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Posts posted by Nickymaster

  1. Especially when you consider that they were arrested within 2 hours from the start of the rally.

    A show of force to intimidate other protestors…

    Yeeah let's congratulate the Thai police for selective law enforcement. Give me a break!

    Of course cutting through barbed wire barriers and attacking the police had nothing to do with it. Better to have waited a few days, let it get really violent and then bring in the snipers in the army?

    A few days? A few weeks (months) you mean. Because the police was basically none-existing in 2010, the army had to be brought in to end the out-of-control mess. Interesting. I agree.

    So to simplify the whole thing, would the police have been as active in 2010 as they were 2 days ago, all the terror, death and destruction would have been MUCH less.

    I think the last week has taught us a lot about what happened in 2010.

  2. A total of 117 protesters - 94 men and 23 women - were being detained at the Border Patrol Police Region 1 headquarters in Pathum Thani yesterday, according to Pol Lt-General Nares Nanthachot, commander of Police Region 1.

    Will the government provide bail for these obviously political prisoners, or just let them go to save money and show some real reconciliation spirit ?

    This post was made prior to the release of those arrested during the confrontation with the police, prior to Buchholz providing us the update that they have indeed been released on this thread...

    Buchholz, you liked this comment and as one so quick to allude to double standards in others I'm guessing you are about to post a congratulatory message to the current Government and the police, for putting reconciliation first rather than dragging them through the court system and furthering the divide?

    "a congratulatory message to the current Government and the police, for putting reconciliation first"

    Or maybe there wasn't enough evidence to prosecute the individuals that were arrested.

    Especially when you consider that they were arrested within 2 hours from the start of the rally.

    A show of force to intimidate other protestors…

    Yeeah let's congratulate the Thai police for selective law enforcement. Give me a break!

  3. Looks like the Democats are on a roll.

    First the failure of the Pitak Siam group to cause civil disorder and anarchy and now the Democrats blowing some hot air in the house.

    And of course the dithering, vacilating Abhisit can flutter about providing his indecisive leadership, a leadership that with each day sees the Democrats becoming more marginalized and detached from everyday Thais.

    One of the reasons why the PTP lock on government is becoming stronger is that the Democrats keep following a failed strategy. If they ever hope to win an election, they need to clean house and get some people organizational skills, leadership abilities and a vision that motivates the people.

    The censure debate kicked of 2 hours ago. What are you talking about man? Let them finish the thing first before concluding something.. pfff.. If you would have had some proper education you would understand that Thailand is a VERY corrupt country, but you don't seem to mind as long as your side wins. Mind you we are not supporting a football club here.

    GK you are right - The Dems do need to clean house. AV was their big hope and he hasn't materialized into what they wanted, get rid and get someone untainted by the last messy three years of politics in a s leader, voters will respond to this. The Dems bang the same drum and sing the same song, a song which is no longer popular. They urgently need a new direction and a strategy to woo back marginal voters and make Thai politics a genuine two horse race again, otherwise they will remain a party of Bangkok and the South, which ain't gonna win any elections.

    Thailand has a dictatorship. 1 party controls all. You don't see that. Secret billion dollar deals are very democratic....

    Let's get back to the closest we can get to democracy in this country: A censure debate! Please stop trying to derail this thread.

    (assuming you support democracy or even know how it works)

    • Like 2
  4. What a nice picture for our friend Buscholtz who were asking yesterday if we had any proof that it was actually the protestors who were responsible for the violence during the demonstration.

    What a thoughtless statement.

    It was the protesters fault had nothing to do with the fact that they were protesting against the government.

    The big question for some who are slow is why did the police send so many anti riot police to the demonstration and try to box them in to a small area with barb wire, They came prepared to provoke it.

    Have they ever used any where near these tactics on the red shirt demonstrators. Of course not they did not want to turn them into violent situations.

    It dosen't take a rocket scientist to figure that out. First the Government whips up fear of violence by claiming plans to kill there leader then they discover plans to kidnap Yingluck and others.

