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Posts posted by Nickymaster

  1. And American Pecan Pie, Spanish paella, English Roast Lamb, Italian Pizza, German Bratwurst etc. etc

    The only recipes he got on Grand Flop Tour of USA 2012 was for some third-rate Thai food shop's Phad Thai.


    You still flogging that "grand flop tour"?

    This embarassment to you and your peers led you to go hell for leather to "prove" the visit to the US to meet up with some local supporters was 1) something bigger than it was and 2) a disaster, convenientlly forgetting that Thaksin had already made his point by getting a visa and being able to travel to and around America in the first place.

    < off-topic rant snipped>

    Your mentioning America brought up Thaksin's trip.

    The tour was a flop, speaking to empty Scientology halls and third-rate walk-up Thai eateries. Coming outside to hear chants of "Go To Jail!" shouted to his face. Abandoning other speaking venues when wishing to avoid another city's anti-Thaksin protesters.

    He pronounced the purpose of his trip was promises of meeting American politicians and American business people were made without any proof that either transpired.

    Topped off by being encouraged to cut his trip short and leave the country early, which he did.

    Yes, it was highly successful


    Correct. Thaksin's plan was to show the world that he is loved and accepted EVERYWHERE and that his cases are politically motivated. He made a wrong gamble and vanished with his tail between his legs.

    Funny enough, now the world knows that he is hated by many.

  2. Yes of course nobody of us has ever realized before that the education system in Thailand is not producing results it should.

    Only now that PT has blown billions on computers we start to realize the infrastructure is a mess too.

    Thank you PT for highlighting the infrastructure problems by giving kids tablets (which the majority cannot use).

    Again thank you for educating us PT wai.gif .

    More speculative nonsense from the highly articulate Nickymaster; displaying your own education was somewhat lacking is not a great start on a thread where you take such a negative stance. One of my major hopes for this scheme is that they become a useful tool in aiding the learning of the English language; perhaps we need to start an initiative to role a few out to TV members...

    Majority can't use - total nonsense. A distinct minority of schools don't have electricity or internet access.

    Let us forget the fact that schools without wifi and electricity existed before PT took power and these basic infrastructure requirements have been ignored for decades.

    Let us forget that they'd exist even if the tablet scheme had never been conceived and, as you sarcastically point out, this scheme has brought the issue to the fore.

    Let us forget that this scheme has highlighted the necessity of improving infrastructure and has fast tracked these improvements.

    Let us forget the fact that you can use a tab without either, given they have "batteries" and can run the majority of apps without a wifi connection.

    "Majority can't use - total nonsense. A distinct minority of schools don't have electricity or internet access."

    It takes more than electricity and internet access alone to make the tablet worth its investment (can make proper use of it). Ever heard about curriculum, software, after sales service, technical life, economical life, educating teachers, educating parents, educating students. etc etc.?

    Don't bother. Keep it simple if it works for you and your environment. The sky is prosperous red. And you seem to have enough time to write crap the whole day.

    Expect a reply tomorrow. To busy today.

  3. Thaksin in Hong Kong (by local Hong Kong media)

    joking about "no more money" ermm.gif


    funny scene at the Hermes store biggrin.png

    is that Chalerm staggering from too much ear medicine at the end of the video? unsure.png


    The red shirt leaders always claim that AV is out of touch with the poor.

    I always have difficulties digesting the fact that a billionaire, playing around in 6 star hotels, claims that his only goal in life is to help the poor

    Just doesn't sell.

    Some famous Thaksin words: If the army wants to clean up the protest side, resist. If they use force I will come to Thailand to fight with you. I am very close to you now. Can be there any moment.

    A few days later.....my people told me it is not safe for me to go back to Thailand now. Sorry you have to continue with your struggle without me. Remember, I am thinking of you (and my money).

    • Like 1
  4. Wow, slowly you appear to be getting it!

    So do you accept that those schools without electricity are a result of the infrastructure improvements in remote rural areas being sidelined by previous Governments?

    Do you then also accept that this lack of infrastructure can't rationally be blamed on the current administration or the tablet scheme (the actual topic of this thread)?

    Once you've arrived at this logical point in your thought process please proceed to read my previous posts on this subject...we're getting there, albeit slowly and sporadically!

