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Posts posted by Nickymaster

  1. Montenegro! well lots of mafia, human trafficking, need we say more!

    Maybe she is going there to meet brother Thaksin as he is a Montenegrian with a Montenegrian passport?

    Maybe she is going to collect her passport? Why would a Thai PM visit such a small and insignificant country? Taksin has a house there, but apart from that?

    Maybe, the PM and the clone having a Goverment meeting in Montenegro as Thaksin has been thrown out of Dubai.

    That is correct. Thaksin has until the end of the year to leave Dubai. Dubai is not happy with the fact that he uses their country as a base to get involved in Thai politics. The terrorist threat video is not going down well in muslim Dubai too.

    He is already trying to settle in Beijing and if that doesn't work he might go to Montenegro.

  2. How much more 'connected' can you get than having a senator who is married to a MP?

    Unless it's their mia noi...! smile.png

    Might be worth introducing a one MP or senator per family rule here. Can't do any harm that's for sure.

    Think about it.

    If you are independent from your brother and he was an MP, this means that you would be denied your personal right to be a senator.

    This is wrong.

    And if you are NOT independent from your brother, then what?

    If your brother is a congenital idiot but still qualifies should he, his wife, his eight children, you, your wife and your six children ALL be allowed to become MPs and Senators?

    That would be EIGHTEEN just from one family.

    Now please remind me once again how many of Thaksin's family and in laws are current or former MPs?

    The only thing gk does is promote Thaksin and his PT machine. I doubt he will answer your questions.

    Where have I seen this before!? Have to go now my plane is leaving.

  3. The Kingdom's low fertility rate of only 1.6 children per household could result in a lack of labor in the future, Terdsak warned.

    Lack of labor is not an issue, lack of qualified labor is an issue. I think it is better to have 1 properly educated child than 2 or more low educated children. Unless of course you are an old school farmer.

    You think the 10 million Burmese laborers imported to Thailand are educated? What a joke post. Thailand needs grunt labor for construction, service jobs and factory work. They are not going to invent new computers or space ships yet.

    You think the 10 million Burmese laborers imported to Thailand are educated?

    No, that's why I said : Lack of labor is not an issue.

    Thailand needs grunt labor for construction, service jobs and factory work. They are not going to invent new computers or space ships yet.

    And in between those two groups is a big shortage of educated labor.

    Don't waste my time if you have no idea what you are talking about and on top of it don't even know how to read.

  4. That's the result of having double standards. And remember the famous words of Deputy Prime Minister Pladprasop "Don't expect too much support from PT if you haven't voted for them".

    And when the going gets tough, the tough gets going again. The leader of this country is leaving again for another week to catch some last warm days in Switzerland and Italy before the summer comes to an end. Cost to Thai taxpayers approx. 10 million dollars/trip.

    What a mismanaged country this is, unbelievable.

    • Like 2
  5. Because all the foreign pedophiles caught in Thailand and Cambodia are white males, all old white males must be marginalized?

    Because all the homeless foreigners in Thailand are white folks, stopping every pauper from the west from entering the kingdom should be enforced?

    I have seen a black pedophile and a black homeless person in Thailand. Please stop generalizing.

  6. Personally, I'm good with everything if Thaksin's crimes aren't white washed. Either he stays away forever or if he comes back, he serves time. No amnesty for him.

    Why on earth do you care if he gets amnesty or not? Has he personally harmed you in any way?

    I can't fathom why people here are so concerned one way or another with a matter that is nothing to do with us and over which we have zero influence.

    We do have some influence. Same as the media has influence. I bet you that if The Bangkok post and The Nation would have been pro-Thaksin, he would have been back already. One of the main reasons PT lost the BKK Governor elections is because the media said that Jutuporn would became Pongsapat's deputy. PT never killed that story. That made many people cast their vote, it helped Sukhumband a lot because Jatuporn is not liked by many Bangkokians. .

    I am concerned about many things even if the issue doesn't affect my life. If we don't discuss it on social media (for example) the issue might be forgotten.

    You'll be surprised how much influence the media and we the public have over situations.

    • Like 1
  7. "The intent is to destabilize and to embarrass the government under the guise of a legitimate protest."

    Wrong ... it is a truely legitimate protest. Why should rice farmers get paid way above market value for their crops but the rubber farmers get nothing?

    The rubber sector is to receive 20 billion baht.

    You must be quite the wealthy chap to dismiss it as "nothing".

    Depends who the "sector" is.

    20 Billion for the rubber sector is about 2.5 % of what the rice sector has received. Not bad for a sector that contributes more to Thai exports than rice. blink.png

    • Like 2
  8. Plodprasop said he expected more than 100,000 people, especially those living in affected areas, to join the hearings, adding that their opinions would be studied before the government goes ahead with the construction. "Adjustments will be made according to their opinions and concerns," he said.

    Three weeks Pladrprasop said that the contracts will be signed in October.


