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Posts posted by cutethaigirl

  1. Guess it just depends on the branch.

    And the weather :D

    OPening an account is up to the bank like it is in ANY country.

    They are in it to make profit and if you come to Thailand for a few months holiday with cash (NAILU) and just want a safe haven for it with an ATM card you may struggle as you would in ANY country.

    Plan to be here a few years, retire or whatever and you MAY find isolated problems but generally a visit to a few banks anywhere wil obtain an account.

    IMO opinion it is a business decision by the institution involved.

    Refused? Smile and move on :o


  2. Hi

    Think that a copy of the passport is pretty acceptable these days as technically Thai law requires a foreigner to carry a passport.

    CM is nothing like BKK for traffic and a motorbike is a great option.

    Pasang can be reached on a bike as well.

    Not sure about the 'White Temple'. There are about 300 in CM area so you will not run out of them.

    I could not make the large pictures open at that link either but the whole place was definitely splendid. Supremely peaceful. You walk thru the first part, thru wear the mionks live, it is a training temple, and past the lake to the start of all the steps.

    Lamphun is worth half a day but half always struggled with food there. Mango on sticky rice 20b!! The BEST friend bananas anywhere are sold here too. So it is a picnic in the park each visit.

    The link i sent you has a lot of interesting days out to amuse.

    If you have never been up here and are a 'Bangkokian' be prepared to move house:-)

  3. There is a famous temple on a hiil south of Pasang. Fantastic especially if you walk around the lake and then up the 482 steps to the top of the 'other' temple.

    Here you go Pasang day out

    Pasang day out

    You can thank me later for this one:-)

    There are a few hotels in Lamphun town plus a very new one called Regent near the Northern Industrial Estate if you want up market.

    Anywhere in CM is convenient as it is nowhere near:-)


  4. These hotels should be listed and shamed.

    They do not deserve our custom.


    Do not give them it:-)

    Is that other posting real.

    This is Thailand and there are hotels that do not accept Thai people????

    Seems that it is about time Thai people started to make a bit more noise at these type of places.

    Can not imagine any other country in the world behaving like that.

  5. Firstly at no time did we imply that the hotel is racist but that dose not stop the staff from having there own attitudes that is the same all over the world.

    Who wrote the original title to the thread?? The R word is in there clearly.

    Computer viruses coming to you. Well that is a novelty. Bet no one else in the world gets them??

    You stated your case at the Hotel and the Mangaer apologised and tried to make ammends.

    Then you come to a public forum and have another try.

    Ajarn and the Manager at the MP seem to have gone to great lengths to state the full case.

    Personally think that you would struggle in a court of law with this one :o

    Incidents happen the world over. Serious is when they become repetitious.

    I am no great fan of the Mae Ping after visiting a 'free' concert at their Beer Garden to be presented with a 100 baht a head 'watch show' charge but reality is reality.

    Ajarn perhaps you could inquire of the MP policy on such charges?

  6. Pretend to look for "your licence". "Search" your pockets over and over. Reach under the m'cycle seat, flip through the user's manual and go over your pockets again. They get annoyed after a few minutes and u get the usual, "okayyy, okayyy..." laew pop gan mai (see u later) 

    Penzman if you can say that in Thai maybe your linguistic skills would be better employed at the local licence office. 55 Baht and half an hour or so and you are all legal..

    Say bye bye to any insurance protection without one! as somebody pointed out.

    If the Thai law says a bucket on the head is legal does that make it safe.

    Mr and Mrs foreigner please do not leave your common sense at the arrivals lounge:-)

  7. Helping the Tourist Police at concerts and around Tourist Areas IMO is cool enough.

    Undercover!!!! reported in the Local Newspaper! very undercover is VERY dangerous ground.

    There are many real undercover foreigners that work with the Thai Police and various Embassoies but they are real ones.

    Whatever is going on it Pattaya and the 'Jade' type case is very strange for sure.

  8. Have a look a JI-NET

    Far as i know they are the real thing

    Offering 256 at 1250 a month unlimited anf 512 at double.

    Had a chat with the girl in their new Pantip (chang Klan Rd ) store They have some pc's to play on too.

    Can not recall what floor but near the escalator at the southern end. Not to many shops in there to be confused with as yet;-)

    Jesus is anything ever simple here

    are you a missionary? :o

    Answer. Sure ring Loxinfo and it is simple...........but price:-)

  9. Hugh

    I am not the bearer of an easy answer but a clue:-)

    Are you familiar with the road out to Sattahip?

    A bit over half way on the right (sea) side near a set of lights and a larget casual market each time i have been that way at 5pm there are several people flying model planes.

    Best i can do.

    have you done a google search?

  10. Have to agree that my reply was meant to be funny at a poster that i belived to be from the US so sticking up for my friends from UK, teeth in cheek :o

    Seems to have gone a bit sour after all Dirk only wanted to know if people wanted to play with his soft balls not be attacjed?


  11. Yea, farangs are so wonderful, i should kiss the ground they walk on.

    I apologize for all Thai people in Thailand and say that we are very sorry that we do not come up to your high standards, once again, i am sorry.

    Buy you are not Thai so how can you do that? :D

    Comparing Thai and foreign building techniques is pretty irelevant.

    Good and bad with both.

    Be interesting to see the American exampled above after a few hours in 40 degrees of high humidity heat :o

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