    The issue of infrastructure isn't being blamed on the current administration or the tablet scheme. The problem is that the current administration is handing (a few) tablets when the infrastructure isn't there to support it. This isn't just the couple of thousand schools without electricity, but also the schools that don't have the ability to charge 30-50 tablets, the fact that a lot of schools don't have access to wifi, and that the teachers haven't been trained in how to use the tablets, and especially how to teach with them.

    All these valid issues should have been addressed months and months ago and ideally before the scheme began.


    Yes, ideally by previous administrations... did it really need a tablet scheme in 2011/12 to highlight these necessary infrastructure improvements? I guess so...

    Begs the question if the current administration had not implemented this scheme would any of our esteemed members be posting about this lack of infrastructure, leafing through threads from years past it seems not, it just wasn't a pressing issue before I wonder why?!

    Yes of course nobody of us has ever realized before that the education system in Thailand is not producing results it should.

    Only now that PT has blown billions on computers we start to realize the infrastructure is a mess too.

    Thank you PT for highlighting the infrastructure problems by giving kids tablets (which the majority cannot use).

    Again thank you for educating us PT wai.gif .

  5. In this thread, is there ever a hint of criticism of the Red Shirts from certain poster? I can't find it.

    Seems to be black and white for them. Army/Abhisit bad, Red Shirts/Thaksin good.

    End of topic

    Well being in the Thai army when you get involved in shooting your own people is hardly destined to make you popular.

    The reds pushed, abhisit had no choice, some people shot at the army, the army shot back, thaksin got his blood bath.

    It's not as though it is a popularity contest. The army did more or less what they had to do, but it doesn't make then the good guys.

    Did the police do a good job?

  6. "As to your position please explain it by evidencing how this Government has actually removed infrastructure that previous administrations had already provided to these schools without electricity............"

    My position???.

    Where did I say that this Government has actually removed infrastructure that previous administrations had already provided to these schools without electricity ?

    Come on!

    Wow, slowly you appear to be getting it!

    So do you accept that those schools without electricity are a result of the infrastructure improvements in remote rural areas being sidelined by previous Governments?

    Do you then also accept that this lack of infrastructure can't rationally be blamed on the current administration or the tablet scheme (the actual topic of this thread)?

    Once you've arrived at this logical point in your thought process please proceed to read my previous posts on this subject...we're getting there, albeit slowly and sporadically!

    Stick to the point and answer following:

    Where did I say that this Government has actually removed infrastructure that previous administrations had already provided to these schools without electricity?

  7. Priorities my friend priorities. What comes first, second... Nevermind if you don't get it.

    Sorry what priorities are you alluding to? What a bizarre response to my post. Did you not understand anything I wrote or did you hit the reply button to the wrong post perhaps? Not the strongest case to prove logical thought....

    You have a class of 100 students. 1 of them is behind the learning curve, was clearly neglected as an infant and is holding back the entire class. What would the logical thing to do be in this situation, hold back the entire class so that this lone student is not left behind or take the lone student as an exceptional case that requires attention but not at the expense of the 99% majority's education?

    To make that analogy easier to understand I have included a simple key for you:

    Class of 100 students = Thai schools

    1 student behind the curve = Thai schools without electricity

    Neglected as a infant = Thai schools that have no electricity because of the lack of action by previous administrations not because the current one have simply turned the switch off!*

    99 students = Thai schools with electricity

    * Something that the anti-brigade keep skipping over but is quite pertinent, ironically given the intention behind B-U-C-H-H-O-L-Z's post, is that these infrastructure improvements are now being motivated by this very scheme! Schools that B-U-C-H-H-O-L-Z informed us have been ignored and kept without electricity under previous Governments have actually been "switched on" under this administration! This scheme has highlighted the neglect of these areas by previous Governments and is bringing about the change.

    As I see it the modernisation of Thai education is a good thing, whether or not that was the intention of the scheme is irrelevant; a constructive by product is that as the neigh sayers bring such hurdles to the light, the present administration is forced to address them. This is something that previous Governments haven't accomplished; perhaps you would be happier if education had been ignored and all schools simply kept in the dark...

    You just don't get it and then make a dirty cheap comment like:

    "This is something that previous Governments haven't accomplished; perhaps you would be happier if education had been ignored and all schools simply kept in the dark..."

