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Posts posted by Nickymaster

  1. @ Nickymaster - I told my wife I was going to join the redshirts and she said "ok, up to you". Then I showed her the picture you posted in comment #136 and she said "like bloody hell", or words to that effect. What's wrong with these Thai ladies ? whistling.gif

    Duno.. Maybe she cares about your safety? In public they look fairly peacefull but who knows what the are up to in a private setting.

  2. While Tony Blair is in Bangkok, Yingluck will be in China. Soo disrespectful. But Yngluck has no choice. She has to leave Bangkok after she told the rubber farmers to go f... themselves and accept market prices for their rubber.

    This will be a first....I am defending YK....not disrespectful at all...He is a former PM, she is a current...PM, dipolmatically no problem...

    I do have 1 request....could the BiB be so kind as to release their collegues who they arrested for the Italian job, and tell them there is a British Gentleman with lots of money coming to Thailand who they could hold hostage for ransom and preferably not release him....tongue.png

    Get your point on diplomacy but is this forum not her idea? She told the press that she had initiated it. Therefor I still believe she should be present.

    • Like 1
  3. HA HA HAAAAA !!!!

    So you can be banned for 5 years by the Lawyers Council of Thailand for "violating the councils regulations and code of conduct" in December 2009, and just 19 months later become a Member of Parliament representing the PTP !!!

    That truly is amazing. But PTP probably like their members to be "pre-bent", saves a lot of time in the long run. whistling.gif

    Yep. Welcome to Thakland. Those EC guys had no choice. You don't want the Thaksin machine on your neck. You might just disappear if you are not careful.

  4. Ms. Yingluck joined the debate for the first time as an MP

    wow sure this must be some sort of world-record

    Re the photo......

    "Meh, you won't believe who's sitting in front of me"



    "Don't you lie to me"

    "I'm serious"

    "Liar, get home and go to the Temple for three weeks and ask forgiveness"

    "Meh, she's here"

    "Can't be, she was in Kazakhstan, yesterday, in fact do you know she's been in 41 countries since being PM"

    "Yes I know Meh, that's why I called you to tell you that she's here"

    "Photo or it didn't happen"

    "There's a man taking a photo just now, hold on till I look interested"

    "Right, I'm back"

    "I can't believe Yingluck is there, what's she doing"

    "She's talking to Somchai"

    "What about"

    "Hold on".......

    "Somchai is giving her a bit of paper"

    "What does it say?"

    "Eh, it's a message from Taksin, it says, don't you eff this up by saying anything, you know what your like when you start talking"

    "Awww, he's right you know, cheerio"

    A Dem MP tried to ask her a question and she left in exactly 1 min. Mind you that this is a very unique image. Sadly it might do the job of fooling the Northern people that she really comes to work.

    • Like 1
  5. I am somewhat surprised that those vociferous supporters of the P.T.P. and indeed the Red Shirts do seem to be absent in this particular thread. Well, it's hardly surprising is it? The Thai people are slowly being oppressed in many ways by the Thaksin, his family and their brown nosing acolyte while the gullible look on.

    One cannot really blame the rubber farmers and note that the taxi drivers are somewhat miffed at the moment concerning their rising costs and falling incomes,yes give money to one section of the community and ignore the rest it isn't going to work.

    Now we can fully see just how the police aphid state is working slowly inching along and eating away at democracy nibble by nibble. Oh yes Yingluck, your comments stating that demonstrators should be treated in a sympathetic fashion do indeed have a very hollow ring to them.

    Yet again we see the true face of Thaksin, his family and their brown nosing acolytes idea of democracy in action.

    Beware though, we are living in ever changing times and there may well be a Thai spring around the corner.

    Sums it up nicely siampolee.

    On a more positive note, creating a police state is not that easy nowadays. Its clearly a desperate attempt from Thaksin. Too many people (and its growing) have access to a lot different kind of info. Oppressing the masses is not easy anymore.

    We have to thank bill gates and the geniuses at CERN for this one.

  6. Yes, by the rule of law. We can skip talking about double standard and hypocritical trait of the government for now.

    Oh, also skip talking of the aspect that these people comes to ask for what government has promised but failed to deliver.

    No need to skip any of that. Just put people who block roads and rail lines inside for a stretch. Is what I said.

    Government might do so to enforce the law and to restore order, which is obviously their duty. The problem is not about what they will do, the problem lies on what they ever did. While they insist red shirt has done nothing wrong, even practically by using government money to pay for the bail, how can they at the same time blaming these people's protest?