    Some times I wonder if other countries have the same low standard of education as Thailand their posts would indicate it.


    The police prepared for one million protestors hence their numbers. Secondly they did not fence the protestors in a small area with barbed wire, they secured areas there were out of bounds to the protestors such as parliament and the UN, the protestors chose to attack the police to try and gain access to these areas.

    Amazing already trying to rewrite the facts.

    Arresting over a hundred protestors within 2-3 hours after the protest kicked of is normal right? Especially normal in Thailand right?

  5. I can't believe so many people in this forum take part in the Tom and Jerry politics in this country, and actually defend one side over the other. Way to join the mass psychosis.

    Good point!

    It's all about winning or losing here. Not many seem to care whether or not a party is corrupt and rotten to the bone. WE accept that as long as OUR side wins. We are just a bunch of hooligans. (I am serous. not being sarcastic)

  6. maybe next time, people should protest for general elections if they have a probelm with this government.

    no problem with that whatsoever, whether i agree with their reasoning or not.

    this group was just a ridiculous joke from the beginning.

    The same old bla bla, so what you are saying is: corruption, nepotism etc is OK because they are elected?

  7. well the police says they were armed....

    That does not mean anything....neither that they were armed not that they were not armed.

    Bullets found

    < Un-sourced, un-linked photo deleted >

    I realize you're supposed to be new here, but for the benefit of all forum readers, if you're going to post photos, please provide a source and a link that it was obtained from.

    I have only caught up to the thread to this point and whether or not it has since been confirmed by a news source, but irrespective of whether it is or not verified later, the point is that it hasn't of yet.

    Photos of anything you want are available on the internet. To differentiate between something made up and something factual, that's why source and links to purported news is essential.

    Thank you and anyone else wishing to provide information for the thread to comply with this basic netiquette.

    It will avoid a lot of unnecessary posts disputing the authenticity or requests for links.


    So it's a screen grab

    You'll be able to see it in your copy of the nation tomorrow.

    The police found bullets.

    The police found out of date tear gas canisters

    Hidden evidence from 2010 maybe? Suddenly the police finds things..

  8. Anybody who breaks the law should be punished right? So stop whining over 2010.

    Here, we see water cannons, sound guns and tear gas. These are tools for crowd control.

    In 2010, we saw M16s and shotguns.

    Problem is that we didn't see tools for crowd control in 2010 because the police was not there when their red buddies terrorized downtown Bangkok.

    Yes we saw M16s, RPGs, shotguns etc being used by the reds.

    Get your facts right!

    Oh, I forgot. The reds shot themselves with the help of the mysterious dark figures.

    I don't know how much time you spent at Ratchaprasong. But, during my visits to the 2010 protest site, I only saw the army with M16s, shotguns and 00 Buck. I guess the mysterious dark figures were still lurking in the dark!

    The previous administration sent the army to do police work. The only have tools, and are trained, to kill and destroy, not control.

    Correct, send the army to do the police work because the police didn't work. Thank you.

    Somebody must have killed those 20 or so officilas in 2010 right?

    I was at Ratchaprasong in 2010, everyday. My appartment is there (not just a visit).

    • Like 2
  9. Pitak Siam leader to decide in three hours whether to continue rally

    The Nation

    BANGKOK: -- Pitak Siam leader Gen Boonlert Kaewprasit said he would wait three more hours before evaluating the situation whether to continue the rally following a scuffle between police and protesters.

    He urged more people to join the rally and he would ask the demonstrators in three hours whether the protest should continue.

    He claimed that he learned that police would suppress the protesters at noon and he called on troops to come out to protect the demonstrators.


    -- The Nation 2012-11- 24

    Watching Al Jazeera and Wayne said that the stage was calling for a 5 year suspension of democracy and a hand pick government to be installed. This General is another clown from a long line of from of 'paid for clowns' who come out on payment to support the Amart.

