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Posts posted by Nickymaster

  1. Seen a truck like this once, driving back to BKK from Nakhon Nayok.. Jawdroping experience.. Looked like a brothel on wheels..

    I have also seen a few of those party trucks with mainly teens dancing and hanging from the back. It's madness. I believe they do it this way because they are to young to go to a proper venue to have fun.

  2. It's pretty clear that the usual PTP/red-shirt supporters are anything from horrified to critical of Abhisit - a SNAFU.

    If he said what the biased interpreters & translators are saying - good on him, it really is about time he got down & dirty and started issuing a few home truths about the PTP, especially the controlling family. I could suggest a few far worse phrases that would accurately describe the leader.

    It's a real storm in a teacup and a good distraction from getting visas on arrival in Montenegro.

    It would indeed just be a storm in a teacup if insults and expletives, filibustering or throwing chairs in parliament, were the only events that we can argue about. Unfortunately though these just go hand in hand with accusations voiced on stages that the Red Shirts and the government were disrespectful to the monarchy (Suthep, Nipit Intarasomboon, etc), comparisons of Thailand's situation with Egypt and that Thais should stand up in the hundred thousands as in Egypt (O-tone Sathit Wongnongtoey).

    At the same time the with the Democrat Party openly allied PEFOT (or "People's Army") in Lumpini Park drew in vocational college students known for their violence, last Sunday about 1000 students came in a show to "protect the monarchy". The Sunday before the same students already attacked a Red Shirt caravan. Also it is quite clear the Democrat Party in strongly supporting the rubber protesters in the south (just watch Blue Sky, and you will understand that this is far beyond a normal political and issue-based support).

    While i still have difficulties to believe that the Democrat Party will be successful with their aim of ousting the government this way, it is quite clear though that the Democrat Party is attempting or intending to get rid of the government by any means, and whatever the cost. While i am rather sure that you applaude this, i am quite concerned. But then - different than you, i will be in the middle of the resulting chaos and not just watch it from the safety of sitting behind the screen.

    And apart from that, i would wish that the Democrat Party would concentrate on winning elections, as any other way of getting rid of an elected, and therefore internationally supported government would cause enormous social and economical instability. The shortsightedness of this tactic is that even if the DP would succeed in overthrowing this government - sooner or later it will come back to elections, which the DP is simply not ready to win without major internal changes. By insulting their opponents and accusing them of being disrespectful to the monarchy the DP will not be able to away PT supporters into voting for the DP - the history of the past 8 years has quite clearly proven that.

    I can only see blind hatred there, as expressed through the DP's increasing rudeness both on their stages and inside parliament.

    Also it is quite clear the Democrat Party in strongly supporting the rubber protesters in the south

    Is that bad? If they wouldn't do that you would probably say: "The Dems don't even care about the rubber farmers in the south"

    I asked you a few times why the government backtracked (within a week or so) from reducing the rice pledging price from THB 15,000 to 12,000. You still didn't answer that one. Maybe now you can?

    • Like 1
  3. It's pretty clear that the usual PTP/red-shirt supporters are anything from horrified to critical of Abhisit - a SNAFU.

    If he said what the biased interpreters & translators are saying - good on him, it really is about time he got down & dirty and started issuing a few home truths about the PTP, especially the controlling family. I could suggest a few far worse phrases that would accurately describe the leader.

    It's a real storm in a teacup and a good distraction from getting visas on arrival in Montenegro.

    It would indeed just be a storm in a teacup if insults and expletives, filibustering or throwing chairs in parliament, were the only events that we can argue about. Unfortunately though these just go hand in hand with accusations voiced on stages that the Red Shirts and the government were disrespectful to the monarchy (Suthep, Nipit Intarasomboon, etc), comparisons of Thailand's situation with Egypt and that Thais should stand up in the hundred thousands as in Egypt (O-tone Sathit Wongnongtoey).

    At the same time the with the Democrat Party openly allied PEFOT (or "People's Army") in Lumpini Park drew in vocational college students known for their violence, last Sunday about 1000 students came in a show to "protect the monarchy". The Sunday before the same students already attacked a Red Shirt caravan. Also it is quite clear the Democrat Party in strongly supporting the rubber protesters in the south (just watch Blue Sky, and you will understand that this is far beyond a normal political and issue-based support).