    Shame on you man.

    Oh dear, is it time for your mid afternoon nap perhaps?

    Nothing dirty or cheap about that comment I'm afraid, it's what's known as a fact! As to your position please explain it by evidencing how this Government has actually removed infrastructure that previous administrations had already provided to these schools without electricity............ or continue simply trolling and making irrelevant one line replies to posts that go beyond your train of rational thought! thumbsup.gif

    "As to your position please explain it by evidencing how this Government has actually removed infrastructure that previous administrations had already provided to these schools without electricity............"

    My position???.

    Where did I say that this Government has actually removed infrastructure that previous administrations had already provided to these schools without electricity ?

    Come on!

  8. It is all about having priorities in line. What is more important, upgrading a school with basics or spending money on computers?

    Buchholz's pictures are examples of a government NOT having priorities in line. What comes first: computers or a good curriculum and decent teachers, buildings and infrastructure?

    You and TKT know exactly why those images were provided in the first place (and why I used them as an example to show this government doesn’t have it’s priorities in line) and are trying very hard to flip it into a "how dare you make fun of these schools/children" !!!! How dare you!

    Almost but not really! Don't waste time. coffee1.gifcoffee1.gifcoffee1.gif

    Er no, quite clearly Buchholz's pictures weren't examples of "a government NOT having priorities in line" as you put it! That was my point but you seem to have then applied some misguided comment about making fun of school children.... what relevance has that got to my post?!

    So your argument is that because the infrastructure of a distinct minority of remote rural areas is behind the times we should hold back the majority of the population? And similarly, the lack of infrastructure is a direct result of the current Government's tablet scheme?! Logic is a rare commodity amongst TV's expats it seems...

    Priorities my friend priorities. What comes first, second... Nevermind if you don't get it.

    Sorry what priorities are you alluding to? What a bizarre response to my post. Did you not understand anything I wrote or did you hit the reply button to the wrong post perhaps? Not the strongest case to prove logical thought....

    You have a class of 100 students. 1 of them is behind the learning curve, was clearly neglected as an infant and is holding back the entire class. What would the logical thing to do be in this situation, hold back the entire class so that this lone student is not left behind or take the lone student as an exceptional case that requires attention but not at the expense of the 99% majority's education?

    To make that analogy easier to understand I have included a simple key for you:

    Class of 100 students = Thai schools

    1 student behind the curve = Thai schools without electricity

    Neglected as a infant = Thai schools that have no electricity because of the lack of action by previous administrations not because the current one have simply turned the switch off!*

    99 students = Thai schools with electricity

    * Something that the anti-brigade keep skipping over but is quite pertinent, ironically given the intention behind B-U-C-H-H-O-L-Z's post, is that these infrastructure improvements are now being motivated by this very scheme! Schools that B-U-C-H-H-O-L-Z informed us have been ignored and kept without electricity under previous Governments have actually been "switched on" under this administration! This scheme has highlighted the neglect of these areas by previous Governments and is bringing about the change.

    As I see it the modernisation of Thai education is a good thing, whether or not that was the intention of the scheme is irrelevant; a constructive by product is that as the neigh sayers bring such hurdles to the light, the present administration is forced to address them. This is something that previous Governments haven't accomplished; perhaps you would be happier if education had been ignored and all schools simply kept in the dark...

    You just don't get it and then make a dirty cheap comment like:

    "This is something that previous Governments haven't accomplished; perhaps you would be happier if education had been ignored and all schools simply kept in the dark..."

    Shame on you man.

  9. Apparently it is Buchholz; even with your extensive database and prolific posting abilities, you failed to provide even two actual examples of schools without electricity. You posted photos of a school "without electricity" (but with fluorescent lighting!) and another that is having a generator installed. So actually two examples of schools with electricity! I don't think there is any doubt about it, those were definitely very poor examples of schools without electricity, quite a stupid blunder for someone with such an "extensive" knowledge of all things Thai!

    Where are the abundance of photos of schools that have no electricity that you have personally visited... seems strange to me as you rarely take a break from posting on here but somehow you manage to get power and internet access 24/7 during your travels to the most remote, isolated parts of Thailand... hmm something just doesn't add up!

