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Posts posted by Nickymaster

  1. This can't backfire.

    The Democrats are so deeply unpopular in the poorest regions of the country that this is a win-win for the government.

    Guilty verdict satisfies Thaksin, the red shirts and their sympathisers, not-guilty (carefully spun) exposes the corruption in the court system and re-enforces that the elite, the coup-makers and their associates never go to jail.

    It's brilliant politics from the master (underhanded admittedly). It also paves way to have all these niggling little 'politically motivated' guilty verdicts annulled.

    Watch, and learn.

    Yes let's watch and learn. At the moment AV is getting support from many corners because he is fighting his charges and not fleeing the country. People tend to sympathize with the underdog...

    • Like 1
  2. The way to deal with this is to have the Taksin court cases investigated by an independant commission to see whether the correct legal processes and laws were followed.

    Now there are people that say: Let Thaksin come back as a free man first and do all his cases again (that would take 10 years and during those 10 years he is a free man). Funny, that is exactly what Yingluck said to CNN the first day she took office: We have to look at my brothers’ cases again. Thaksin would then be innocent until proven guilty. Such a scenario would be the joke of the century.

    Independent commission? In a country where EVERYTHIING is politicized? That is virtually impossible, and you know that. And if such a commission could ever be set up, 99% of all Thai politicians and officials would be guilty of any sort of crime.

    In this perfectly legal (Thai) country who would be the government?

    And do you honestly believe that Thaksin could be cleared of all the dozens of cases against him (by this independent commission)? The answer would (most probably) be no and therefore Thaksin is only interested in an amnesty. He will never come back before this amnesty is in place.

    I just noticed that my post has little in common with the thread topic. The Mods are free to delete it.

  3. There might be no other alternative. Oh yes there is, leave the charter alone because nobody (besides some hungry politicians) understands what is wrong with it anyhow. Life can be simple.

    so you think for example that the ability to ban a whole party for five years due to the actions of one is not something that should be looked at?

    maybe something that shouldn't be left alone?

    That one can be fixed easily. No need to rewrite the charter for that.


    you said leave the charter alone, no one understands what is wrong with it or did i read that wrong? nope, i didn't.

    you think they are going to change every single thing in the charter do you?

    i suppose a charter drafted as a result of a military coup is preferable to someone such as yourself though... so the debate is pointless.

    If you start by supposing that things would be preferable to me, yes a debate between you and me would be pointless.

    • Like 1
  4. The Thai constitution/charter is like a white-board....so easily erased and temporarily rewritten (frequently).

    you're right, i think even if it does pass through the legal channels, public referendum etc.. if it does benefit thaksin in any way, they can just 'coup' it out of existence with the roll of a few tanks and it's back to square one, or 2006 as i prefer to call it.

    There might be no other alternative. Oh yes there is, leave the charter alone because nobody (besides some hungry politicians) understands what is wrong with it anyhow. Life can be simple.

    so you think for example that the ability to ban a whole party for five years due to the actions of one is not something that should be looked at?

    maybe something that shouldn't be left alone?

    That one can be fixed easily. No need to rewrite the charter for that.


  5. because the author believes, that charges are mumbo jumbo, make everybody happy and let the International Criminal Court to make a judgement.

    If that were to happen, the military would have to answer for the treatment of the Rohingya. The allegations over cross border human trafficing could also end up at the ICC.

    So we all agree that Thailand should become a signatory to the ICC. So what is this government waiting for? I would like to know.

    • Like 1
  6. The Thai constitution/charter is like a white-board....so easily erased and temporarily rewritten (frequently).

    you're right, i think even if it does pass through the legal channels, public referendum etc.. if it does benefit thaksin in any way, they can just 'coup' it out of existence with the roll of a few tanks and it's back to square one, or 2006 as i prefer to call it.

    There might be no other alternative. Oh yes there is, leave the charter alone because nobody (besides some hungry politicians) understands what is wrong with it anyhow. Life can be simple.

  7. What a game!

    The government tells (fools) the reds into believing that they want ICC to investigate 2010. The ICC presumably was pulled so far into the game that they told Thailand to either become a signatory or stop wasting their time. The government which is run by cowards and liars will never become a full signatory.

    So what to do next?

    Find a Mickey Mouse department (DSI) to trump up murder charges against AV and Suthep. This keeps the reds occupied for a while and at the same time gives a sign to the ICC that they are not "needed" anymore because an internal "investigation" has started.

    • Like 2
  8. What do you do when charges are made against you?

    2 examples:

    -Abhisit acknowledges the charges and fights them in a Thai court.

    -Thaksin flees the country, hires a PR machine to tell the world all charges are politically motivated, starts a violent movement, intimidates judges and tries to whitewash himself.

    Have a nice and peaceful weekend folks!

