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Posts posted by Nickymaster

  1. Comparing the MTS 1200 to the SMC 690. That's not easy. Or I should say very easy because they are 2 completely different bikes. For example, The MTS has double the amount of HPs.

    I tested the SMC and it's very small. It has a very narrow seat too. I couldn't justify paying so much money for it here in LOS.You basically pay for a big bike but get a medium bike. Love the brand but KTM is too expenses here. Instead I bought the Thai assembled MTS. Much better value for money. If my weight would have been around 70 kg I would have thought about it twice but would still have gone with the MTS. I weigh100!! so the decision was very very easy.

  2. Absurd muppetry. It's time to accept, like it or not, that Clan Shinawat will be ruling Thailand for the next few generations, there is no other alternative. If anybody other than Thaksin's nominee and puppet wins a general election there will be hell to pay. Think about it. Non redshirt candidate actually wins the next general election. Do the red shirts accept this? What will Thaksin tell them? Its OK we lost fair and square, suck it up and give them a chance. No, there will be well funded havoc until the chosen one takes the reigns again.

    Let's all pray for Khun T's health and long life, after all this cult of personality has been carefully cultivated around him only, in my opinion his biggest mistake as regards their clan's goal. Without Thaksin this whole "grassroots movement" will cease to be. Food for thought.

    Don't be so glum. The Democrats are the primary opposition party and have their baggage arising from corruption and a close relationship with the army. A great many people who are opposed to the PTP find the Democrats just as repugnant.

    Sooner or later, a real opposition party will arise and it will most likely be comprised of Democrats and PTP members who want real change and an end to corruption. The issues with Thaksin are just a blip in the establishment of responsible government. Change will come, and it may be delayed until the country has an historical event in a the next few years...,.,

    As long as Thaksin has billions to spend, many Thais will kiss his ass. Why you think he is in such a hurry for the contract with K-Water to be signed. This will create huge kick-backs for him.

    There will only be change in Thailand when the Thais say: "We don't need your money we want what is best for this country". The Thais have to do it. No anti corruption office in Thailand can be taken serious and can really stop corruption. It might take a long long time before the mindset of the people has changed. In the meantime it will be Thaksin buying everything and everybody he needs.

    Money talks in LOS and and it won't change anytime soon.

    Thaksin is making a deal with the biggest enemy of the Red shirts, the army, as we speak.

    • Like 1
  3. Why has Emma Thompson the British actress been invited to this forum. What does she know about Thailand? What does she know about politics?In fact,what does she know about anything?

    She has acted in a couple of movies and some comedy sketches. I just dont understand why an actress should be on a political forum. Thailand should decide itself what their future is going to be.

    I know Shakespeare said,"The world is a stage and we are all actors" but this is taking it too far.

    Hey come on, she is a lady and she most probably is going to say good things about this government's actions to achieve reconciliation (uh amnesty for Thaksin). That's all this government needs at the moment.

    • Like 1
  4. Another desperate effort to push the controversial 68,400,000,000 USD infrastructure scheme through.

    Did Yingluck also say that the market price of rice will double next year?

    Besides being a popular tourist destiny for the Chinese, there is not much that Thailand can offer in terms of business opportunities. In fact, China is "stealing" a lot of business from Thailand. Especially in the fabrication sector.

  5. I suppose they have every right to make a complaint if they feel they should. What will be interesting is whether the Ombudsman get as quick a result as he has when asking about a certain persons passport which I believe is in the middle of another 30 days limit to answer questions.

    We're at Day 359 from when Yingluck was told to revoke the illegally issued passport to her brother.


    No we are not.

    There was NO order given.

    The ombudsman's office gave a non binding recommendation worded as a SUGGESTION. If there had been an order, the Democrats and military junta sympathizers would have brought legal action to enforce the order.

    The post is another example of the misleading statements which speak to the character of the foreigners who constantly criticize the government.


    Returning a passport to a criminal fugitive who has sponsored and ordered his followers to commit acts of terrorism which resulted in the loss of many lifes is wrong. Since the foreign minister is Thaksin's cousin it's understandable that they will employ every trick in the world not to revoke it.

  6. Why is he so concerned with the democrats? Tony Blair and that actress (Lindsay Lohan?) are coming to save the day soon biggrin.png

    Never fear the white mask group (numbering about 20) rally outside British Embassy including 2 thaivisa members probably.


    That must be the reason the police always prepares thousands of police and security personnel to control them. Yeah I know Thakland is a in the process of becoming a police state but it's still a lot for 20 peaceful protestors.

    • Like 1
  7. While Tony Blair is in Bangkok, Yingluck will be in China. Soo disrespectful. But Yngluck has no choice. She has to leave Bangkok after she told the rubber farmers to go f... themselves and accept market prices for their rubber.

    This will be a first....I am defending YK....not disrespectful at all...He is a former PM, she is a current...PM, dipolmatically no problem...

    I do have 1 request....could the BiB be so kind as to release their collegues who they arrested for the Italian job, and tell them there is a British Gentleman with lots of money coming to Thailand who they could hold hostage for ransom and preferably not release him....tongue.png

    Get your point on diplomacy but is this forum not her idea? She told the press that she had initiated it. Therefor I still believe she should be present.

    Have to correct myself. Just read that Yingluck IS joining in the morning and will leave for China in the afternoon. She will be there when Blair is going to do his thing.

  8. I'll be interested to see what the report is concerning the army buying these golf ball finders. Which General Halftrack will they pin it on?

    I believe the reason they have re-opened this investigation is to put a little more pressure on the army before they are going to meet Thaksin in London next week to discuss retirement packages and most probably a new candidate to replace Prayuth next year.

  9. Pheua Thai claiming the Democrats are tarnishing the country's image! 5555555

    Their comedy act of a govenment reaches new heights of absurdity

    How about you consider the issue first?

    Did the 2 MPS assault the police officers?

    Yes or No?

    If Yes, your position is that it is okay to do so.

    The complaint is the appropriate procedure to follow if the MPs did assault the police officers. If there was no assault the Ombudsman's office will rule accordingly.

    There is nothing wrong with following procedures to seek redress. With your reasoning, MPs can assault whoever they wish. If a PTP MP assaulted a police officer at the legislature, the Democrats or other interested parties could request the same investigation. The key here is that it is the 2 Democrats alleged to have assaulted the police officers.

    Deleted my post. Decided not to waste time with a guy that types with one hand when he defends Thaksin ans his corrupt PT machine.

  10. The Dyson sales man......when I hear the name.... I was in Crawley U.K. at the end of 2002. Sitting in bar having dinner. The TV did not have the volume on. You only saw a guy talking, talking, moving his arms to underline what he was 'selling'. Mr. Tony Blair. The typical guy knocking (unasked) on your door trying to try sell you a vacuum cleaner. The old style 'foot-between-the-door' pusher.

    Next day I read what the statement on TV was for; he was selling the start of that historic mistake war in Irak. Because weapons of mass destruction were found. George Michael made a song which was banned? The poodle dog of Bush? Okay, but now that chap comes to Thailand. To sell Dyson's?

    UNBELIEVABLE such a type is still being wanted for speeches and still on free feet.

    Well it's a dirty job (being Thaksin's pawn) but someone gotta do it...

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