is married to Father Christmas and Beyonce has an IQ in minus figures and is good for nothing except for horny teenage boys to have a tug over; and, she's about about as interesting as an ironing board - but not quite the same - you can close the legs on an ironing board.

    What role models you have chosen Tata, well done.

    Who cares what you like. That is up to you.

    From some of the comments by others about you, you may appreciate about 1% of the income Tata is making.

    Not everyone likes the same thing, happily. If she can make money where does Thai Culture figure in the equation?

    She has chosen her path in life and good luck to her.

    It is quite normal for Thai population to forget Stars very fast so by going outside of Thailand at least she can fill the bank account a bit.

    By the side Mr Scamp who are your role models if you think Celine Dion is such a mess? :o

  4. Search the forum for the thread on bank accounts during last week.

    Tells you most.

    US banks charge to 'wire' not Thai to receive as such.

    Remember banks are businesses there for a profit and 4 months with a few 'checks' coming in may not be the most potential:-)

    Find the other thread for lots more.......

  5. Do not have any great thoughts towards Tuk Tuk but this statement is a bit crazy

    cant see the point of using them any more , bikes have made them unessesary

    How do you get two passengers and shopping on a bike????


  6. I am there most evenings during the week.

    I find it strange that the farang I have seen so far are not willing to strike up a conversation. Admittedly I have only spoken to two, and passed a couple without saying anything. Maybe it is a greng jai thing. I used to get a bit annoyed in Bangkok when someone would come up to me and say "where are you from mate?". Not anymore.

    I quit drinking 4 years ago, so don't go around the bars like I used to. That is how I used to meet fellow farang. Also being married and with a daughter doesn't allow it. If anyone is from the area, send me a message or come round for a drink/meal.

    Why not try a post at the Isaan Forum part of this site? Might find a few new friends.

    Both Udon and KK have a website that seem quite lively with Western Visitors.

    Hope that may help

  7. You're just a bit annoying. That's all. The point about Fuji is that plenty of Thai people will spend big money for good food. It doesn't have to be a vegetarian restaruant. It can start with a few quality veggie dishes on a regular menu.

    I am American. Kind of. Haven't been there for a long time and don't care for it at all.

    Go to Fuji. its good.

    A BIT? well that is ok as long as it is not a lot!

    I recommended Chiangmai Vegetarian Society and agree with Chanchao. The only way i will be going to Fuji, in Japan ot Chiangmai:-) is if someone else is paying.

  8. You brought to my attention that this place I'm living in is called Thailand. That's attitude.

    Go to Fuji. Its in CHIANG MAI. Therefore, IT IS RELEVANT TO CHIANG MAI. A meal for four of non-Thai food will run 1500-3000 baht. It is completley crowded every Friday, Saturday and Sunday. You have to wait 20-30 minutes to get a table.

    Mr CMT

    Apologies in part.

    Attitude as i said is your thinking probably because i guess you are American.

    The apology part>>

    Fuji i took as a place in Japan:-(( Really.

    I did not know that CM has such expensive food but are Japanese restaurant classed as vegetarian?

    Can recommend the Japanese near Nang Nual. Family of four eating there will get change from 1000B and be really full up.

  9. QUOTE 

    I will agree with the concept that the Thai Government doesn't seem to understand exactly why tourists come to Thailand. Like us, the tourists want to find the 'old' Thailand, not KFC......!

    Personally, I want both 

    As dfo many Thais, Ajaarn.

    Why do Westerners think that they should visit and country and see what THEY want to see rather than what the local people enjoy every day?

    Is conceited arrogance the right words?

    Mr Chanchao you make some very nice points too :o

    It is not all doom and gloom.

    Journalist visits CM.

    Writes. 'Yes all very nice, just like last time'. At 2 Baht per word no profit?

    All those 5 star hotels! Wow

  10. Chaing Mai has a great zoo already... yet no one comes to CM specifically to see it.

    Please can you define 'tourism'?

    Do you all just talk about some Westerners coming to visit CM?

    Go to the Zoo on a public holiday and look at the car registration plates. MOST of them are from outside CM but within Thailand. Check the figures that the Zoo published about their income this last year.

    All those people coming to the Zoo, dop they not spend money in CM and stay a few days as well?

    Look at any place in the world and you can see that it must be a good idea to have major attractions. How much tourism money would ??Anaheim in USA see if there was not Disney near by.

    Chiangmai is growing and i am 100% in agreement for growth but as a lot of valid points say the growth has to be controlled.

    The guy from Vermont - can you come to teach the Governor of Chiangmai PLEASDE:-)

    Notice in his excellent post that THE PEOPLE of Vermont wanted it.

    What do the ordinary people of Chiangmai want?

    As someone said there are some great new crossings in CM to make crossing the road, nobody is spending money whilst driving, for walkers. Watch the Thai driver all he cares about is himself and just keeps going.

    Look at the traffic. Look at the pollution. I do not know exactly but about 1 car, truck in every 1000 is throwing out black smoke, why because tyhe owner only cares about himself, the road infront of him is clear why worry about behind?

    Take those one cars off the road and pollution will ease??

    Saying CM is not the same as 20 years ago of course is true but do all Westerners expect to see people walking around with no shoes like 100 years ago, or all wood houses like 20 years ago.?

    Westerners and Thais actually LIKE and USE modern shopping centres, try building one from wood!! Isn't concrete the building material used the world over? Why not CM.

    There is one problem with CM development and that is an almost selfish attitude of thinking about only how to look after my own income.

    Solve that by ALL working together and CM will remain beautiful AND modern.

    It needs STRONG leadership from the Governor and money from the Government.

    You can knock Taksin all you like <boring> but the money is coming. Look at George latest post about pollution.

    Maybe all the non native CM people at this Forum can form an action group and suggest things to the Governor. Personally i think he WILL listen. He knows the way but has to change the mindset of the population.

    Man from Vermont come to be the Chaiman:-)


  11. No one can live on any one type of food day in and day out. I eat mostly Thai food when in Thailand, but also occasionally go for Italian, Japanese, Indian, or Chinese.

    How long would you last overseas without a nice plate of rice and some tomyam kung?

    I see :- :o

    Thank you

    Not long!!!

  12. acceptable

    you use that word a lot.

    Is it not a word that by definition reflects the opinion of the person that writes it?

    You make a point of saying how travelled you are over the years.

    Why do you visit Eastern Countries if you seek Pizza??

    Why not as the last poster suggested visit Italy?

    Curious :o

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