    • Like 2
  9. Didnt I hear a few days ago after mobilising 50,000 cops in full riot gear against a rally that threatened no one and if I understand correctly had permits to gather, the present PM saying that it was the Govts job to maintain law and order.

    Yes I did, but it seems it was not the job of the previous Govt to do the same thing against a mob of rioters who had done so much damage and threatened so much more.

    In 2010 the police vanished when the Reds arrived. There was no law (enforcement) and order in Bangkok for weeks (months) during the protest period. A big difference from what we saw 2 weeks ago, over a hundred arrests with 2 hours!!

    If the police would have done their job, the army didn't have to clean it up. Problem with the Thai police force is that they are corrupt as hell, hence the close relationship with the criminal fugitive Thaksin.

    Thaksin was ready to sacrifice his beloved reds in order to tell the world “The trigger happy Thai army kills innocent people”. A truly sick game. Please be reminded that the government at that time had already promised elections within 6 months. At first everybody seemed to like it until Thaksin said NO (in fact his workers, the Red shirt leaders at that time rejected the proposal). That’s when the situation went out of control. Thaksin and the rest of his Shin clan will have to pay for this (one day). In fact, I believe they are already paying for it. I can’t imagine anybody in the Shin clan to have a happy life. Not now and not in the future.

    • Like 1
  10. Once again , don't forget the Temple murder ! and how given order to.open fire !? How was responsible !? for death of 91 people's !?

    Once again, out of 91, 20 were officials. A truly fascinating number.

    is it ok to shoot the nurse for revenge?

    I didn't know it happened but those things are not ok.

    Maybe you are confused with invading a hospital? Hence the nurse story..

  11. unless he pulled the trigger he didn't murder anyone - rediculous

    If a Thai soldier on the ground was trigger happy and there's evidence beyond any reasonable doubt that he killed an inocent taxi driver then he should be brought to court to answer the allegations

    only in Thailand

    I suspect Adolf Hitler never pulled a trigger either, but he was certainly guilty of crimes against humanity.

    Wrong! Hitler did pull the trigger now and then.

    Now and then? Can you give me some historical time and name of who he shot please? Or are you telling porkies?

    You never saw him carry a gun?

  12. He insisted his office has taken legal action on both sides of the 2010 violence as it has filed charges against 295 red supporters. The charges against Abhisit and Suthep are the first on the government’s side, he said.

    2 to 295

    bout time

    I think the big question is: "How many charges were filed on the "red" side after PT took office"?

    Read the post you replied to, you might well find the answer to your question!!!!!!!!!!!

    Meaning, DSI is not operating independently !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  13. Like I said numerous times, it’s handy to have the DSI on your payroll.

    Just a pity that the DSI isn't interested in investigating the biggest corruption case in Thai history: the rice scam (or any other cases related to THIS government). A truly Special Department.

    (And we all know this is done by the DSI (Tharit) to help Thaksin. Soon Thaksin will start his amnesty for all again, hoping that Abhisit will agree to it when under pressure with murder charges)

    Yes, all this for one man: THAKSIN.

    the dsi is on whose payroll? cheesy.gif

    Thaksin's cheesy.gifcheesy.gif

  14. Wonder if the courts will make charges against Jatupon and the others as their red shirts killed Army personnel. Doubt it very much.

    Think the outside world is laughing at Thailand again

    How is that? Abhisit was the leader when some of the most oppressive censorship, brutal crackdowns and harshest sentences anywhere in the world were carried out under his leadership. Only fitting he is held responsible.

    He may be considering using his British passport soon

    I think that you don't get out much! I lived in BKK at the time and thought that Abhisit's flaw was not breaking the demonstration up earlier. That was NOT a brutal crackdown. Check the news and history for brutal. I would say that it is inevitable that there are casualties when both sides are armed (or even if only one side is armed). It was UNFORTUNATE and SAD that anyone died, both on the side of the demonstrators and the government. I must say though that I miss the sight and sound of people gathered around burning mounds of tires in the middle of intersections.

    NOT brutal at all, the soldiers even displayed a warning sign in advance.

    After 15 officials were killed the authorities finally put up a sign to try to prevent more people from being killed

    Thanks for sharing this picture. wai2.gif

  15. Tarit said Abhisit as the prime minister and Suthep as the director of the then Centre for Resolution of the Emergency, must be held responsible for the death of Phan Khamkong, a red taxi driver, who the court said was killed by security troops. The shooter was not identified.

    The shooter was not even identified and they want to indict Abhisit and Suthep for murder. The mind boggles.

    Based on a few testimonies from some Red shirts who said they had witnessed the shooting the former PM of a country is facing criminal charges…

    Thaksin and Tarit are truly desperate; they really don't know what to do anymore.

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