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Posts posted by Nickymaster

  1. First of all I hope nothing will happen to Thaksin.

    You believe in the long term Thailand cannot survive without Thaksin?

    you made a long post and all i did was ask you a simple question about the post you made.

    You asked a simple question concerning a small part of my post and I give you a short answer and asked you a simple question in return.

    Please answer that simple question including following question:

    It would be bad if 1 man could bring a country down/make a country collapse don't you think so?

    you didn't answer my question at all!!! but i'll answer yours cos i'm nice like that.

    "You believe in the long term Thailand cannot survive without Thaksin?" of course i don't!

    "It would be bad if 1 man could bring a country down/make a country collapse don't you think so?" yes it would be bad if one man could do that.

    now can you answer me of what you see in the long term please?

    You really don't get it? C'mon, you are smarter than that (please don't report me).

    My questions are my answers. You even confrmed them.

  2. RT @tulsathit: TR @news1005fm: Nuttawut: If Panthongtae hadn't known for sure, he wouldn't have talked about the "assassination" plot.

    Nattawut should just tell the Reds that at the moment Thaksin doesn't need them, in fact they are only giving him trouble.

    Doing business with Thein Sein, yes. Meeting reds and eating food they were going to bring, no.

  3. "While the useful idiot red shirts were baking in the sun eating dried fish"

    nice one.

    What the poster of that "hilarious" quip fails to realize is that this kind of comment is in itself an explanation for Thaksin's rise to power and the Red shirts.

    Goh, how one can be mistaken. Here I am, believing k. Thaksin rose to power in a way which had nothing at all to do with red-shirts. I always thought it was because in 1996/1997 he promised to solve Bangkok's traffic problem which indeed happened a few months after he resigned. Thanks to be economical crisis that is, which saw some bankrupted and some not. Let that be a lesson to all, replace the batteries in your crystal ball regularly.

    Yes you would be mistaken. The Thai electorate are no strangers to broken promises. If the poor like Thaksin it's because in their eyes (admittedly wrongly so) he is one of them, derogatory stereotypical remarks made by those supporting his opponents only reinforces the feeling. A feeling the reds also feed on. I am sure someone as intelligent as you understood I didn't mean how he first got elected or his political debut but how he has become an almost messianic figure to so many Thais.

    "I am sure someone as intelligent as you understood I didn't mean how he first got elected or his political debut but how he has become an almost messianic figure to so many Thais."

    Without all the money he controls and spends, there would only be a very small Thaksin.

  4. Please understand that no government in the world is happy to receive a controversial person like Thaksin. We saw what happened in the US. The sad part is that Thaksin uses the Thai government to "force" other countries to welcome him in order for him to show the world that he is welcome everywhere except Thailand. Works well with the reds.

    I believe the real reason Thaksin is cancelling his trip to meet his supporters is because Burma is not happy to be Thaksin’s pawn.

    If there is a real assassination attempt, why is everybody telling a different story? Noppadon, Chalerm, Surapong, Sukampol, Thaksin’s son, and National Security Council secretary-general Paradorn are all coming up with different stories and some are even contradicting themselves.

    And for us joking about the assassination attempt, why not? Should we take this none sense serious? Would it be bad for Thailand if it happened? Shirt-term, yes, long term, no!

    what do you see happening in the long term if he were to meet his demise?

    First of all I hope nothing will happen to Thaksin.

    You believe in the long term Thailand cannot survive without Thaksin?

    you made a long post and all i did was ask you a simple question about the post you made.

    You asked a simple question concerning a small part of my post and I give you a short answer and asked you a simple question in return.

    Please answer that simple question including following question:

    It would be bad if 1 man could bring a country down/make a country collapse don't you think so?

  5. You people are pretty amazing...........

    A constant stream of pathetic, school boy comments.

    Almost amusing to read but no thought to the consequences for Thailand should he be assassinated ( murdered ).

    It would almost certainly tip the country towards more strife and division and other than the folks on here, who in their right mind wants that ???

    As for the nutter who wishes to donate to a "hit fund", well, that's just another fruit cake.

    Please understand that no government in the world is happy to receive a controversial person like Thaksin. We saw what happened in the US. The sad part is that Thaksin uses the Thai government to "force" other countries to welcome him in order for him to show the world that he is welcome everywhere except Thailand. Works well with the reds.

    I believe the real reason Thaksin is cancelling his trip to meet his supporters is because Burma is not happy to be Thaksin’s pawn.

    If there is a real assassination attempt, why is everybody telling a different story? Noppadon, Chalerm, Surapong, Sukampol, Thaksin’s son, and National Security Council secretary-general Paradorn are all coming up with different stories and some are even contradicting themselves.

    And for us joking about the assassination attempt, why not? Should we take this none sense serious? Would it be bad for Thailand if it happened? Shirt-term, yes, long term, no!

    what do you see happening in the long term if he were to meet his demise?

    First of all I hope nothing will happen to Thaksin.

    You believe that in the long term Thailand cannot survive without Thaksin?

    It would be bad if 1 man could bring a country down/make a country collapse don't you think so?

  6. You people are pretty amazing...........

    A constant stream of pathetic, school boy comments.

    Almost amusing to read but no thought to the consequences for Thailand should he be assassinated ( murdered ).

    It would almost certainly tip the country towards more strife and division and other than the folks on here, who in their right mind wants that ???

    As for the nutter who wishes to donate to a "hit fund", well, that's just another fruit cake.

    Please understand that no government in the world is happy to receive a controversial person like Thaksin. We saw what happened in the US. The sad part is that Thaksin uses the Thai government to "force" other countries to welcome him in order for him to show the world that he is welcome everywhere except Thailand. Works well with the reds.

