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Posts posted by Nickymaster

  1. He said his department would summon both Abhisit and Suthep, now MPs with the opposition Democrat Party, to acknowledge the charge next Wednesday.

    "I expect both to report on the set date and not try to delay until December 21, the day the parliamentary session starts, enabling them to obtain parliamentary immunity," he said.

    Slow down Tarit!! Why are you in such a hurry? Ahh.. I see, almost Christmas.

  2. Like I said numerous times, it’s handy to have the DSI on your payroll.

    Just a pity that the DSI isn't interested in investigating the biggest corruption case in Thai history: the rice scam (or any other cases related to THIS government). A truly Special Department.

    (And we all know this is done by the DSI (Tharit) to help Thaksin. Soon Thaksin will start his amnesty for all again, hoping that Abhisit will agree to it when under pressure with murder charges)

    Yes, all this for one man: THAKSIN.

    Wow, you are sooooo smart... smile.png

    Thank you. I just want to educate the stupid people.

  3. Like I said numerous times, it’s handy to have the DSI on your payroll.

    Just a pity that the DSI isn't interested in investigating the biggest corruption case in Thai history: the rice scam (or any other cases related to THIS government). A truly Special Department.

    (And we all know this is done by the DSI (Tharit) to help Thaksin. Soon Thaksin will start his amnesty for all again, hoping that Abhisit will agree to it when under pressure with murder charges)

    Yes, all this for one man: THAKSIN.

    what rice scam? haven't heard any farmer whining..


  4. Hahaha I heard a few noises before I logged on, it would seem that was toys being thrown out of prams.

    So the murderers abhist and suthep (I assume I can say this now, after all thaksin is referred to as the murderer, terrorist etc etc etc despite never being found guilty of these things, in fact I expected the posters that abuse thaksin this way would have been referring to abhisit as the murderous abhisit, how wrong I was haha) will be charged, we all knew it would happen, and I expect more charges will follow for the other murders that took place. I am sure he can afford good lawyers to deal with this, and it's nothing to do with rice deals etc, this is to do with his actions while PM, pure and simple. We all knew this would happen and it is correct that this is happening, the truth needs to come out about what orders were given and by whom they were given.

    As for those claiming the PTP run the courts etc, if this is the case why are red shirt leaders about to go on trial for terrorism related charges?

    Think about what you are all saying in your hysteria.

    Do you think the DSI is the right body to charge AV with murder?

  5. Why doesn't daddy give the poor girl a private plane? It will cost a billion baht max to have a decent plane that can fly to Hongkong and Dubai. Peanuts for the Shins. From the rice scam alone they could buy a few boeings. What is this elite girl doing flying among the peasants?

    I also just read that Deputy Interior Minister Pracha Prasobdee will pay Cathay Pacific a PERSONAL visit to make sure that the Stewardess in question is appropriately punished.

  6. Good, might be a good opportunity to rid the country of these pests and hopefully it might cross to the canine population and also deplete or drastically reduce these pests at the same time.

    What a small minded person you must be. If everybody would have a mindset like you we would soon have no people on this planet.

    You act as if it is the fault of the cats that there are so many (some like dogs) here in Thailand. If the Thai authorities would spend a little of their time and a little of the taxpayers' money these problems could be dealt with easily. It’s the result of years of mismanaging this country and having priorities in the wrong place.

    People like you certainly don't make a better world.

    Please expand on your thesis between cats and dogs and no people on this planet, should make for an interesting discussion. You might also like to discuss the link between unchecked diseased cats and dogs running wild over most of Thailand and small minded people, and while you are at it, can you advise if small minded people are similar to those people who wear blinkers throughout their life.

    Scores Of Abandoned Cats In Angthong Die Of Cat Flu Disease: Reports and that is good according to you.

    Be careful, the karma police might pay you a visit one of these days.

  7. Thailand should be happy with the Dems. It is the only reason this country is still operating fairly normal. Imagine how much PT would steal if they could easily wipe the opposition under the carpet.

    Not many can beat the propaganda machine that is build by PT.

    Well, they did an ok job, and actually, someone did a lot of work to check the rice mess. Much better than I though they would manage. But they still didn't come up with a knock out. Oh, well, onto round 2.......

    It would not have been smart to take of their pants during the debate, ie, don't make the PT party too smart. I assume that they will reveal more info to the NACC.

