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Posts posted by Nickymaster

  1. Pure evil, the lies she is coming out with on these foreign jollies. Honestly, its like having Charles Manson give lectures on responsible prenatal care.

    So she is "pure evil", and you compare her to Charles Manson? Somebody who went on a murder spree slicing people to death, including a pregnant woman? What a sick individual you must be. And just look at all the soft lads 'liking' your post! There are certainly some sad people on this forum!

    Uhhh. I didn't see it the way you see it. He is NOT comparing the person Yingluck with the person Charles.

    I think Jaidam is suggesting that certain people should not preach certain things. Especially if they don't practice it.

    "Honestly, it's like having Charles Manson giving lectures on responsible prenatal care". Of course he is comparing her to Manson. You must be a bit thick if you can't see that! Were you one of the soft lads who agreed with him?

    Still don't see it your way buddy! Sorry!

    I don't remember if I agreed with him. You can't find out yourself? Let me know if you need help, it 's not that difficult.

    • Like 1
  2. Pure evil, the lies she is coming out with on these foreign jollies. Honestly, its like having Charles Manson give lectures on responsible prenatal care.

    So she is "pure evil", and you compare her to Charles Manson? Somebody who went on a murder spree slicing people to death, including a pregnant woman? What a sick individual you must be. And just look at all the soft lads 'liking' your post! There are certainly some sad people on this forum!

    Uhhh. I didn't see it the way you see it. He is NOT comparing the person Yingluck with the person Charles.

    I think Jaidam is suggesting that certain people should not preach certain things. Especially if they don't practice it.

    • Like 1
  3. Nice saga smile.png. Is the new phone working flawlessly now? How about the photos in the old one?

    I do advise you to get your photos automatically uploaded to a private album on Google+.

    I do hope that I have inspired you a bit to be more daring in demanding and hope your daughter is happy now.

    Yes thanks for the moral support wai2.gif. I have been reminded that it still does work to get angry now and then smile.png . The moment that really puled the trigger was when the guy at HTC told me (after 3 weeks of no news) that everybody had to wait, not only me. That was too much.

    Phone is working well. Its new, it better be!! Unfortunately photos are lost but my daughter is very happy again!

    Will certainly investigate the Google+ option.thumbsup.gif


    Female Pheu Thai politicians press for Abhisit's apology

    The Nation


    A Pheu Thai MP shows a sarong she is prepared to give Abhisit if he does not apologise for mentioning "stupid woman".

    More than 10 Pheu Thai female MPs led by Sunee Luaengvijit, Plengmanee Rengsomboonsuk and Kattiya Sawasdiphol pressed for an apology from Opposition leader Abhisit Vejjajiva.

    Abhisit was criticised heavily after he mentioned the word "stupid woman", referring to the Smart Lady reality-show contest, a project under the government’s Thai Women Empowerment Fund. Addressing a school in Yan Nawa in Bangkok, he said that there would be no contests to find stupid women.

    Sunee said that society will decide if Abhisit is mature.

    "Khun Abhisit should show that he has the gentleman quality and he should apologise for saying so. If he does not apologise, we will send him a sarong. Even though Abhisit did not make direct reference to Prime Minister Yingluck (Shinawatra), but his rough remark affects women in general, Sunee said.


    -- The Nation 2013-09-10

    Ladies, don't feel so insecure please. Abhisit was not talking about ALL ladies, supposedly only 1.

  5. And then the question is Mr. Abhisit "What has been done during your PM period " Absolutely nothing !! Only hunting Khun Thaksin around the world and damaged the reputation of Thailand ! You waste millions and millions of baht for nothing !!!!

    And what is this government wasting not millions but billions of baht on? Exactly, whitewashing Thaksin.

    All the billions they are spending on this rice scam, and the fact that they don't want to pay directly to the farmers but to the traders, is only done to keep Thaksin alive. If only you knew.

  6. I think he was rather constrained considering. A woman that is willing to send a country to ruin and civil war for the sake of her cowardly fugitive brother's face and power. He nailed it!