    What you seem to completely fail to comprehend is that, your poorly chosen and incorrect examples aside, this has actually nothing to do with the actual topic at hand which isn't "lack of electricity in Thai schools" or "how to derail any thread with multiple links and politically motivated meanderings".

    Perhaps if you could shelve your political bias for a moment and deal with topics based on there own merits and not purely as a platform to voice your political agenda, your posts would smack of less lunacy... coffee1.gif

    It is all about having priorities in line. What is more important, upgrading a school with basics or spending money on computers?

    Buchholz's pictures are examples of a government NOT having priorities in line. What comes first: computers or a good curriculum and decent teachers, buildings and infrastructure?

    You and TKT know exactly why those images were provided in the first place (and why I used them as an example to show this government doesn’t have it’s priorities in line) and are trying very hard to flip it into a "how dare you make fun of these schools/children" !!!! How dare you!

    Almost but not really! Don't waste time. coffee1.gifcoffee1.gifcoffee1.gif

    Er no, quite clearly Buchholz's pictures weren't examples of "a government NOT having priorities in line" as you put it! That was my point but you seem to have then applied some misguided comment about making fun of school children.... what relevance has that got to my post?!

    So your argument is that because the infrastructure of a distinct minority of remote rural areas is behind the times we should hold back the majority of the population? And similarly, the lack of infrastructure is a direct result of the current Government's tablet scheme?! Logic is a rare commodity amongst TV's expats it seems...

    Priorities my friend priorities. What comes first, second... Nevermind if you don't get it.

  10. I wonder whose weapons the Reds used to commit following crimes:

    1) the firing of an M79 into the 11th Infantry Regiment on January 28, 2010;

    2) the firing of grenades during the incidents at Kok Wua intersection on April 10, 2010, which caused 5 deaths of soldiers (including that of Col Romklao);

    3) the firing into the oil depot at Prathum Thani on April 21, 2010;

    4) the firing of an M79 into the BTS station at Sala-Daeng on April 22, 2010, which caused 2 deaths and 78 injuries;

    5) the firing of an RPG into Dusit-Thani Hotel on May 17, 2010

    6) the firing attack into the police flat at Lumpini Police Station on May 19, 2010, causing deaths and injuries of police officers and their families;

    7) the firing of an M16 on police officers and soldiers in front of the Krung Thai Bank, Sala-Daeng Branch, on May 7, 2010, which caused 1 death and 2 injuries of policemen;

    8) the firing into the UCL (อื้อ จื่อ เหลียง) building on May 14, 2010, causing 1 deaths and 4 injuries of police officers (see Thairath).

    Have you got that page on "Repeat" ?

    Does it hurt?

  11. Out of the 5 stories in this one piece may I suggest a closer look at the supposed main story: Arms seized by red shirts still missing says Army spokesman Sansern Kaewkam-nerd.

    • This supposed action took place two and a half years ago and nothing has been said about the missing "arms" since then - until Sansern needs a diversion from his evidence.
    • The arms abandoned by the Red Shirts were given back to the police - see photos. Paperwork shouldn't be hard to check to see what was handed back.
    • The Army has previous in this. A very relaxed attitude to "guarding" their war weapons. Remember the the loss of grenades and RPGs that happened back in 2010 that Gen. Anupong eventually concluded were stolen by his own soldiers and sold on the borders
    • The complete cock up regarding the handing out and re-requisition of ammunition not used during 2010
    • How convenient to blame the red shirts
    • My, what a reliable army mouthpiece Sanserm is. Still maintaining the army didn't shoot at protesters and the "fact" that it was still unclear as to whether the army was responsible for the deaths at Wat Prathumwanaram - how contemptible an attitude is that?


    Anti-government protesters return weapons they snatched from security at Parliament to the police in Bangkok April 7, 2010. "Red shirt" protesters briefly occupied the grounds of Thailand's parliament on Wednesday as they stepped up pressure on the government to call an election. Hundreds of protesters, who have already forced the capital's main shopping district to close since Saturday, pushed through a thin line of riot police, but then left after about 20 minutes and massed outside the building. (REUTERS/Sukree Sukplang)


    Weapons seized from Thai riot policemen by Red Shirt protesters are returned after clashes at Thaicom station in Pathum Thani on the outskirts of Bangkok on April 9, 2010. Thai security forces used tear gas and water cannon against anti-government protesters who stormed a television station on the outskirts of Bangkok, an AFP reporter witnessed. (ROSLAN RAHMAN/AFP/Getty Images)

    Photos from Boston Blog, http://www.boston.co...n_thailand.html

    Now the Tavors seem to be conspiculously missing. As they would probably form the more modern part of the soldiers equipment I would have thought that BIG questions would have been asked at the time by the army if these had gone missing in the alleged numbers - 25? - Not two and a half years later in an committee hearing.