    Why wouldn't they put it all out? What's to hide?

    Nothing to hide but you are not going to reveal all your evidence before you are going to submit it to the NACC.

    • Like 2
  8. Thailand should be happy with the Dems. It is the only reason this country is still operating fairly normal. Imagine how much PT would steal if they could easily wipe the opposition under the carpet.

    Not many can beat the propaganda machine that is build by PT.

    Well, they did an ok job, and actually, someone did a lot of work to check the rice mess. Much better than I though they would manage. But they still didn't come up with a knock out. Oh, well, onto round 2.......

    It would not have been smart to take of their pants during the debate, ie, don't make the PT party too smart. I assume that they will reveal more info to the NACC.

  9. Well, to a degree, under the law as it stands, you can't just go around and accuse them of criminal wrong doing, in public, and do nothing about it. If she's corrupt, presumably, someone should take a case to the senate or to the police.

    This is all part and parcel of these idiots growing up to understand what you can and cannot do. I was privy to watch a court case once, and literally the accuser came up with in thai, "but that's not fair", having failed to produce one single piece of solid hard evidence of what he was accusing the other person of.

    This is something similar. You can't just shoot your mouth off about someone, with ZERO proof. Which is pretty much a universal right anywhere in the world. You wouldn't call someone a murderer or a paedophile, or a thief or anything else criminal in a public environment anywhere in the world, with ZERO proof, and hope to get away with it.

    This is where the media and the opposition have to up their game, and dig and dig and dig to actually find something tangible to accuse these people of something. There are a billion skeletons hanging in these people's closets, lest we forget one of them enabled his son to escape a murder charge and leave the country. Another has a mum who is extremely acquisitive of land she shouldn't really be buying.

    Are you telling me, there isn't ONE whistle blower to open up these cans of worms anywhere in the country. People's silence has been bought, well un-buy it. It's one thing to trade in tittle tattle, it's completely another to trade in unrefutable facts and statements. This is called growing up as a society.

    I can't wait, although I think it may take quite a long time.

    Are we now at a stage that everybody is right or wrong until there is 100% proof? Are we not asking too much from a developing and corrupt country like Thailand. Do we need to give everybody the benefit of the doubt?

    I agree with most what you are saying but often 1+1+1+1=4.

    "This is where the media and the opposition have to up their game, and dig and dig and dig to actually find something tangible to accuse these people of something"

    For example, don't you think that the opposition has presented enough proof to believe that PT is stealing a lot of money through the rice scheme? Of course they have not presented all the info they have, they will only reveal this to the NACC.

  10. I personally can't think of a bigger crook than Thaksin.

    Exactly Nicky, you're slowly getting there. Why is that I wonder?!

    "By creating a devil for everyone to point fingers at and focus on - namely Thaksin, some of the biggest crooks in this land have been given free reign to plunder to their hearts content and past sins go unnoticed. Truly amazing Thailand."

    Frengle please help me out by providing some names of those biggest crooks.

    I know it is all our fault, we have created Thaksin and have given the biggest crooks free reign..coffee1.gif

  11. most people here have a good idea what is going on, I'd say TS has already tripled his confiscated funds, it is seriously annoying that the majority of thai people can't see further than 500baht, they wouldn't know how to count all the zeros (billions) that are being currently raped from their pockets by the nice men they think are wonderful heros - makes me sick to watch it happen - what a ***** this country is

    and to the falangs here that think it's ok - shame on you - of all the people that have an educated chance of seeing it - what is your excuse - you are even worse than the thai perps of this routing because you should be able to see what's going on and yet you come on here backing these thugs and thieves - Dick Turpin wore a mask <deleted>

    Yes much more palatable when those stealing from you hide behind a mask isn't it?! blink.png

    I fail to see anyone defending corruption here, some are just a tad more realistic about it and don't have blinkers on with regard to who's been helping themselves to the cookie jar over the years. Some also realise that until corruption is stamped out at the bottom and most Thais aren't willingly participating in it, the corruption rises all the way to the very top.

    Some also prefer concrete evidence rather than massive speculation and witch hunts - Thaksin has tripled his confiscated funds? Is that just a figure you've plucked out of the air based on your own prejudices or do you have even the slightest shred of evidence to back that assertion up?