    They can blame the people's protest if the people's protest involves blocking public streets and railway lines. They can quite rightly arrest them for it. Red shirts have been locked up in the past for civil disobedience also. What don't you understand? The concept of the law being applied equally to opposing factions?

    Which red shirt has been locked up the second day of protesting? They issue an arrest warrent after having had 1 meeting with the farmers. I thought red shirts were locked up after months of creating mayhem, not the first day.

    On top of all, these rubber farmers DO have a point. They have been begging for months (since April) for help but the government NEVER even listened to them. Too busy pleasing the rice farmers.

    You really don't see the difference? You really don't see that Thaksin is creating a police state? Sending 40,000 police officers to control a rally of 4.000 people as what happened early August. Pure intimidation and scare tactics. Hun Sen will be proud of his eternal friend Thaksin. Open your eyes man.

  7. You people will be happy if she spend only 100 Baht per day eating somtum with the locals by the road, and save 20 Baht drinking the free complimentary water.

    You should not compare her with your local wives.

    I agree that a THB 100/day food budget is not appropriate for a lady of her status. But THB 200,000 is a bit too much don't you think so?

    I give my local wife THB 150/day. I should add that she is vegetarian. Uh I mean, recently became vegetarian. She says that meat is very expensive nowadays.

    You think that's enough?

  8. Thousands of visa stickers are missing. What a mess.

    You can't possibly blame Thaksin's cousin and foreign minister Surapong for this mess. He has been too busy going an PR trips with Yingluck.


    On a more serious note, I thought the case was already solved 24 hours after the first missing stickers were reported.

    (maybe they tried to wipe it under the carpet, maybe, who knows...)

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  9. While the topic has drifted into lie territory, would you finally enlighten us as to which of Thaksins 3 lawyers in the case that saw them bribe the judge with 2 million and got him a 2 year sentence is now an MP in Phua Thai. You aggresively asserted this on many threads and still have not confirmed who of the 3 is now an MP and how he came to be an MP.

    There is a difference in making a mistake, and repeatedly telling outright lies. How do you sleep?

    Actually jaidam, he probably sleeps quite well, while dreaming up wonderful and witty comments to post on TV.

    I believe any step taken towards ridding this country of the evil Thaksin regime has to be for the good of the country. Hopefully one day Thailand will be governed by a party which puts the good of the nation first, rather than a toxic family hungry for power and the people's money. Still find it hard to believe there are foreigners living in this country who actually support and defend the PTP and redshirt terrorists. bah.gif

    The issue is not as simple as you wish to make it.You conveniently forget the role of the military and its close historical association to the Democrats. The PTP is a political group that has a strong grass roots organizational history. It is sourced from the locals, whether you want to believe it or not. The Democrats have long relied on key backers in Bangkok and the south. However, as the corrupt Phuket region is slowly exposed along with the close links between local politicians and the organized crime syndicates who are involved in land encroachment, theft of resources, the transport gangs etc., the Democrat power base is slowly weakening. Yes, there is a shift, but it is towards the PTP type of parties. The PTP has plenty of faults, but it remains the only alternative to the entrenched "elitist" style of rule demonstrated by the Democrats.

    One can criticize the PTP leadership all one wants, but the key difference is that the PTP leaders have all worked in the private sector. Oh sure, there will be those that criticize the PM for her family background, but the fact of the matter is that she worked and for anyone who understands family businesses, working in a family firm is no easy task. Had, Abhisit actually worked in the private sector and gained some real world experience, or had he served in the military he might have gained some valuable experience. Yingluck has an ability to connect with people. If one has ever seen her at events, the connection is apparent. This is a skill one gets from working for a few years with people.

    Abhisit, is a charming, well mannered chap who appears as a gentleman in public. When he debates with less educated, less sophisticated opponents he looks good. However, put him in a room of equally educated and privileged people and he is a dullard and uninspiring. He has no charisma, no presence.

    Despite all of the criticisms made of Thaksin, the man can draw a crowd and arouse passion. Abhisit puts people to sleep. He has no innovative policy to offer,nor has he shown the courage to provide leadership. He could have led the way in the fight against corruption, but that would have cost him his support amongst the corrupt democrat backers of Phuket and of the entrenched "haves" of Bangkok. Abhisit is a spent force and as long as he remains as head of the Democrats, the party will not win an election.

    Let Abhisit go to his reward of corporate directorships and watch the Democrats turn to infighting and political backstabbing.