    And for this we rely on the word of the army spokesman, though this seems to be a popular trend on here. So if you believe him about the guns do you also believe the rest of his stories?

    By the way, looking forward to Abhisits book the The Truthless Colour, or some such nonsense.

    LOL. Praising Reds for returning some of the weapons they took from officials and used to kill officials. How many officials did they kill with those weapons? 20 or so?

  12. Out of the 5 stories in this one piece may I suggest a closer look at the supposed main story: Arms seized by red shirts still missing says Army spokesman Sansern Kaewkam-nerd.

    • This supposed action took place two and a half years ago and nothing has been said about the missing "arms" since then - until Sansern needs a diversion from his evidence.
    • The arms abandoned by the Red Shirts were given back to the police - see photos. Paperwork shouldn't be hard to check to see what was handed back.
    • The Army has previous in this. A very relaxed attitude to "guarding" their war weapons. Remember the the loss of grenades and RPGs that happened back in 2010 that Gen. Anupong eventually concluded were stolen by his own soldiers and sold on the borders
    • The complete cock up regarding the handing out and re-requisition of ammunition not used during 2010
    • How convenient to blame the red shirts
    • My, what a reliable army mouthpiece Sanserm is. Still maintaining the army didn't shoot at protesters and the "fact" that it was still unclear as to whether the army was responsible for the deaths at Wat Prathumwanaram - how contemptible an attitude is that?

    <snipped photo>

    Anti-government protesters return weapons they snatched from security at Parliament to the police in Bangkok April 7, 2010. "Red shirt" protesters briefly occupied the grounds of Thailand's parliament on Wednesday as they stepped up pressure on the government to call an election. Hundreds of protesters, who have already forced the capital's main shopping district to close since Saturday, pushed through a thin line of riot police, but then left after about 20 minutes and massed outside the building. (REUTERS/Sukree Sukplang)

    <snipped photo>

    Weapons seized from Thai riot policemen by Red Shirt protesters are returned after clashes at Thaicom station in Pathum Thani on the outskirts of Bangkok on April 9, 2010. Thai security forces used tear gas and water cannon against anti-government protesters who stormed a television station on the outskirts of Bangkok, an AFP reporter witnessed. (ROSLAN RAHMAN/AFP/Getty Images)

    Photos from Boston Blog, http://www.boston.co...n_thailand.html

    Now the Tavors seem to be conspiculously missing. As they would probably form the more modern part of the soldiers equipment I would have thought that BIG questions would have been asked at the time by the army if these had gone missing in the alleged numbers - 25? - Not two and a half years later in an committee hearing.

    And for this we rely on the word of the army spokesman, though this seems to be a popular trend on here. So if you believe him about the guns do you also believe the rest of his stories?

    By the way, looking forward to Abhisits book the The Truthless Colour, or some such nonsense.

    The first photo is the ONE that was handed back. The second photo is of the reds still in possession of them.

    So, the second photo description is to be disregarded?

    "Weapons seized from Thai riot policemen by Red Shirt protesters are returned after clashes at Thaicom station in Pathum Thani on the outskirts of Bangkok on April 9, 2010."

    I wonder whose weapons the Reds used to commit following crimes:

    1) the firing of an M79 into the 11th Infantry Regiment on January 28, 2010;

    2) the firing of grenades during the incidents at Kok Wua intersection on April 10, 2010, which caused 5 deaths of soldiers (including that of Col Romklao);

    3) the firing into the oil depot at Prathum Thani on April 21, 2010;

    4) the firing of an M79 into the BTS station at Sala-Daeng on April 22, 2010, which caused 2 deaths and 78 injuries;

    5) the firing of an RPG into Dusit-Thani Hotel on May 17, 2010

    6) the firing attack into the police flat at Lumpini Police Station on May 19, 2010, causing deaths and injuries of police officers and their families;

    7) the firing of an M16 on police officers and soldiers in front of the Krung Thai Bank, Sala-Daeng Branch, on May 7, 2010, which caused 1 death and 2 injuries of policemen;

    8) the firing into the UCL (อื้อ จื่อ เหลียง) building on May 14, 2010, causing 1 deaths and 4 injuries of police officers (see Thairath).

