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Posts posted by Nickymaster

  1. If he's done no wrong then he won't fear the court's judgement as we know the Thai court's do not reach political verdicts, don't we?

    Exactly. There were no political motives whatsoever behind the verdict of the man in Dubai.

    Which verdict are you referring to? Un-lucky Thaksin has a dozen cases and verdicts going against him.

    Anyhow he is still going strong with the rice scheme. Don't feel sorry for him. wai2.gif

  2. Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra yesterday met with agencies involved in the development of the Bt2.2-trillion Infrastructure Development Bill, asking them to make sure the details of the projects are clear.

    Ok job done! clap2.gif

    Surapong where do I go next? You know I like to travel ,uuh, don't get involved with Thai politics...

    • Like 1
  3. .

    The flip-flopping on the keeping the same subsidized price, from lowering it, to not lowering, to lowering it, to the latest of not lowering it... speaks a lot about how tenuous nature the whole scheme is dissolving into.



    PTP and Thaksin have painted themselves into a corner and are squirming as they desperately seek a way to get out without making it obvious that "the world's greatest businessman" is an economic imbecile. Hopefully, eventually there will be a calling to account for this disaster and every PTP minister and MP who profited from this boondoggle scam will be forced to write reimbursement cheques from their jail cell.


    Another day, another flip-flop. rolleyes.gif

    Today, PM's Office Minister Nawatthamrong Boonsongpaisan admitted that the government needs to sell its huge mountain of stored rice at a loss and that the loss will occur because the pledged price is much higher than what the market currently bears.

    Niwatthamrong has now been tasked by Yingluck to supervise the rice pledging program with directions to make sure that the scheme does not exceed a Half Trillion Baht in taxpayers money.

    Previously the government had insisted that they would not sell the stockpiled rice at a loss and would wait for the price on the world market to rise, but that has apparently been abandoned now.

    Meanwhile, Commerce Minister Boonsong Teriyapirom announced that the right time to sell off its rice is now.


    But what does the economic guru and convicted criminal Thaksin say?

    February 17, 2013 1:00 am

    Thaksin Shinawatra has claimed the Yingluck government's rice pledging scheme will reap economic gains three times its costs in a matter of a few years.

    Apparently, his idea was to have the Yingluck government withhold its rice stockpile for at least two or three years, then export it later on when the world market price is supposed to rise.

    What a massive loss of face for Thaksin, the convicted criminals reputation as a businessman and Thailand as a nation. This is only dwarfed by the massive financial loss to the Thais treasury. Its enough to make you cry.

    attachicon.gifThaksin crying.jpg Thaksin's core money is now believed to be worth not more than US$500 million. Http://www.plushasia.com/article/1353

    Thaksin doesn't know that you can grow rice?.....and grow some more, and some more... in other words, the supply of rice is never-ending. thumbsup.gif

    He is treating it as gold. "Let’s hold on to it, one day rice will be scarce and the price will increase"..clap2.gif

    More and more I start to believe that all his wealth is stolen. Surely he is not capable of making money with that mind-set. whistling.gif

  4. Failed Bangkok Governor Candidate? Don't think so. He easily beat the old record for the most votes ever in a Bangkok election and the difference between him and the winner was minimal. At the very least the Democrat Party has lost its majority in Bangkok, far less than 50% voted for the winner, and that has been very different in the past. It is difficult however for the fanboys of the Nation to report in a unbiased way about Thai politics.

    At the very least the Democrat Party has lost its majority in Bangkok, far less than 50% voted for the winner, and that has been very different in the past.

    Are you sure?

    Sukhumband - 2013 (1,256,349 votes = 47.75%)

    Sukhumband - 2009 (934,602 votes = 45.47%)

  5. This is just amazing. The DSI cancelled its investigation after most trails were leading to Pongsapat because it was expected that Pongsapat would win the election.

    Now that Pongsapat lost, the DSI has re-opened the investigation and is going after the Dems again.

    I am still waiting for the day the DSI will investigate the largest corruption case in Thai history, the rice scheme.

    ...yesterday DSI chief Tarit Pengdith failed (to busy) for a second time to appear at a house committee’s hearing on the "men in black" in relation to the 2010 political violence..

  6. Funds from fiscal 2014-16 may need to be appropriated to cover Bt100-bn loss

    Assuming it can be sold at a certain price and nothing is rotten. They keep on manipulating figures. PT seems to be spreading out the loss over few years. I bet you that they will lose much more than 100 billion in 4 years.

    Only on handling and storage charge they are spending 50 billion a year which can never be recuperated.

    But the big question remains: Is the rice business destroyed to such an extent that they have to keep this scam going forever??? I don't see this mess getting back to normal again.

    Then again, as long as PT is around, they probably have to maintain this scam or they won't be around. It seems to be their life-line....blink.png

    • Like 1
  7. What a mess PT has created. All because of 1 family's desperate attempt to stay in control of this country..

    Thailand Rice Mortgage Will Shrink Rice Business in Future, Says Exporter


    Thailand Rice Mortgage Program Violates WTO Rules, Alleges U.S.