    While i still have difficulties to believe that the Democrat Party will be successful with their aim of ousting the government this way, it is quite clear though that the Democrat Party is attempting or intending to get rid of the government by any means, and whatever the cost. While i am rather sure that you applaude this, i am quite concerned. But then - different than you, i will be in the middle of the resulting chaos and not just watch it from the safety of sitting behind the screen.

    And apart from that, i would wish that the Democrat Party would concentrate on winning elections, as any other way of getting rid of an elected, and therefore internationally supported government would cause enormous social and economical instability. The shortsightedness of this tactic is that even if the DP would succeed in overthrowing this government - sooner or later it will come back to elections, which the DP is simply not ready to win without major internal changes. By insulting their opponents and accusing them of being disrespectful to the monarchy the DP will not be able to away PT supporters into voting for the DP - the history of the past 8 years has quite clearly proven that.

    I can only see blind hatred there, as expressed through the DP's increasing rudeness both on their stages and inside parliament.

    I see my hook has caught a fish. Red snapper?

    All the above rant says is that the Dems are stooping to red shirt methods to get rid of a hugely corrupt government. Anything that has happened recently pales into insignificance compared to what they had to contend with in 2009/10.

    But then - different than you, i will be in the middle of the resulting chaos and not just watch it from the safety of sitting behind the screen.

    I am not a supposed journalist or photographer and I will not interfere physically with any events that may take place but, like the vast majority of Farangs here, read, watch and view from a distance. No doubt you will be there on your chosen side making sure to obtain 'evidence' of partisan activity which fits into your agenda.

    You have chosen to do what you do and your attempt to belittle others who have a different opinion but a desire to see what is best for this country is just arrogant. It's a pity that you use your knowledge destructively instead of constructively.

    I am not a supposed journalist or photographer and I will not interfere physically with any events that may take place but, like the vast majority of Farangs here, read, watch and view from a distance. No doubt you will be there on your chosen side making sure to obtain 'evidence' of partisan activity which fits into your agenda.

    Correct. Nick has met the notorious Men In Black, forgot to take pictures (or lost them) and didn't report them to the authorities. He even said that they were a bunch of friendly people.

    He has never criticized Yingluck. Last time I asked him what he thought about Yingluck he answered: "Not up to me (or who am I) to judge her".

    This country is in such a big mess. I believe Nick can see that too. It is completely mismanagement because everything is done for Thaksin and to make their friends and families rich. Nothing for the people. And Nick never criticizes this PT/Thaksin/Red shirt group.

    By now it is clear what his favorite group is I guess.

    • Like 2
  4. So are they Pro red, neutral or Pro yellow?

    Does it really matter? What matters most is that they are factual in their reporting.

    I often wonder about this obsession with so called "neutrality". If too much effort is made to appear "neutral" often facts can easily fall under the table, when uncomfortable facts make one appear not neutral. I would put more importance on objective reporting - which means that facts have to be corroborated.

    It's all in the eye of the beholder - for a Democrat Party follower Khao Sod may appear "Red".

    I prefer to pick and chose from all sources regardless of perceived color affiliation, and look at how factual the reporting is. Khao Sod, while definitely more friendly towards "Red", is very well within the frame of ethical reporting when it comes to facts, and corroboration of facts.

    In all developed countries different high quality papers have different editorial positions, some may be more conservative, some more left leaning. Readers will be given a wider choice of educating themselves. What is important is that these papers stay within the frame work of ethical reporting - which means that certain basics have to be observed, such as corroboration of facts, protection of sources, etc.

    I have done some research. Asked almost every Thai person I met the last 24 hours. Khaosod is definitely pro red (to say the least) But you, sort of, also explained that too.

  5. Why does the government NEED to borrow the money?

    It has all the money from the rice sales (so they say), it has untold billions in the foreign reserves it can use.

    It doesn't account to ANYBODY how much money is gets from the sale nor how much it spends so what IS the problem?