  13. All that is missing from those state-of-the-art school buildings in Sangkhlaburi is a tablet computer for EACH kid. cheesy.gif

    "The Thailand Hill Tribes Education Project is presently embarking upon a project to construct a classroom/general purpose room at the primary school in Ban Huay Plakang, Mae Sariang District, Chiang Mai Province. Since there is no electricity in the entire village, a generator will also be provided which will be shared with the whole community"

    We already have tablets and soon we will have electricity too. LOL.

    No, you have completely missed the point - Buchholz had decided he would provide examples of schools without electricity which would not get tablets because they did not have electricity.

    What you have completely failed to comprehend was those were just thrown up examples. If they have generators now, great. If they aren't government schools, great. Perhaps they were poor selection to demonstrate the dilapidated government schools, but It doesn't somehow magically exclude all the other schools that absolutely have no electricity.

    Apparently you are as naive and inexperienced with Thailand's length and breadth as the poster borovik who very revealingly posted:

    among Thai staff - half a dozen of foreign teachers,comp.lab,school wi-fi network,town has fm station,asphalt streets,running water everywhere.I have been in plenty of places in Thailand and I have to admit with shame - I have not seen any place without electricity.

    Come to Thailand. Travel around a bit. To find astoundingly poor schools is not difficult to do where the notion of having 21st century tablet computers is absurd, given their existing infrastructure.


    Apparently it is Buchholz; even with your extensive database and prolific posting abilities, you failed to provide even two actual examples of schools without electricity. You posted photos of a school "without electricity" (but with fluorescent lighting!) and another that is having a generator installed. So actually two examples of schools with electricity! I don't think there is any doubt about it, those were definitely very poor examples of schools without electricity, quite a stupid blunder for someone with such an "extensive" knowledge of all things Thai!

    Where are the abundance of photos of schools that have no electricity that you have personally visited... seems strange to me as you rarely take a break from posting on here but somehow you manage to get power and internet access 24/7 during your travels to the most remote, isolated parts of Thailand... hmm something just doesn't add up!

    What you seem to completely fail to comprehend is that, your poorly chosen and incorrect examples aside, this has actually nothing to do with the actual topic at hand which isn't "lack of electricity in Thai schools" or "how to derail any thread with multiple links and politically motivated meanderings".

    Perhaps if you could shelve your political bias for a moment and deal with topics based on there own merits and not purely as a platform to voice your political agenda, your posts would smack of less lunacy... coffee1.gif

    It is all about having priorities in line. What is more important, upgrading a school with basics or spending money on computers?

    Buchholz's pictures are just examples of a government NOT having its priorities in line. What comes first: computers or a good curriculum with decent teachers, buildings and infrastructure?

    You and TKT know exactly why those images were provided in the first place (and why I used them as an example to show this government doesn’t have its priorities in line) and are trying very hard to flip it into a "how dare you make fun of these schools/children" !!!!

    Almost but not really! Don't waste time. coffee1.gifcoffee1.gifcoffee1.gif

  14. Are there costs going to be cheaper as they are the most efficient plane being made now? Or so the claim was.

    If you stuff 800 people in an A380 the operating cost per seat might be less than on a Boeing 747-800 with 500 people on board.

    That's how Airbus marketed the plane in its early days. Can fit 800 people!! Well it (practically) can't. It can hardly fit more people than the Boeing 747-800.

    Economically the A380 doesn't make a lot of sense for most airlines. It’s more a FACE and marketing thing. IMO Thai should not have bought the 6 planes. Flying this kind of plane to HK doesn't make sense. You should stuff it and make 15 hour flights (non-stop for 20 years) for it to make money.

    It's only using the HK flight for training purposes. It's changing it to Frankfurt at the end of the month (or sometime soon, anyway).

    Which airline has a 747 seat configuration for 500? Most have less than 400.