    Despite all of the criticisms made of Thaksin, the made can draw a crowd and arouse passion

    You right there gk. I just gave an example of that in my post # 135

  10. This is just another load of sh*t, doesnt matter what crop the farmers grow, rice, rubber palm oil etc, they are the ones that choose to grow them so if the world market prices drop they are the ones responsible, not the rest of the country. If they dont like what they are being paid then grow something else but holding everyone else to ransom is bullsh*t and should not be tolerated. If farmers dont like it then stop farming but <deleted> stop all the crap with the blockades etc, you are being totally pathetic, doesnt matter who you vote for, you simply dont have the right to hold a country/other people to ransom due to YOUR farming practices. Send in the army and forcefully remove them all.

    You don't see any injustice here? A kind reminder, the government has been paying the farmers more than 50% above market price for their rice the last 2 years and will continue this for at least after the next election. This is costing the taxpayers billions of dollars.

    It really surprises me that not more farmers have come out on the street protesting this injustice done to them by Yingluck.

    If the government doesn't like road blocks etc they should just be fair to everybody. Simple as that. Its Yingluck's policies that are dividing the country and make people do nasty things.

    • Like 2
  11. Motive?

    There wasn't one just a government car hoved into view and they, some of the protestors, took umbrage.

    But Abhisit wasn't in it but claimed he was.

    He tried to make political capital. Tried to claim the moral high ground, to claim he was a victim whilst just being a public servant trying to conduct his duty.

    He wasn't in the car. he extemporised.

    Abhisit never claimed he was in the car.

    How could he when the whole disgraceful episode of red shirt violence was recorded on camera with his driver dragged from the car.

    Yes I watched it all on Tele including the large pot plant chucked at the car rear window in an attempt to break it.

    That is just another bit of red shirt BS which you and your red supporter friends love to spread, in order in this case, to attempt to somehow excuse the red attack.

    Which attack are we talking about?







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  12. But there is quite clear evidence that the DP is attempting to politicize the protest.

    How dare they politicize the protest whistling.gif .. Aren't you happy that somebody is helping the rubber farmers who are clearly suffering?

    A simple question: Why didn't the government dare to lower the buying price of rice to THB 12,000?

    Oh my...

    If you would have read the papers, you would have seen that the government went into direct negotiations with the rubber farmers, offered programs that were initially accepted by the representatives of the rubber farmers, but then by some of the protesters rejected.

    That's politics - people protest, government negotiates. Negotiations break down, and will be taken up again. And then solutions may be found, or not. You saw, for example, that the government found amicable solutions for P-Move, by direct negotiations.

    The Democrat Party's involvement now might complicate matters, and might not be too the advantage of the farmers demands, but more to their own primary goals, as stated in the original article, of "Our ultimate goal is to bring down the Thaksin regime."

    But it's too early to make any final judgement on the case, as it's still ongoing.


    A simple question: Why didn't the government dare to lower the buying price of rice to THB 12,000?

  13. You are right. He only praised the TRCT for their work in trying to achieve reconciliation. But anyhow, PT prefers the Bring-Thaksin-Back forum to achieve uh... oh yeah right RECONCILITION.

    You ignore the complex and very convoluted relationship between the different factions in PT - while there are some that supposedly try to bring Thaksin back (Chalerm - who also has his own private agendas), there are others who prefer that Thaksin would continue to stay away, for the time being.

    But that is hardly the topic of this thread.

    I am not ignoring the complex..blah blah

    Just reporting the facts.

  14. Ah ok.

    I assume that Kofi Annan in a way represents the International Community. Did he criticize or blame Abhisit for anything that has happened in 2010? You claim that the international community dislikes (or whatever) Abhisit.

    Kofi Annan praises the TRCT report; Our view is that the TRCT is making an important contribution, one that remains highly relevant. And the Reds claim that the TRCT report is written to favor Abhisit...

    Please stop talking for the world. Us foreigners can judge what the world thinks for ourselves.

    Eh, no, Kofi Annan has not praised the TRCT report.

    He couldn't have.

    The report has at the time of his visit not been published, or even half finished as the TRCT was still in its investigation stage. Annan praised the efforts of the TRCT for reconciliation.

    Again - please read before you post.

    You are right. He only praised the TRCT for their work in trying to achieve reconciliation. But anyhow, PT prefers the Bring-Thaksin-Back forum to achieve uh... oh yeah right RECONCILITION.

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