    I don't think they (government) really borrow the money because that would affect it's Government debt/GDP ratio. Currently at about 45% and 49% (forecast) at the end of this year. http://www.tradingeconomics.com/thailand/government-debt-to-gdp

    They let the BAAC (bank) give the money to the farmers and the governments guarantees for paying back (rice as collateral AND taxpayers as collateral LOL). That's why the BAAC is getting nervous because since the government doesn't sell enough rice, it can't repay the bank. Large amounts outstanding.

    Something like this I believe. Please anyone correct me.

  6. Just saw a very nice one on a Thai site for 255k. 2012 9k km.

    Don't know the used market but seems good for a bike that was 400k before last year's tax hike.

    That must make a very nice city bike.

    I think that the bike might not have been registered ie no plates, only invoice or something.

    Bike with those option would have been close to THB 500k new if bought from Ducati Thailand.

    No its like i said the 255k is just a downpayment; monthly payments to be paid off.

    Many offers are like these to catch fools...

    I know how it goes, been here for a few decades and have owned 9 big bikes.

    The bike is 1-1.5 years old. New price (no extras) about 400K. Downpayment at the time was 50,000 THB. Monthly payments were about 8,xxx/ month (48 months).

    A down-payment of 255k (for a 795) doesn't make a lot of sense knowing the age of the bike and how things get financed here.

    You have the link to the offer?

  7. Just asked around in my office and people tend to believe that Khaosad is Pro PT. Let me investigate further. Personally I have never heard them criticize Yingluck's performance.

    The explanation they are now giving is even rubbing it in more. I hope you are right and that this is neutral reporting. That would be interesting.

    The Democrat Party accuses both Matichon and Khao Sod of being "bought" by Thaksin. This makes coverage of Democrat Party stages and protests by journalists from these papers and affiliated cable TV stations very dangerous. They have to remove any insignia from their papers before working there.

    Both papers, but especially Khao Sod, have earned the wreath of the Democrat Party after the 2010 mess, when they made an editorial decision in the immediate aftermath of Rajaprasong to accurately report on the deaths of the protesters, which most other media outlets have avoided to. Also now, Khao Sod covers the court inquests into the 2010 deaths closer than any other paper, and sends reporters to most cases, which are often ignored by most other papers, or only mentioned at the sentencing day.

    It was also part motivation, as was explained to me, in Khao Sod introducing their English language website, as they did not want to leave the field of English language local news anymore solely to the Post and the Nation, which have at times both a very strong pro-establishment slant. I am very glad about Khao Sod's English language version as it gives a counter position in the traditional local media now also accessible to foreigners.

    So are they Pro red, neutral or Pro yellow?

  8. The Democrats went on to say that Pheu Thai female MPs often took the opportunity to unnecessarily use gender issues to attack political rivals. Now, they were using sarongs as their shields, the Democrat MPs said.

    I agree. Often when people criticize Yingluck you have those drama queens that come out and say; that is not a nice thing to say about woman.

    • Like 1
  9. Just saw a very nice one on a Thai site for 255k. 2012 9k km.

    Don't know the used market but seems good for a bike that was 400k before last year's tax hike.


    That must make a very nice city bike.

    I think that the bike might not have been registered ie no plates, only invoice or something.

    Bike with those option would have been close to THB 500k new if bought from Ducati Thailand.

  10. Easier to hide from duties and responsibilities (and the press) when outside of Thailand.

    She loves going abroad and give speeches. Just read from a piece of paper, walk around with your nose in the air, smile and don't answer any questions thumbsup.gif . In democratic Thailand it's a bit more difficult (but as she has proven not impossible) to avoid answering questions and having a good old debate with people who have a different view/opinion.

  11. Aren't these Khasoad guys pro Reds/PT and against Abhisit/Dems in general? Might that have affected the way they have translated Abhisit's words?

    Not really. They've been quite critical of the PTP at times .(Justifiably so on some issues too.) They do have a tendency to be "neutral" and I suppose some foreigners see that as being "pro".

    Just asked around in my office and people tend to believe that Khaosad is Pro PT. Let me investigate further. Personally I have never heard them criticize Yingluck's performance.

    The explanation they are now giving is even rubbing it in more. I hope you are right and that this is neutral reporting. That would be interesting.

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