    By creating a devil for everyone to point fingers at and focus on - namely Thaksin, some of the biggest crooks in this land have been given free reign to plunder to their hearts content and past sins go unnoticed. Truly amazing Thailand.

    Sorry to burst your bubble but TV did not create a devil. Thaksin was and is a creation of his own actions. One conviction and he goes into self imposed exile and becomes a citizen of another country. He is welcome to come back only he faces a jail term here along with many other charges. We had nothing to do with that.

    Many of these other biggest crooks are in his employ. Look at the list of people who go to visit him when ever their is a plum position open. He calls into cabinet meetings. Name one other person who can take part in a Cabinet meeting who is not in it by calling in from another country. When the red shirts came to an agreement for the end of hostilities it was Thaksin who said no deal on the agreement.

    No we did not create him he did it himself. It was easy for him to do there are so many uneducated Thais that can not see what is happening only hear promises and when they don't appear not remember them. For instance they were all going to be rich 6 months after his return. It has been 15 months.

    The education level in Thailand is to low to see what is happening too them and it is backed up by a few gullible farongs.

    I also thought that this part was funny. "By creating a devil for everyone to point fingers at and focus on - namely Thaksin, some of the biggest crooks in this land have been given free reign to plunder to their hearts content and past sins go unnoticed."

    Isn't Thaksin the one that creates smoke-screens in order for his clan to rob the country? He misleads the people with his propaganda while the country is being raped.

    I personally can't think of a bigger crook than Thaksin.

  12. Remember, this topic is about the Pitak Siam rally of this past weekend and not the events of 2010.

    My apologies metisdead, I fear I have contributed to derailing this thread.

    It's difficult not to draw comparisons between this serious assault on the freedom of the independent press in Thailand and those pesky foreign Red Shirt propaganda merchants shooting themselves willy nilly to further their journalistic careers in 2010...

    Come on. This was your first sentence.

    "Very selective memory bordering on total BS. Never occurred during the 2010 protests?! Really, there was total press freedom was there?"

    Nicky, please leave it alone. You're yet again taking a reply to another member totally out of context. The post is there for all to read, you're doing yourself no favours mate.

    Your first comment in this thread was: But in 2010.... It just caught my attention and I thought: "Again?" That's all.

    I will leave it here. No problem.


  13. Remember, this topic is about the Pitak Siam rally of this past weekend and not the events of 2010.

    My apologies metisdead, I fear I have contributed to derailing this thread.

    It's difficult not to draw comparisons between this serious assault on the freedom of the independent press in Thailand and those pesky foreign Red Shirt propaganda merchants shooting themselves willy nilly to further their journalistic careers in 2010...

    Come on. This was your first sentence.

    "Very selective memory bordering on total BS. Never occurred during the 2010 protests?! Really, there was total press freedom was there?"

  14. The foreign press. Those on the street. They must be right. They are never in dangerous places they should not be or are not allowed to be. They always obey orders from authorities. They never go the extra mile for that 1 special picture. They are saints and are always right. Just like Mr. Santi.

    And we should not take into account that a headline like Army shoots innocent protestors sells better then Violent protestors shoot at Thai authorities.

    Please try not to be so blinkered in your posts.

    Nicky please read back this post and compare and contrast with your others on this thread. They make truly fascinating reading!

    You just don't get it. Santi was put in there for a purpose. Nevermind.

  15. Supachai Jaisamut, deputy secretary general of the opposition Bhumjaithai Party, said the party’s 24 MPs voted in favour of the prime minister as they viewed that the Opposition's allegations against the premier had no substantial grounds, but abstained from voting for deputy prime minister Chalerm and defence minister Sukumpol.

    Says it all doesn't it.They know that the culprits are rotten to the root as they don't give a <deleted> about Chalerm or Sukunmpot but still vote for Yingliuck because they're scared to be banned from the trough if they don't.

    I don't know the correct composition of Parliament, but is there a chance that 159 is exactly the number of votes that are not attached to the coalition ?

    Read the OP and you will see:

    "Yingluck, Thailand's first female premier, won 308 of the 467 votes, securing support even from outside her six-party coalition which commands about three-fifths of the seats in the lower house."

    I saw the 308 votes too. That confirms again that Thai politics is rotten to the core. 8 more hungry wolves who want a piece of the pie. They have just learned form the DEMS how corrupt PT is. Now they want something too.