    Seems to me it is Abhisit and his so-called "democratic party" that likes to STEAL the government which almost lead to civil war, and protesters, army generals, reporters will be SHOT, men woman children, SEND IN THE TANKS, yep that's your so-called democratic party.

    now the so-called Democrats like to throw chairs around in parliament, get into fist fights with police in parliament, insulting woman, and profiling northern poor farmers as uneducated rabble,

    Well i think I know just WHO is the educated but very STUPID man is,

    as for the PM well she is a successful business woman before being the PM, and far more successful than YOU I'll wager.

    as for the PM well she is a successful business woman before being the PM, and far more successful than YOU I'll wager.

    Really? I didn't know that. I know she had money but being a successful business woman I didn't know.

  7. We have seen those polls before the Bangkok governor election. Do you remember what really happened?

    Dem supporters tend not to go public with their political preferences as much as PT tend to do.

    I am not saying PT is not going to win but be careful with polls in Thailand because they don't always say it all!!

    IMO, I prefer Yingluck to finish her 4 years term. Only then we will know how good she really is.

  8. Ms Yingluck added that she had to personally protect democracy from non-democratic people, bearing in mind that democracy, human rights, justice system and rules of law were universal values that bind people and different nations together.

    Yingluck, if you claim to be protecting democracy, why didn't you allow Sam Rainsy to enter Thailand a few months back?

    (Cambodian opposition leader Sam) Rainsy had been set to launch his new book "We Didn't Start the Fire: My Struggle for Democracy in Cambodia" at the Foreign Correspondents Club of Thailand Wednesday night, but said from Singapore yesterday that he had been turned away by immigration


    Yingluck, were you afraid of this?

    Looking at the situation optimistically, with 55 seats in parliament, the opposition is the strongest it has ever been. As a result, Hun Sen, the ruling strongman for nearly three decades, has been considerably weakened already.


  9. Whhaaao, they have a budget of Bt21 billion for the rubber farmers and Yingluck said last week that she hoped for understanding from the public because it was "the best this government could do under the current economic situation"

    Meanwhile in the real world....

    BANGKOK, 3 September 2013

    Cabinet approves 270 billion baht for this year's rice pledging scheme

  10. Smart move by Mr. Abhisit. He learned from those PT guys how to wake up and motivate the people. As long as there is truth in his statements it will positively affect his popularity.

    Remember that around 40% of this country hate Thaksin and Yingluck. Looking at some latest local election results and the fact that Thailand is currently sinking like a rotten ship, Abhisit will come out stronger. One day the Thai people will be in need of somebody to clean up the mess that PT is leaving behind while they plunder this country.

  11. Mr. Abhisit is walking on thin ice when he resorts to insulting the PM. It is a political blunder because the comment will accomplish the following;

    1. Reinforce the public impression that the Democrats are desperate.

    2. Encourage sympathy for the PM, especially from women, a demographic the Democrats do not do well with. Many professional families have daughters who are taking over the family business. The PM has made strong inroads with this segment of the Thai business class.

    3. Encourage comments to bubble up in respect to Mr, Abhisit's lack of masculinity, including his entourage of "purples". The comment comes off as "catty".

    4. Cause an unnecessary distraction from the issues at stake, and we will now be treated to a sideshow arising from Mr. Abhisit's inability to conduct himself in a civil manner.

    5. He will be reminded of the fact that despite all of his advantages, he was still beaten by the "airhead" woman.

    In polite Thai society, one does not make such comments in public. He comes off as low class and a sore loser.

    The clock is ticking on the man who was unable to win the office of PM by way of a general election victory. He's a lame duck leader now.

    Abhisit is just saying but many are thinking. He is angry that this country is being destroyed by this useless lady. He will be liked for that. The one walking on thin ice is the unqualified hypocrite PM who is running away from her responsibilities again. Thailand is in a really bad shape with loads of problems and the PM ran away from them (again).

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