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Posts posted by Nickymaster

  1. Let him rot....the pig should have to crawl into court.

    So according to you he is guilty as charged - these are allegations. Does an allegation automatically mean guilt??

    Let the courts decide his guilt or innocence before you start with the hang em high posts. After all one day a person may make an allegation against you. Would you want that allegation perceived as guilt?

    legging it to Myannmar and posing au naturale with kiddies pretty much makes him look guilty wouldn't you say? Thai coppers are world famous for creating extra work for themselfs and going across borders for nothing. Assuming he is the dirty sex case he has been accused of I would be inclined to show him the exact compassion he showed the kids. Burn in hell scumbag.

    !00% A paid up member of the hang em high brigade and proud of it!

    Did you see these pictures that the police have alleged exist?

    Were the pictures entered as evidence and his identity verified in court?

    If not, then how can you be so certain the allegations are correct?

    Where are these pictures that no one has seen? Maybe they exist and maybe the accused is indeed engaged in a lewd poses as alleged.

    However, until someone verifies that the man is in the pictures and that there are any pictures, don't you think, one is entitled to be presumed innocent?

    And to be honest, if I was accused of a horrific crime of which I was innocent, in consideration of how the justice system works in Thailand, I too would get out of Thailand as fast as I could and attempt to deal with the accusation from outside of Thailand. Unless one has a large amount of cash, it is very difficult to fight a serious case. I wouldn't want to rot in a Thai jail.

    Iit would serve the public's best interest if there was a hearing on the admissability of the evidence and a determination of the man's involvement. In the meantime, the holding of someone of his age in prison serves no purpose. He is not a danger to society if he is required to maintain some bail conditions. And one cannot punish him, as he has been convicted of no crime. The odds are against the accused.

    And to be honest, if I was accused of a horrific crime of which I was innocent, in consideration of how the justice system works in Thailand, I too would get out of Thailand as fast as I could and attempt to deal with the accusation from outside of Thailand.

    If these guys don't do anything wrong, they don’t have to deal with the Thai justice system…simple as that. You don't just get accused of something you are innocent of (unless your name is Thaksin of course).

    If you do some research it is mentioned nowhere that the guy didn't do anything wrong. He is basically making 2 points:

    1. He is sick and will die soon therefore the court should release him.

    2. He doesn't get the support he is expecting from the prison and from the Australian and German embassy.

    Again, if you don't trust the justice system in Thailand, don't do anything that might get you into trouble.

  2. Chulalongkorn University political scientist Chaiyan Chaiyaporn said if Pongsapat wanted to return to bureaucracy, he had to get rid of his political image first. Otherwise, he would have the same problems that Metropolitan Police Bureau chief Kamronwit Thoopkrajang is facing.

    As if any of the Thai politicians give a damn about what these political scientists say.

    Within this month Pongsapat will be back working at the neutral Thai police force.clap2.gif

  3. PT has been spending hundreds of billions of baht on populism. Their propaganda machine has been working overtime. Tharit has been working overtime trying to dis-credit the Dems. I really thought they had also bought the Bangkok people by now.

    This win would have been very important for them and Thaksin. Let's see what happens from here. The spending has to end one day and then they will be judged on return.

    Hold tight everybody!

  4. If any candidate from former premier Thaksin Shinawatra's camp could ever win a Bangkok gubernatorial election, the one who had the most chance was probably Pol Gen Pongsapat Pongcharoen, especially considering poll results over the past month showing his popularity on the rise constantly.

    Political "freshness" and his social assets - reputation and support - made many Bangkokians consider him their choice.

    I have heard people say that Pongsapat could also have run for the DP.

  5. i do not know why anyone is surprised,Bangkok has been staunchly Dem for over a decade, and will remain so i suspect.

    blatantly populist policies dont work where you have an educated voter base.

    Not exactly. The Democrats benefit from the fact that millions of Bangkok residents are not allowed to vote in the election.

    If the voting rules followed the typical practices in other democracies where all that mattered was the need to have lived in the region for a year, then the voter pool would be very different with hundreds of thousands of PTP leaning people voting. This is just the way the voter requirements are structured. It is no different than the hundreds of thousands of Thais working in Phuket, not being allowed to vote in Phuket elections since they are not registered in Phuket and why the police allocation still depends upon the 300,000 registered population ves the almost 1million actual population. This is how it is in Thailand.

    Could it be that they can vote elsewhere, and don't consider Bangkok their home?

    That’s what I thought too. I suppose those people who are not registered in one city are registered in another city and in order to show their unconditional love for Thaksin I would assume that they have already used their right to vote.

    • Like 1
  6. Unfortunately, the governor elect is still not in the clear. In the event that the investigation into the transport contract extension becomes more serious he could be removed from office. Fortunately, for him, these investigations usually end up delayed or dropped.

    You mean when Thaksin's pawn Tharit from the DSI opened an attack on the Governor in order to dis-credit him before the elections.

    At some point that same Tharit was saying that he wasn’t sure whether or not Suhumbhand was allowed to run.

    It didn’t work but I have to admit that tried very hard.

  7. Nice to hear the reds accepted defeat so well. How long before the "it was stolen from us" myths start to circulate?

    We were watching the losers conference. My wife said one of the blokes was saying a lot of dead people voted. rolleyes.gif

    If that's the case, then the other thread about Police manning booths, having counters and cameras to prevent electoral fraud, must have been a crock.

    One might wonder how the results would have been if Aunty Thida would have been in charge of preventing electoral fraud by sending 10,000 red shirts to the voting stations.

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  8. As long as it keeps another PTP tw"i"t out of the BKK running, and Abhisit is still in control of some areas, I can only say today's result has made me smile, with a wide grin.

