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Posts posted by Nickymaster

  1. Does anyone here has information on Import/Export figures from 2012? I fear that those may show the GDP level has been greatly influences by local activity on borrowed money. IMHO

    Isn't that how capitalism works. You borrow money to expand? I think that is how they have been working it since banks were invented.biggrin.png I don't think many people buy things for gold anymore, well except on Thai Visa.smile.png I think you go to the bank and borrow some money and buy something and when it goes up in value you sell it and make money. Of course expats are used to buying houses for cash. So maybe that is where you got the idea most people do it. But they really don't. Most people go to a bank and borrow the money to buy a home and car. Most.biggrin.png

    I think you go to the bank and borrow some money and buy something and when it goes up in value you sell it and make money.

    And if the value goes down you loose money.biggrin.png

    And when you cannot repay the bank you have a problem.biggrin.png

  2. Does anyone here has information on Import/Export figures from 2012? I fear that those may show the GDP level has been greatly influences by local activity on borrowed money. IMHO

    Of course. They have borrowed so much and have spent even more to "stimulate" the economy and still they can only reach a growth of 4.5-5%.

    Major contributors to the modest growth are:

    -Rice pledging: Let's wait until they start selling the rice and the books are closed

    -Car scheme: Let's wait and see how many people can't pay for the loans

    Export is at a very low level, the Baht is too strong.

    Some people are really easy to please.

  3. How is Abhisit still in a position of authority? He has been destroyed once already during an election from a position of power that he didn't earn and yet they're are still backing him? Madness. That party must really suck if he's the best they've got.

    All the 15 or so million voters who voted for him must be stupid.

    Actually it was 11.4 million and they voted for the party not abhisit. Personally speaking, after the events of 2010, I would imagine he would be unelectable.

    Ah ok, so nobody voted for YS either. That explains why she is making a joke out of Thailand. She must have been put in that position by the party because of her female touch…I guess.

    • Like 1
  4. Ignoring all the bitters, at least it looks like they're going in the right direction with a single command approach

    a single command operation system, with a provincial governor at the centre, would be applied in drought-hit areas to solve water-management issues.

    Deputy Prime Minister Plodprasop Suraswadi said the Water and Flood Management Commission (WFMC) would formulate a flood and drought prevention plan and work with the Disaster Prevention and Mitigation Department (DPMD) to find water sources and introduce a zoning system to adjust agricultural water usage plans.

    Interior Minister Charupong Ruangsuwan said provincial governors and the DPMD would implement the single command system and survey each area's water needs.......

    Previously after years of ignorance by all manners of governments water "management" was carried out by host of different departments as this cutting from the World Bank sponsored pdf shows

    Rapid Assessment for Resilient Recovery and Reconstruction Planning

    Water Laws and the Policy Framework

    Thailand has many water related laws, administered by over 30 departments in eight ministries (Annex 8). There is no umbrella legislation to link these laws and codes, and consequently there is no legislative backing for any organization to undertake integrated water resources management.

    In practice, this leads to erratic and ad hoc engagement between agencies. While many of these agencies are involved in managing the delivery of water, there is no single agency that has overall responsibility for managing water resources in an integrated manner. The absence of a modern, comprehensive water resources law is probably the most significant factor inhibiting the implementation of integrated water resources management (IWRM) in Thailand.

    The current Water Policy has resulted in development plans for a number of river basins, but due to the lack of budget allocations, disagreements with local communities have led to the stalling of many of these plans. Additionally, administrative boundaries are often not drawn along water catchment or river basin lines, which leads to fragmentation of responsibilities and uncoordinated between different administrative areas, within a single river basin.


    The problem is not the single commnad or the multi command system but purely the fact that politicians in general have no idea how to run any department they are put in charge of.

    That said I wouuuuldn't trust this person, Deputy Prime Minister Plodprasop Suraswadito be in charge of a hole in the ground if I dug it for him and as for the rest of the incompetents in this government I wouldn't even give them credit for 10 baht.

    The problem is not the single commnad or the multi command system but purely the fact that politicians in general have no idea how to run any department they are put in charge of.


    They need to reshuffle the cabinet every 6-8 months or so in order not to be caught stealing money from the tax payers.

  5. A clear demonstration of who has the most "muslce" and influence.

    Tarit would be wise to start thinking about a new career, maybe overseas. He's becoming a liability to PTP.

    Tarit would be wise to start thinking about a new career, maybe overseas. He's becoming a liability to PTP.

    Don't think so. Tarit has no control over his own life. He doesn't have the luxury (and balls) to think about a new career. Tarit has to do what his paymaster says or he will be punished.

    Taksin's way of working is very simple. Do as he says and he will reward you. If you don't do what he says he will destroy you.

    • Like 2
  6. The man from afar has the resources of an entire nation to plunder. Through his sisters and the Pheu Thai party he makes policy, has free rein to use his insider knowledge to enrich himself with no fear of reprisal. Why would he come back? The truth is, as we have seen with Kamnam Poh, he wouldn't serve 10 minutes in jail. The simple answer is that he hasn't yet completed the looting of the treasury. To return would expose his activities and motives to the people of Thailand.

