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Posts posted by Nickymaster

  1. They'll be lucky to get 2,000 to show up. The Red Shirt supporters thought it was going to be a party in 2010 and found out differently; they will not be so easily 'used' again. The ones who do show up will be well-paid and hard-core cadre. I expect violence and police inaction and haven't got a clue what the end-game at the court is supposed to be or what the outcome will be. I'm getting the popcorn ready.

    I dont think so...a party?smile.png

    Yes a party. Music and booze 24/7 for 2 months. Trust me I live in the area.

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  2. She speaks the truth THE PEOPLE VOTED the Thaksins back in, END OF STORY,

    They want them running the country, the fact that half the senate is elite cronies placed their by themselves to ensure they don't lose full control, because they want to kling onto power any way they can even if that means having a coup and then manipulating the constitution to their own means.

    Tough for you guys to swallow but thats the truth THE POWER SHOULD BE WITH THE PEOPLE and after the coup we went through years of yellow BS only to show the MOMENT the people were given the opportunity to vote they put the EXACT SAME family back in and if Thaksin was here he would be the PM and not his sister.

    Thats is the WISH OF THE PEOPLE and that is what counts, gone are the days when the peasants in the fields had no vote, and now they have the yellows dont really like it LOL

    I am missing any reference to the rule of law. I only read: they voted for PT/Thaksin so let Thaksin do as he wishes.


  3. "He said that in denying the court's authority, none of the Pheu Thai MPs - including House Speaker Somsak Kiartsuranond - would present their explanation to the court, in response to the petition against them."

    Goodbye rule of law, hello mob rule.

    Poor Somsak (not). He clearly has no say. Another pawn in TS's game. Have to be fair, Somsak most probably is a very rich man by now.

    So shut up and do as the master says...Somsak!!!!

  4. Protest leader Pongpisit Kongsena, alias Lek Bandon, said the Red Shirts would protest there until all the judges resign. The protesters are ready to intensify the protest if their demands are not met.

    There are a few weeks left before the rice planting starts in the NE. Perfect time to get the red busses rolling.

    This is what they did in 2010. They started off with "legitimate peaceful protests" and then each time they were ignored, they intensified their protests, right up to them bringing out their armed militia.

    No no, you don't get it. They were always peaceful but the security officials (of which 20 were killed by them) made them act like hooligans...

    • Like 1
  5. Kittiratt is truly a joke. For the last few weeks he was saying that the BOT should interfere and even suggested that the BOT Governor should resign.

    Kittiratt has no vision and no understanding of the economy. The guy is clearly managing by emotion, orders and uhh.... feelings I guess. Dangerous to say the least.

    Typical PT. They only use people who can serve the master and his family regardless of their performance and capabilities.

  6. Come on guys, be nice to YS. She works hard, defends her own policies and debates with critics and the opposition in order to make them understand that what she is doing is best for Thailand. She is a real PM and role model. She never walks away from her duties. She is the PM for ALL!

    I think the fact that she changes clothes so often is not important as long as she performs and smiles.

  7. This Thaksin is involved in the peace process story was only meant to get votes for the Bangkok governor election. You won't hear anything about it anymore.

    We should not underestimate how important this election was for Thaksin. They used many tricks to mislead the voters and even sent Thaksin's lapdog form the DSI, Special Investigator Tharit, after the Dems. Even Ponsapat's sparkling eyes couldn't do the job. Thaksin's side-kick little Oak's shirt wasn't red enough either.

  8. Unlike Sombath, Puangthong said emotions still run high and the level of mutual animosity may, in fact, have deepened over the three years as people like then prime minister Abhisit Vejjajiva have still not been made accountable, she said.

    Sadly that will never happen. But in the future, as long Thailand remains a democracy where the people decide in elections who should govern them, we will never see that Abhisit become a PM again. that is good.

    A least not in Thailand, but he could try in the UK, because he is British too. Maybe people there don't mind his attitude, his stripped ranks and all the death. but is think its almost equally unlikely.

    Your comments are as biased, ill-informed and misleading as Puangthongs. Abhist is on murder charges over the Thaksin financed redshirt riots. While Thaksin, who also financed the death squad called the blackshirts and his red henchmen, who called for violence an arson, remains uncharged?

    "Thailand remains a democracy where the people decide in elections who should govern them.." But they cant vote on amending their constitution.

    Red democracy in action

    this is incorrect, Suthep financed them to make it look like Thaksin.

    Smutcakes going for broke?

  9. Yesterday's rebel red-shirt protest caught many political observers by surprise. The rally drew a little over 1,000 people and had failed to get the blessing of the movement's leaders, but it will likely put the government in an awkward position.


    The mainstream Red Shirts announced they would hold a protest on April 10th to commemorate the 3rd anniversary of the fighting during the Red Shirt Riots of April and May 2010.

    Red Shirt Leader Thida asked businesses in the area affected by the Red Shirt rally not to assign blame for the disruption of their businesses to her Red Shirts, but to instead assign blame to Abhisit and Suthep.


    Local television depicts the Red Shirts rallying up this afternoon on Ratchadamnern avenue

    Scheduled to go until midnight or so.


    Back to the scene of the crime

    Let's hope the violence will be kept at a minimum. Would be a pity if the newly built shopping center would be torched for the second time.

  10. since when did this "10% good deed commision" come up?.. A person is supposed to do the right thingfor the sake of humanity , not for some bloody 10% reward. Maybe not everyone in thailand is as "rich and big-hearted" as the farangs on TV.

    Well, if you can lose THB 500k in a taxi you are first of all an idiot. If somebody is kind enough to return the money you should give him more than 2000b.

    Shamefull act by the "owner" of the money.

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