    I believe the real reason Thaksin is cancelling his trip to meet his supporters is because Burma is not happy to be Thaksin’s pawn.

    If there is a real assassination attempt, why is everybody telling a different story? Noppadon, Chalerm, Surapong, Sukampol, Thaksin’s son, and National Security Council secretary-general Paradorn are all coming up with different stories and some are even contradicting themselves.

    And for us joking about the assassination attempt, why not? Should we take this none sense serious? Would it be bad for Thailand if it happened? Shirt-term, yes, long term, no!

    • Like 1
  7. whybother, on 2012-11-04 14:58:08, said:

    Pimay1, on 2012-11-04 14:56:52, said:

    whybother, on 2012-11-04 14:44:25, said:

    Pimay1, on 2012-11-04 14:40:35, said:

    This world is getting sicker by the day.

    Why? This event has been going for 10 years.

    Ok so I am a little behind. Then I will rephrase. This world is getting sicker by the day for the last 10 years. I know I will be bombarded by the PC folks but I will just take it with a smile and not get into a pissing contest.

    Why is this "sick"?

    Its called bigotry Why.

    The too many quotes got me again.

    If my opinion makes me a bigot in your guys eyes then so be it. I'll just leave it at that.

    My question to you would be: why is it "PC" just to let people be, what they want to be and live, how they want to live?

    Some people change their name numerous times and some change their gender...uh..once.

  8. @nickymaster

    why do you have to throw in the slur at the end? it's just childish and from now on i'm just going to report them instead of getting into spats with you.

    i just get holidays for my troubles.

    btw ye're all clearly just defending based on wordplay, he said if he got less than a certain number of seats he would review his performance, then he announced his resignation, then he proclaimed that when announcing his resignation he had no plans to come back.

    you can translate that however which way you want but the fact remains he did a flip flop on his stated intentions.

    I hope whybother doesn't mind I copy his text:

    So you can't tell the difference between a definitive statement said multiple times ("I AM quitting politics") and a statement of intention said after the fact ("When I resigned I had no intention of becoming leader again")?

    • Like 2
  9. The elected democratic government will amend the charter in stages

    When's the referendum on whether or not the populace want constitutional amendments in the first place?


    Referendum? This country belongs to the Shins. They won the election. They can/will do whatever they want. You didn't know that?..

  10. obviously he changed his mind like mark did.

    Mark resigned and said he would only return if the party would vote for him (wanted him to return)..

    Please tell the truth.

    Mark resigned and said he would only return if the party would vote for him

    he said that when he resigned? source please.

    Abhisit insisted that when he announced his resignation he had no plans to return to the party leadership

    source wikipedia, i'm sure you know how to use wikipedia to find the authenticity of this quote...

    Nice try.

    What should Abhisit have said: I resign and come back tomorrow? Ok, he said he had no plans TO RETURN TO THE PARTY LEADERSHIP (as you confirmed). The party asked him to come back.


    Thaksin said he WAS DONE WITH politics and would go play golf. Abhisit NEVER said he was DONE with politics.

    2 very different situations my friend. (to be honest, you probably don't even know the difference)

  11. K. Jatuporn and his recurring 'there'll be a coup'

    We had an interesting UDD press conference on the first of June, 2012 on this.


    The PAD protesters in front of the Parliament aim to a situation in which there is fighting in the streets. We must fall into their trap. We must keep our cool and stay put. The other side wants to create enough disturbances to justify military intervention. If the military intervenes, then you can be sure that we will retaliate. Let's meet at the "Thunder dome". Follow the news on Truth Today at 10:00 a.m., 1 p.m., 4 p.m. and midnight."


    What is the fate of our country ? A coup d'etat is looming ahead of us. This must be broadcast all over the country, over and over again. The Yingluck government is a disappointment for the oligarchy. The oligarchy may appear nice and polite but they are ready to stab you in the back.

    If we continue in this way, the Yingluck government will not last beyond June 2012."

    "DR. WENG:

    Today will decide the future of our country. We are ready to fight. If they put our Prime Minister Yingluck in jail, we will go there, not afraid to die. We are in the millions ready to die tomorrow.

    We are ready to die for democracy. We do not want to live in a country continuously plagued by coups."


    Or watch the clip


    Thanks for sharing.

    The reds don't want to live in a country continuously plagued by coups.

    But living in a country continuously plagued by corruption is fine for them...crazy.gif

    Weng, if you and your clan would STOP STEALING from this country and start following some laws, there will be NO COUP. Get it??

    • Like 1
  12. why, what party are they supporting now?

    We know who they support which is fine, it's the expectation of having a go at being in the cabinet that's the problem.

    The easiest solution is to appoint a cabinet based on ability and change it when needed due to lack of performance or the member leaving the cabinet or parliament for example. It's the idea of giving lots of people a chance at being in the cabinet, a bit like kids letting their friends have a ride on their new bike that's causing the problem. Yingluck should be left to choose based on ability.

    Do the Dems have this sort of problem as well?

    Yingluck should be left to choose based on ability.

    but isn't this what they are starting to show now? a step in the right direction?

    as for the democrats, no, i don't think they have the same problem, although i would consider not getting a electoral mandate from the people in over two decades a far greater problem to deal with.

    The Dems are not that smart I guess. Or maybe they are too honest.. They should have promised everybody 100,000 THB during elections.

    If the Dems have not won a mandate the last 2 decades who is to blame for all the corruption this country is facing? Especially the last 10 years this country hasn't progressed s..t. Only getting worse with these corrupt politicians and an extremely corrupt police force.

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