    Spot on

  7. Pheu Thai party list MP Kattiya Sawasdipol

    Why is she a MP???

    because, as she stated above in her pledge to be Khattiyatham Party Leader.... she hoped Pheu Thai understood her reasons not to join the Pheu Thai Party.

    They understood her alright.

    They understood that by getting her to drop out from the Party dear old dead Dad founded and sign up with them, that a tremendous amount of political mileage could be gained from her, particularly with those fervent Red Shirts that followed Pops and who otherwise would have voted for his Party and not the Pheu Thai Party.


    Thanks. But it all seems so awkward. She is now a MP of a party which is controlled by the same guy who controlled her father....

    Without THAT guy her father most probably would still be around.

    • Like 1
  8. As at the time of his death he was telling the world that he had talked to Thaksin who had said he could no longer trust the red leaders and therefore had put him, Seh Daeng, in charge of the red shirts there is an extremely strong possibility that he was shot on the orders of the red shirt leaders.

    If that is in fact the case then she is right it would be murder.

    Not a shred of evidence to support this lie.He was shot by army snipers (in my opinion a regrettable but probably necessary step).

    Not a shred of evidence....uh..let's continue then.

    He was shot because he was walking next to his shoes and was getting out of control. He was made too important from the get-go. He was a threat to the "stability" of the red terrorists who illegally occupied down Bangkok for months which resulted in over 90 deaths.

    • Like 2
  9. Somchai said 30 suspects who allegedly committed serious crimes and were being detained at Bang Khen prison with special privileges should not be pardoned - such as those accused of firing RPG rockets like Banthit Sithitum and Surachai Thewarak who allegedly killed nine military officers, two police and 10 others.

    Well thats interesting, apparently ensconced in jail is the one person responsible for around 75% of the security forces deaths. Surely he can't be allegedly responsible, the judges have jailed him under those charges. Unless of course he has been jailed for just under 3 years waiting for bail?

    Anyway if thats the truth, I really can't understand the approbrium of the posters on here about the UDD and, more importantly the lethal response approved by Abhisit that resulted in the deaths of 80 odd (70 odd if you believe that Surachai fired on friend as well as foe) innocent people because of the actions of 1 or 2 people?

    So what were these 500 men in black doing whilst Rambo Surachai was on the loose?

    Then the Red shirts and their black dressed friends must have accidentally killed more than 20 or so officials. They could be responsible for most of the 70 civilians too. Now it all makes sense.

    I think I have solved your dilemma. Mind you there was much at stake, especially for TS and his clan.

  10. Another telling aspect from the article that doesn't bode well for this scheme to end its problems anytime soon.

    With space running out, Thai rice exporters said last week it was only a matter of time before the government was forced to sell grain from its stocks.

    It will almost certainly have to sell at a big loss, which will ultimately be covered by the taxpayer.

    Yet another aspect with the gazillion tons of stored rice is the rapidly deteriorating quality which dramatically impacts its saleability.

    Today, that was demonstrated in Parliament when Phitsanulok MP Warong Dejkitvikrom cut open a bag of rice that had been brought in from one of the storage warehouses.

    It was brown and rotten due to its poor storage conditions.


    Thai Rath news


    "Houston, we have a problem"

    I wonder how much rotten rice is worth. I can only assume there is not a huge market for it. I am not even sure one could sell it as animal feed, without spending more money to make it eatable for animals.

    "but, but, but... Houston, we DON'T have a problem"

    Couldn't help but notice the exaggerated howls of protest emanating from Deputy Commerce Minister and Red Shirt Leader Out On Bail Natthawut when the government was confronted with the beans being spilled regarding the rotten rice.


    from same link above

    Thanks for bringing that up.

    Deputy Commerce Minister and Red Shirt Leader Out On Bail Natthawut yesterday also said that he would report MEMBER of PARLIAMENT Warong Dejkitvikrom to the Police because he had stolen a bag of rice. According to Natthawut, MEMBER of PARLIAMENT!!! Warong Dejkitvikrom was NOT allowed to enter the storage facilities.

    I am not joking. This is wat Natthawut said.

  11. They are in Chiang Mai and every establishment is filled to the brim

    Even at a local hotel they are here screaming on the 3rd floor ..I had to remind them they can just talk which they do now ...nice folks

    Ask for an ang bao !

    Funny. I thought I would never meet people that talked louder than these good folks here in Esaan. But that was before I went to China and visited a restaurant.

    Chinese are loud! They drive me nuts with their screaming.

    That's what they say about Americans!

    It's not the same. Trust me on that one. I lived in China for many years and in many cities.

  12. They are in Chiang Mai and every establishment is filled to the brim

    Even at a local hotel they are here screaming on the 3rd floor ..I had to remind them they can just talk which they do now ...nice folks

    Ask for an ang bao !

    Funny. I thought I would never meet people that talked louder than these good folks here in Esaan. But that was before I went to China and visited a restaurant.

    Chinese are loud! They drive me nuts with their screaming.

  13. "I repeat that we have not interfered in the works of Suan Dusit Poll, and we treat everyone with respect," Charupong said.

    He said Pheu Thai did not attach much importance to opinion survey results because the party was focusing on its policies, which it has been selling to Bangkok voters.

    What a bunch of crooks.

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