    "Which airline has a 747 seat configuration for 500? Most have less than 400"

    Most have around 420-450 seats in the 747-800. I use the plane often en route to Europe.

    For the A380, the maximum configuration is around 500 at the moment. There are reports on line that compare the 2 planes. The boeing seems to be the cheapest to operate apples for apples.

  15. In other countries, anti-riot police were seen to be enough to handle such a protest, he said.

    Yes, but this is Thailand, the police only obey the Thaksin clan. They shoot gas cannisters at yellow shirts, red shirts are exempt. In any other country, the chief of police would have been dismissed for not clearing up that protest. I doubt that anyone would have been killed if the police had acted before red shirts had erected the barriers and been incited by Jatuporn and the rest, to burn Bangkok

    Spot on. Couldn't agree more!

    • Like 1
  16. Are there costs going to be cheaper as they are the most efficient plane being made now? Or so the claim was.

    If you stuff 800 people in an A380 the operating cost per seat might be less than on a Boeing 747-800 with 500 people on board.

    That's how Airbus marketed the plane in its early days. Can fit 800 people!! Well it (practically) can't. It can hardly fit more people than the Boeing 747-800.

    Economically the A380 doesn't make a lot of sense for most airlines. It’s more a FACE and marketing thing. IMO Thai should not have bought the 6 planes. Flying this kind of plane to HK doesn't make sense. You should stuff it and make 15 hour flights (non-stop for 20 years) for it to make money.

  17. All that is missing from those state-of-the-art school buildings in Sangkhlaburi is a tablet computer for EACH kid. cheesy.gif

    "The Thailand Hill Tribes Education Project is presently embarking upon a project to construct a classroom/general purpose room at the primary school in Ban Huay Plakang, Mae Sariang District, Chiang Mai Province. Since there is no electricity in the entire village, a generator will also be provided which will be shared with the whole community"

    We already have tablets and soon we will have electricity too. LOL.

    No, you have completely missed the point - Buchholz had decided he would provide examples of schools without electricity which would not get tablets because they did not have electricity.

    I pointed out that these schools did indeed have electricity or would do so very soon - therefore showing that his examples were poorly thought out. Not only that but they were not even government schools in the first place. So basically he didn't provide a good argument for his case.

    You seem to find it amusing that kids learn in those enviroments? Why not? All they need is shade, teachers and a will, why should they be denied a tablet.

    They are no less intelligent because they learn at a school with a palm roof.

    Bla bla bla. Jumping from one assumtion into another one... so typical you.

    My point was: why spend a lot of money on computers if you don't have the BASICS in place to provide some BASIC education?

    "You seem to find it amusing that kids learn in those enviroments?"

    This sentence just shows what kind of a crooked dark mind you have!

    Please excuse my lack of comprehension, as I was having difficulty in understanding what your point actually was. You have since spelt it out, but one could be forgiven for not understanding your earlier one. Perhaps if you had made the point instead of thinking you made the point, then there would be a bit less confusion.

    Considering you have an emoticon, and a LOL in your post, then it seems reasonable to conclude somewhere that you find something amusing?

    Confusion? Its all in your mind my friend. Read what you want to read.

  18. In what way is the Alpine bomb defused? The temple land was essentially stolen by the Shinawatra family by rescinding an old ladies last will and testament, and is still owned by the Shinawatra family, one of whom happens to be the PM. Until the land has been returned to the temple and the thugs involved in the scandal have recieved justice the bomb can not be defused.

    Conflict of interest anyone?

    Alpine can not be defused, until it is completed, the law was broken. No one has been arrested, and the land is still in the hands of BIG BROTHER. ph34r.png

    by way of Alpine's owners, SC Asset....

    the CEO is the wife of Potjaman's brother


    Busaba Damapong

    and its Executive Director, Potjaman's sister


    Pensom Damapong

    and its new Deputy CEO, Thaksin's new son-in-law


    Nuttaphong Kunakornwong

    and its Top 3 Majority Shareholders, Thaksin's two daughters and his ex


    Pinthongta Shinawatra (wife of Deputy CEO), Potjaman Damapong, Paetongtarn (top shareholder)


    Thanks for sharing. Amazingly there are still people stating that Thaskin did not benefit from the sale. LOL

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