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Posts posted by Nickymaster

  1. Ah, Thaksin's personal assistant and lawyer Noppadol Pattama is also in the PT war room. The guy that made a statement last week claiming that Thaksin didn't have any shares in PTT. Oh yes, he earlier also said that Thaksin never used Robert Amsterdam to lobby for him. In other words, Noppadol is a proven liar.

    It must be very important for the Shins to push this trough. Even Thaksin's brainchild, the amnesty law, is put on hold for it.

    Christmas might be coming early for the Shins.partytime2.gif

  2. So in the end, the mall is burned down and absolutely no one is held criminally responsible for what clearly was a crime. Disgusting.

    I don't know that I'd blame the court so much in this case.

    Two teenagers and the two final suspects in this case hardly seem like the likely masterminds or main players behind the fire that burned down CentralWorld.

    Rather, it's more likely a failure of the police to effectively investigate and pursue a meaningful criminal case against the arsonists, whomever they were. And the current government certainly has no great motivation to see justice done.

    Hardly surprising, considering that the police were the ones who effectively failed to protect the building in the first place. And those in the government today were some of the same ones responsible for the chaos that led to the arson.

    Hardly surprising, considering that the police were the ones who effectively failed to protect the building in the first place

    Correct. And the policemen who had arrested them didn't show up in court..... Maybe on orders from above?whistling.gif

  3. Since k. Abhisit / Suthep can be charged for ordering the army to clean up and some soldiers who cannot be identified took it too literal, can we now charge the UDD leaders whose videotaped, regularly broadcasted hate speeches on "bringing bottles", "burn the city" and "it's on me" seemed to have inspired their supporters to unexpected fury and fire, without being able to identify single people of course ?

    Well there is a fair bit of difference between alleged "incitement" and direct orders that breached international guidelines or "clean up" as you call it in your unpleasant turn of phrase . You seem more concerned about shops and cinemas than you do human life.

    ..says the guy who has never shown and sympathy for the innocent Bangkok people who lost their jobs, belongings, loved ones and whose life was terrorized by the red mob during their violent occupation of down town Bangkok. Millions of people lived in fear for months, afraid to enter/exit their own house.

    You seem more concerned about your Red/Black terrorized friends then you do about human life.

  4. Yale, Harvard, Oxford, Cambridge - all part of your Mickey Mouse club then for handing out honorary degrees?

    Often for nothing other than a cash contribution.

    A long way to go to catch Hillary Clinton - she has at least six Honorary Degrees (incl one from Yale)

    A honorary degree for a cash contribution.whistling.gif

    Now I understand why YS was "chosen".

    • Like 1
  5. Auckland University of Technology (AUT) will confer PM Yingluck with the honorary doctorate degree for her remarkable role on the international stage and as the first elected female Prime Minister of Thailand.


    The balderdash of the first reason is dropped in other media....

    In New Zealand, Ms. Yingluck will be granted an honorary doctoral degree from Auckland University of Technology, for her becoming the first Thai female Prime Minister to visit that country.


    In New Zealand, Ms. Yingluck will be granted an honorary doctoral degree from Auckland University of Technology, for her becoming the first Thai female Prime Minister to visit that country.

    "Hi, you are the first Thai Female Prime Minister to visit NZ, here is you doctoral degree" clap2.gif

    What a Mickey Mouse University this must be. What's next....?

    "Hi, you are the first Prime Minister who is merely a puppet of a criminal fugitive, here is you doctoral degree"

    "Hi, you are the first Prime Minister who has not attended any Parliament meetings to answer queries submitted by the opposition, here is you doctoral degree"

    • Like 1
  6. Entertaining the Belgium Royals here, then immediatly flying off to N.Z. and Papua with a host of ministry and trade officials.

    Yesterday on T.V. I saw a picture of the parliament in session, out of hundreds I could count about 25 in attendance.

    What do the M.Ps. do when not attending. They should be fined for non attendance.

    Am I over the top with my points about the P.M. seams mostly too busy to be in the country running the job, and always seams to be missing when serious issues are needed attending to- and when questions need to be asked. All coincidence ??

    It's obvious that she is not at ease being in Thailand. She takes every little opportunity to leave the country. Who would fly to Belgium the meet the Royals!!?. Nobody in the world is interested to meet them…uhh..except for Yingluck. Her house in on fire and she goes to Belgium!!! What a joke!

    She is basically doing the job of the FM, and the FM is Thaksin's assistant. What a mess.

  7. What does she mean "working for the people". We have seen her people become the very rich and friends and FAMILY. What about the other 95% of Thailand. Who is gonna help them?

    The other 95% has got 300 Baht a day, or 15,000 a month. Even as we speak billions are (slowly) trickling down via ingenious schemes like the 'rice price pledging'. What more do you want, you bleading heart liberal socialist rolleyes.gif

    PS no offence meantwai.gif

    ps 300x30=9000..

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