  16. Santi Tae-tia, 50, a cameraman for ASTV and Tosarit Wattanarat, cameraman for T-News, both anti-government television stations, lodged complaints at Nanlerng Police Station yesterday, saying they were assaulted by police, detained and had their cameras destroyed.

    Santi said he showed his press card and journalist badge to no avail and was attacked by police. He added that he was forced to lie on the ground and kicked in the face, but he was able to protect himself with his hands. Santi said another journalist was assaulted. He and Tosarit were held in a detention van for more than an hour.

    His camera and notebook computer were damaged and his camera was confiscated.

    This is a straightforward story and the police are dead wrong. What a coincidence that it happened within 2 hours after the protest started and that one journalist works for ASTV. What a coincidence guys!

    PURE intimidation by the police…Nothing less!

    And then there are guys on those forum saying..yes..yes..but..but..in 2010 bla bla.. I honestly believe that many guys posting here don’t want Thailand to improve. They seem to be intelligent guys but as long as their party wins its ok. All about winning. Very dangerous people.

    I have no idea about this case, other than what is reported here (the same as you i presume), but you could quite simply turn your statement around. Oh what a surprise, one 'unbiased ASTV' reporters surprise surprise make unfounded allegation of police despite being involved in the protest.

    Interesting that you choose to believe the reporters version. Its simply one/two persons word against another group of people.

    The whole situation was all over the news within minutes of it happening.

    And the police already tried to cool down the situation by saying it was a mistake (do some research if you don't believe me). Another honest mistake.. And you don't smell anything fishy here. I am not surprised.

    You may well be right, I don't know. I just find it strange you jump into the story based on the article and you write as if you are 100% correct and it is all factual already, when really you know nothing about it other than whats on here, and some other article which it appears you are again making assumptions that the are trying to 'cool' the situation. I just prefer to be a little bit more circumspect until all facts are actually known.

    Like I said, please do some research on the issue and you will come to the same conclusion.

  17. Santi Tae-tia, 50, a cameraman for ASTV and Tosarit Wattanarat, cameraman for T-News, both anti-government television stations, lodged complaints at Nanlerng Police Station yesterday, saying they were assaulted by police, detained and had their cameras destroyed.

    Santi said he showed his press card and journalist badge to no avail and was attacked by police. He added that he was forced to lie on the ground and kicked in the face, but he was able to protect himself with his hands. Santi said another journalist was assaulted. He and Tosarit were held in a detention van for more than an hour.

    His camera and notebook computer were damaged and his camera was confiscated.

    This is a straightforward story and the police are dead wrong. What a coincidence that it happened within 2 hours after the protest started and that one journalist works for ASTV. What a coincidence guys!

    PURE intimidation by the police…Nothing less!

    And then there are guys on those forum saying..yes..yes..but..but..in 2010 bla bla.. I honestly believe that many guys posting here don’t want Thailand to improve. They seem to be intelligent guys but as long as their party wins its ok. All about winning. Very dangerous people.

    I wonder whether or not Santi was one of the journalists riding in the back of the 6 wheeled truck that rammed the police barricades Nicky? Would explain his treatment by the police wouldn't it?

    I guess the fact that he works for a known anti-Government TV station is totally irrelevant when considering this incident. Are there any independent, foreign journalists crying foul play over the handling of the Pitak Siam protest or only those known to be on the payroll of Anti Government media outlets?

    I guess there's no reason why these journalists would want to be paint the Government handling of this situation in a bad light? No agenda attached to working for an Anti-Government TV station?

    Indeed 2010 bla bla bla... totally irrelevant to the political landscape in Thailand! I honestly believe that many guys on here deliberately ignore all the facts in favour of carefully selecting snippets that support their "cause", whatever that might be. I think there are a few on here that prefer to consider all the information and rather than making outrageous, sweeping statements, based on little substantiated fact, suggest motivations, ask questions and play Devil's advocate...

    The story has been all over the news the last 4 days. Like I said, the police already came out to say it was a mistake. A honest mistake.

    What are you trying to argue here?? Coming up with excuses for the police's handling. Amazing.

    The journalists SHOWED THEIR PRESS CARD. Yes Frengled, let's talk about the 6 wheel truck that caused all the confusion.. pff

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