    Up yours, Yinglick, and your confidence in the Bangkokians coming your way - for once, the people voted in the right direction.


    My wife used to like the Thai Rak Thai party but lost confidence before it became PTP. In the last year she is soooo down on Yingluck and the way the cost of living in Bangkok has doubled, that since 6:00pm she has been grinning and laughing. Very unThai but at least now she knows she is on the right team. Yingluck has been given the first insight into her perceived popularity. The spin doctors can't cover this one up.

    Well, the Shins were certainly ready for a party with their polished sunglasses.

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  9. Mind you if she came walking I feel sorry for her three young kids who came with her to vote too.

    No photo, but I would almost bet that the boy would be wearing sunglasses :-)


    Good call, but you should have included the entire clan wearing sunglasses, indoors, on an overcast, rainy day outdoors.



    Although I'd have to believe the four billionaires were all chauffeur-driven, they did have to struggle with managing a Mercedes Benz umbrella on their own, but that just proves they're not elite. rolleyes.gif



    Is the 4th dependant Oaf's significant other?

    Sorry for not being clearer, the four billionaires cited were Potjaman and her 3 children.

    The straggler on the far left in the photo is Potjaman's son-in-law, Nuttaphong Kunakornwong (husband of daughter Pintongta, far right).

    Although after their marriage, he was honorarily put into the position of Deputy CEO of Thaksin's SC Asset Corp., I don't believe he's a billionaire in his right, as the other four individually are.


    Are these the so called Elites of Bangkok many TV voters always talk about?

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  10. Not a bad result for PTP, they have enough to deal with without the added burden of a sinking city with major traffic issues, and the annual flood problems. Let us hope for the people of Bangkok the elected candidate in Bangkok will now move forward and go some way to resolving these problems.With the support of a government commited to providing assistance and making a visible difference to the future of the city.

    With the support of a government commited to providing assistance and making a visible difference to the future of the city.

    So why did they have to send out an open letter to the people of Bangkok last Friday with the message:

    Vote for Pongsapat if you want to enjoy full and seamless cooperation from PT.


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  11. Dont have to wish for anything, as Thaksin has now gone past his 5 years Political ban the Electoral Commission put on him. According to the other news media, he can vote if he wishes as his family are in that electorate. He could vote absentee if he wished.

    As k. Thaksin didn't vote today in the district he was registered in does that mean he may not vote again for another five years?

    It does not stop him for voting for another 5 yrs, as he has been released from his Political Ban. I dont know if he voted today or not, do you.

    If he didn't vote he can't run. Don't know far what he can't runwhistling.gif but that is the rule I believe.


    Before, entry & exit polls all (maybe except 1) got it completely wrong.


    Either Thais are habitual liars, or, they aren't very good at statistical analysis.

    Or maybe, both.

    40% was undecided, or "none of your business to ask me who I am going to vote for"

  13. The man whom allmost started a civil war is now involwed in peace talks?blink.png

    The peace "deal" is a sham. 3 days before the BKK Governer election suddenly Yingluck announces a peace deal and she also claims that Thaksin helped to broker it.

    They are a bunch of crooks. This whole peace deal is a lie and it was created to get more votes. Just unbelievable how low the Shins can go.. A decent person doesn't use the terrible situation in the south to mislead and cheat people.

    Perhaps not. I'm no great lover of the Reds and have been a proud member of the "Thaksin's an idiot" club since he first popped up politically in the late 1990's, but I think the reds are going to romp it in today in BKK regardless of any of this.

    All that people have said about Tak Bai is true, but Thaksin is nothing if not full of Hubris. Sure he has an agenda of some sort, but if a step towards peace in the south is a bi-product of that, then perhaps this will be one of the times that I will conceed something to Dear Leader.

    The sudden departure of Yingluck to Malaysia, the sudden announcement of a peace deal, the sudden announcement that Thaksin was involved....all politically motivated in order to get more votes.

    Whether or not they would have won/ will win in Bangkok without this game nobody knows. All we know is that that the "announcement" had a purpose.

    And announcing a peace deal when there is no real peace deal only creates more violence in the South. Think about it.

  14. The man whom allmost started a civil war is now involwed in peace talks?blink.png

    The peace "deal" is a sham. 3 days before the BKK Governer election suddenly Yingluck announces a peace deal and she also claims that Thaksin helped to broker it.

    They are a bunch of crooks. This whole peace deal is a lie and it was created to get more votes. Just unbelievable how low the Shins can go.. A decent person doesn't use the terrible situation in the south to mislead and cheat people.

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  15. Meanwhile, Chanudpakorn Vong-seenin, acting president of the Public Warehouse Organisation (PWO), insisted that government warehousing space remained available for the next season. To increase capacity, rice millers can work that out with exporters, to accelerate the release of rice, he said.

    With an annual budget of THB 50,000,000,000 for handling and storage charge, warehouse space will NEVER run out. Trust me!

  16. Are you referring to his women admirers in this music video?


    An inspiring video. I was impressed by the thousands of people meeting and greeting the candidate. The beautiful popularly elected PM of Thailand also makes an appearance and her warm and gracious smile lights up the frame.

    The women we see in this video are the hardworking people of Bangkok that do the work that keeps the city functioning. They are mothers, sisters, aunts, wives and grandmothers.

    A wonderful video that demonstrates the affection the people have for the candidate.

    Thank you for posting.

    It seems that you are fooled too g'kid!

    It certainly looks as if these PT guys really care for the poor hardworking people but in fact the only thing they want is their votes in order to enrich themselves even more.

    A Police guy in charge of Bangkok. clap2.gif

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