    Calling on the army to come out and protect the demonstrators is what this i all about. And the paid for trouble have sent their bill to the General not to Yingluck. Sure allow the protest but anybody calling for unrest should get the same treatment Seh Daeng got

    Just a pity the other Red leaders and master Red leader Thaksin didn't get that treatment. Right?

  10. Anybody who breaks the law should be punished right? So stop whining over 2010.

    Here, we see water cannons, sound guns and tear gas. These are tools for crowd control.

    In 2010, we saw M16s and shotguns.

    Problem is that we didn't see tools for crowd control in 2010 because the police was not there when their red buddies terrorized downtown Bangkok.

    Yes we saw M16s, RPGs, shotguns etc being used by the reds.

    Get your facts right!

    • Like 1
  11. "protectors as aggressors" - the police??

    The protesters cut the wire. That was their aggression. Did that require tear gas to be fired by the police? Why do they have batons and shields?

    Protesters. Frickin iPhone auto correct.

    Seriously, the protesters were going through a barricade and attempting to over take the cop's position. That is an act of aggression and they are lucky only tear gas was lobbed at them. If you cannot see that, you are blinded by your emotion or prejudice.

    Anybody who breaks the law should be punished right? So stop whining over 2010.

    Who is whining over 2010? I think 06, 08, 10 and 2012 are all wrong and have done nothing but undermined the entire political process and is leading to further political instability. The cycle needs to be broken now or it is just going to get worse and worse each time until a really bad situation arises.

    Until a really bad situation arises...

    What do we have today? Over the top corruption and populism, red shirt leaders in the government, selective law enforcement, A DPM and PM who are the biggest liers around, and a government that is basically only interested in whitewashing their own crimes and their friends' crimes. You need more examples of how bad it is in Thailand?

    Can it get worse??

  12. Based on videos showing protectors as aggressors, firing tear gas into the police and the death threat to Yungluck, this should be treated as a national security issue warranting use of force. Bad situation and I think police showed great restraint. Their conduct makes the current government appear as the reasonable ones.

    "protectors as aggressors" - the police??

    The protesters cut the wire. That was their aggression. Did that require tear gas to be fired by the police? Why do they have batons and shields?

    Protesters. Frickin iPhone auto correct.

    Seriously, the protesters were going through a barricade and attempting to over take the cop's position. That is an act of aggression and they are lucky only tear gas was lobbed at them. If you cannot see that, you are blinded by your emotion or prejudice.

    Anybody who breaks the law should be punished right? So stop whining over 2010.

  13. The authorities expect tens of thousands of people to attend the demonstration, the first major street protest against Yingluck's 16-month-old administration.

    I wish 65 million people would demonstrate, Yingluck's just a clone of Thaksin and everybody knows it.

    Time for this country to wake up. Bring back Abhisit, please.

    Please Yingluck, step down.-- wai.gif

    Abhisit can come back any time. All he has to do is win a mandate in an election, something he has yet to accomplish.

    Yes, Geriatric Kid !! A lot of us foreigners love to harp on about democracy whilst blasting YingLuk. These people tend to forget that it was YingLuk's party that won the democratic election. Abhisit's party represents a minority group of people in Thailand, that's why they've never won an election in living memory, and indeed, they probably never will !!! wink.png

    So let's continue robbing the country empty! Viva corruption!!

  14. It seems the police didn't give warning before firing tear gas at the protestors...maybe if warning was given the need to use tear gas could have been avoided?

    Untrue, police chief said they were warned over loud speakers for up to 1 hour before they used gas. the gas was used when protesters tried to drive a truck through a police line

    You believe the Thai police on their word?

  15. Let's see how this unfolds. Tense times.

    I would say however it unfolds there will be problems....

    If pitak really want to make a stir, cause no problem at all, go home and do it again next week.

    Thailand needs a Gandhi.

    That is their plan. Voice concern about corruption and go home. Problem is that they are already labeled as trouble makers. Thida is arranging the 3rd hand and soon Pitak will not be allowed to rally.

    I think we know what this government is trying to do. So sick.

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