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Posts posted by Nickymaster

  1. Thaksin is the problem, if he wasn't pushing the agenda then the Yingluck coalition could get down to fulfilling their mandate of improving the lives of the poor, unifying Thais and bringing democracy to Thailand.

    Yingluck is a real Thaksin. She is only there to fool the Thai people into believing The Shins really care for them.. She is as bad as him. Only difference is the smile. biggrin.png

    • Like 2
  2. I still don't get it. Most probably they have found some dispensable people who they can put the blame on and then??

    How to proof whether they where Reds, Men in black, the army or Abhisit’s gardeners?

    Let's wait for following statement from DPM (and Thaksin's best buddy) Chalerm:

    " I am proud to announce that we have found the people responsible for
    burning down central world. I can tell you with 100% certainty that they

    are not linked to the Red Shirt movement...... Thank you and have a
    nice day"

  3. Sorry to say so but one has to be ignorant to believe Thaksin isn't it?

    You can blame others for the mess Thailand is in today but if you are honest

    to yourself you would agree that the guy is a born liar and manipulator.

    It still puzzles me that there are well educated/informed people around who support him.

    Or is it becoming more like a winning and loosing game?

  4. This moron should be in jail, he shouldn't be anywhere near a government position. This is exactly the sort of appointment that shows what PTP really is.

    It's inconceivable the opposition will idly stand-by and let him be a minister.

    Recently he allowed nation reporters into his main residence and showed a valuable collection of relics and amulets. Asked how he came into possession of them

    "It is strange. They just came to me. One time I thought before I went to bed that I'd like to have a sculpture of King Taksin the Great for me to worship. In no time, even before I woke up in the morning, someone called me and told me that he would give me this sculpture," he said.

    In the same interview, as if in a grave-digging frenzy, he also boasted his mate Nuttawut got his fair share given to him also.

    Never mind an achilles heel, just having this farcical story as to how he/they became wealthy, must prove terminal.

    Yes the clown also said that its value was not important and in fact not known. How convenient!

  5. This moron should be in jail, he shouldn't be anywhere near a government position. This is exactly the sort of appointment that shows what PTP really is.

    This shows that YS has taken sides (finally she has made it public, in fact her speech in Mongolia was the first step) with the Reds. All that blah blah I am the PM for everybody is now out of the window. YS is preparing for "war" and finally showing her true color.

    "Sister, quickly get the Reds on your side before we can't control them anymore". "Got it bro!.

  6. Just rewards for throwing HIV infected blood at people's houses and threatening to derail the BTS. Good job PTP!

    I believe the blood in question was sourced from pigs and was not infected with HIV.

    Also water with red dye and sugar was used. This made it difficult to clean up.

    Gkid, you are either a liar, a person with bad memory or somebody who has no clue what has happened from 2008-2010.

  7. Ketamine is used as a tranquilizer on large animals such as horses, I remember more than 10 years ago people would buy it over the counter in Goa & use it.

    Your post is completely inaccurate Ketamine is not used are large animals. Quite the opposite. It's used on small animals like dogs and cats as well as children and the elderly. It's make by Park-Davis under the brand name ketalar and is generally considered one of the safer General Anesthetics and that is why it's chosen for kids and elderly.

    What is used on large animals as a tranquilizer is PCP which Ketamine certainly is NOT.

    Simple google search would quickly tell you all this.

    EDIT: I am in NO WAY condoning it's recreational use and certainly am disgusted by anyone putting a child in danger like this.

    That said, the recreational doses of Ketamine are far lower than what is used in the hospital because if the recreational user was to do it like in a hospital it would render them unconscious. They use enough to disassociate themselves without taking a full dose that would knock them out.

    I know Ketamine as a horse tranquilizer. My former brother in law is a horse vet.

    • Like 1
  8. And just because 48 per cent voted PT that also does not mean they all want Mr T back running the country. A lot of them just wanted to be rich in six months.

    Six? I thought the standard of getting things done is 3 months here in LOS...

    And just because 48 per cent voted PT that also does not mean they all want Mr T back running the country. A lot of them just wanted to be rich in six months.

    Correct. Otherwise Mr T would have agreed to go through normal channels like referendum..thumbsup.gif

    Yeah I know it is easier and faster to just get rid of the court. sick.gif

  9. Dear Muttley and PREM-R (post 30+37)

    Seemingly logic is being thrown out of the window here. Apparently Nickymaster would have us believe that the red shirt leadership thought it would be a great idea to display "their weaponry" on stage having repeatedly reiterated that the assembly was a peaceful one.

    I didn't say it's their weaponry, I said they were used (or the balance of it) by the Red shirts. Please learn how to read. You think they killed all those 20 or so officials with sticks and catapults?

    Logic? Uhm let's see. A violent group that killed and destroyed displays weapons on stage. That is already a funny one. So they got those weapons (peacefully) from the trigger happy army and they returned ALL of them. Shouldn't they all be in jail for stealing and using weapons from officials? Logic logic.

    Yes I honestly believe they ALSO used weapons they stole.

    You noticed that the image was provided by Buchholz (who doesn't seem to come back under another name......). What is your point here?

  10. Power to the People!whistling.gif

    You got that right!



    image above is titled Captured-weapons-on-displ-001.jpg, They were handed in to the police soon after they were captured. You use this image to promote you jaundiced (Yellow) propoganda. The truth is out there.

    Those are weapons used by the Red mob (part of them).

    ps, I also notice some fuel canisters there. Strange.

  11. LOL you yellows just never give up hahaha bit like when you said he would be picked up by Interpol and i said never in a million years and I was right YET AGAIN LOL the reason because they were political trumped up charges instigated by a Military coup which the world looked down upon and never gave it any credibility.

    get over it

    Trumped up charges? Are you saying he didn't sign off on his wife's purchase of state land?

    It was a witch hunt, pure and simple which is why no one but the yellow shirts and people such as you keep blurting on about it, when the WORLD AND INTERPOL(who declined to arrest him on multiple occasions) etc give it no credibility at all

    it was all because of a coup and time to make sure he never ruled again he got too powerful and was wearing the wrong colored shirt, if he had been yellow no one would of blinked at his so called crimes because I am sure if we dig deep into the yellows, you would find all sorts of crimes committed that are just overlooked and his was only bought to light as a witch hunt PURE AND SIMPLE.

    Where have you been the last decade? What do you mean by "he got too powerful"?

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