    Does that mean sign contract first and make adjustments later? If so, I don't think that is what the court meant. And how about those environmental and health impact assessments?

  9. The rubber problem in the South is genuine, and the government thus far has all but ignored it. This MP was right to demand action. The irony is, by being tossed out of parliament, the speaker has thrown a spotlight on the issue they were all trying to avoid.

    What is genuine is that the Democrats have incited and supported the southern rubber protestors.

    I find it odd that the very same people who have criticized the government's rice pledging scheme, want the government to offer subsidies to rubber farmers on a basis that exceeds the subsidy rate per rice farmer. The Southern rubber growers are not a vital component of the Thai export economy as are Thai rice growers. If one disapproves of the rice pledging scheme, how can one then support the demands for a handout to the rubber growers?

    You are very wrong, rubber exports are almost twice the value of rice.

    The export value of natural rubber between 2010 and 2013 averaged $9.3 billion a year, compared with Thai rice at an average export value of $5.3 billion a year, statistics show.

    I suppose now you'll change your stance, no?

    I was anticipating your response and I confess, I was setting up the person who was going to respond.

    Yes, I am aware of the importance of Surat Thani as the largest of all of the rubber producing regions. However, the second largest region and almost as large as Surat Thani is Songkhla. It is also where much of the rubber processing factories are located. How come it is relatively quiet in Songkhla?

    Do you think it is because the the locals are not easily manipulated by the Democrats? Or do you think the Thai government support of 15 billion baht to help rubber businesses upgrade their machinery is going help the Songkhla region and thus has earned the support of the Songkhla producers and processors? The additional 5 billion baht to help rice farmers invest in rubber processing is certainly of interest to the other rubber producers.

    The protestors are mostly from Surat Thani and whether they are happy or not, is not a major concern. If a few of them go out of business, it will be good for the Thai industry in general as demand for Thai rubber from one of its largest markets, China, has shrunk over the past year. A glut of rubber on the market will keep export prices low. Rather than subsidize, the goal should be to retire some of the plantations, particularly those that have encroached on the protected land areas.

    If a few of them go out of business, it will be good for the Thai industry in general as demand for Thai rubber from one of its largest markets, China, has shrunk over the past year.

    Your philosophy also applies to the rice farmers I guess.

    Don't you think it is better to let 50% (or whatever the market decides) of the rice farmers go out of business instead of pumping 200 billion a year into the scheme. Let the market decide the price and if you are too expensive you should go bust. Effectively the government is destroying the rice producing sector by making the rice farmers lazy. Those rice farmers can never become efficient anymore. Supply from other countries will keep on increasing and will be offered at a lower price..

    • Like 2
  10. Such a bunch of cowards those PT guys. Especially the "neutral" house speaker. Everybody supporting PTs action is supporting the creation of a police state. Only crooked minded people will support such action.

    Yeah come on Thaksin, show them who is boss. Your eternal friend Hun Sen will be proud of you.

    Does anybody know when house speaker Somsak is going to England again with a whole delegation to watch a soccer match paid for by the tax payers?

    • Like 2
  11. I picked up the phone yesterday evening. I went to the counter, and showed my receipt to the lady. A few minutes later she came back with a phone. She asked me to inspect the phone. I did and everything looked fine. The phone had a thin plastic cover on the screen with a serial number sticker on the inside of the plastic. I didn't think to much about it and told the lady it looked ok and she asked me to sign for receipt. When I signed the receipt, I saw that there was some Thai handwriting on it. They had crossed out some numbers and had written new numbers on it. I quickly took a picture of it with my own phone (the HTC is my daughter's). I asked somebody to look at the Thai handwriting and it seems that they made the decision to replace my phone on Aug 28, 1 day after I called them and told them that there service was crap and that I was willing to wait for 1 more week....

    So on Aug 27 they were still waiting for spare parts from Taiwan, on 28 they made the decision to give a new phone, and 30 the new phone was ready.

    At the end they still messed up a bit by forgetting to call me to tell me the "good news".

    I picked up the phone yesterday evening. I went to the counter, and showed my receipt to the lady. A few minutes later she came back with a phone. She asked me to inspect the phone. I did and everything looked fine. The phone had a thin plastic cover on the screen with a serial number sticker on the inside of the plastic. I didn't think to much about it and told the lady it looked ok and she asked me to sign for receipt. When I signed the receipt, I saw that there was some Thai handwriting on it. They had crossed out some numbers and had written new numbers on it. I quickly took a picture of it with my own phone (the HTC is my daughter's). I asked somebody to look at the Thai handwriting and it seems that they made the decision to replace my phone on Aug 28, 1 day after I called them and told them that there service was crap and that I was willing to wait for 1 more week....

    So on Aug 27 they were still waiting for spare parts from Taiwan, on 28 they made the decision to give a new phone, and on the 30th the new phone was ready.

    At the end they still messed up a bit by forgetting to call me to tell me the "good news".

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