    Thailand Rice Sellers Try to Tug Prices Higher But to No Avail


    Thailand Likely to Lose-Out as Asia Rice Exporters Vie for Share in China Rice Market in 2013


  8. Thai rice farmers threaten protest if intervention price cut

    Thai farmers vowed on Monday to stage a major protest after the government signalled it was weighing a plan to cut rice intervention prices by a tenth, in another sign that the state could be running short of funds for the scheme.

    "And if we don't get an appropriate response, we will stage a protest and it would be a big one."



    With threats of massive protests by Pheu Thai's "bread and butter" (the rice farmers), no change in the policy, or the pricing paid out, or the 18 Million Metric Tons of stored rice, is likely to occur.


    as said... no change... keep the money flowing... and the mountains of stored rice growing...

    Rice-pledging scheme holds firm

    The government will have adequate funds to continue its rice-pledging scheme this year, with the guaranteed price remaining at Bt15,000 per tonne, the Commerce Ministry says.

    Ministry Permanent Secretary Vatchari Vimooktayon said Monday that the government is expected to spend Bt297 billion on the scheme for this year's harvests.

    "The government is confident that we will have sufficient funds to carry on the pledging scheme at the same price. The drought problem has caused lower-than-expected yields of rice in the upcoming season, so the spending on pledging will be lower than last year," Vatchari said.


    -- The Nation 2013-03-04

    Pull the plug and let's see how popular PT/YS and TS really are.

    I dare them.

    • Like 2
  9. What to do, what to do? I for one don't know, so I turned to my source of inspiration Robert A. Much to my surprise the newest item is from January 12th. Also the item seems somewhat anti-current-government, not sure I should quote from it, but

    "Another inevitability for those seeking to settle political conflict is the release of such rank and file political prisoners. An amnesty granted to similar who are awaiting trial or who are on the run must also be established. Yet, at this stage in Thailands ongoing process of political settlement and stabilisation, the release of these prisoners hasnt taken on the significance it should. For anyone committed to a full restoration of ordinary Thais democratic rights this is simply unacceptable. It is my firm belief that the release of the rank and file Red Shirts and the lese majeste prisoners must be a priority for the government. To ignore this pressing issue will only alienate a key element of the Pheu Thai leaderships support."


    May be put some more pressure on the ICC and really, really promise them they can investigate without restrictions all items under the terms we'll set?

    You mean no ONE OFF investigation. Or in other words: "Investigate what I want you to investigate and then get lost"

    And at the end of the page on RA's website:

    Comments are closed.

    ...all in line with Yingluck's democratic values: "Only one way communication. Don't ask me any questions and don't give me any comments. We won and that's it".

  10. did he expect to win and get a hold on the whole country, specially the part where people pay taxes to pays for all those red promises, to come back as a winner and saviour of the country

    2.3 trillion for socalled infrastructure , 320 billion for rice scam

    one would think they are bankrupting the country with a purpose, so the saviour can return home and fix everything

    one would think they are bankrupting the country with a purpose, so the saviour can return home and fix everything whole clan can finally emigrate with even more stolen wealth.

  11. What to do, what to do? I for one don't know, so I turned to my source of inspiration Robert A. Much to my surprise the newest item is from January 12th. Also the item seems somewhat anti-current-government, not sure I should quote from it, but

    "Another inevitability for those seeking to settle political conflict is the release of such rank and file political prisoners. An amnesty granted to similar who are awaiting trial or who are on the run must also be established. Yet, at this stage in Thailands ongoing process of political settlement and stabilisation, the release of these prisoners hasnt taken on the significance it should. For anyone committed to a full restoration of ordinary Thais democratic rights this is simply unacceptable. It is my firm belief that the release of the rank and file Red Shirts and the lese majeste prisoners must be a priority for the government. To ignore this pressing issue will only alienate a key element of the Pheu Thai leaderships support."


    May be put some more pressure on the ICC and really, really promise them they can investigate without restrictions all items under the terms we'll set?

    You mean no ONE OFF investigation? Or in other words: "Investigate what I want you to investigate and then get lost"

  12. One strategy Thaksin will have to think twice about now is the marching again of his troops to Bangkok. Unless he wants to make a declaration of all-out civil war. The election loss isn't just a setback for his return, it is a loss for the fabled story of army brutality against the 'peaceful' red demonstrators. The people of Bangkok have said 'we are not with you'. Now what are we left with? Red villages raging against Bangkok indifference? Burning down of regional town halls? Been there, done that.

    And marching his troops is very expensive as well....

    I think he'll just ignore that and cut the money for Bangkok.

    Don't underestimate the profitability of the rice scam. Money has never been an issue for him. It's all about what he wants to do.

  13. "In a nutshell, the rough patch in Thai politics is persisting because

    Thaksin wants the game to bend to him instead of playing the game like

    everyone else."

    Nothing else to say it is all there.

    There seems to be some similarity between Lance Armstrong and Thaksin in their lying and cheating ways. Is there a possibility that they are BOTH sociopaths?

    or narcissists?

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