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Posts posted by Nickymaster

  1. What a farce Abhisit is. I wouldn't be surprised if it's own thugs linked to Comrade Suthep are doing it.

    “If the election is postponed, (the government) should agree with society on which direction the country will move on. It’s not a matter of solving the problem merely to enable the government to stay on in power. It’s the government’s duty to find a resolution for the nation,” said Mr Abhisit.

    Suthep has made it clear already even if the election is postponed they will not stop.

    After inspecting the damage at his party quarters, Mr Abhisit and some party executives took the BTS Skytrain from Aree station for Pathumwan – one of the six rally sites for the Bangkok shutdown -- to meet the anti-government protesters.

    Yes, this is the real Abhisit and the Democrat Party backing and mingling with the protesters.

    I say it once again The Democrats is the political wing of the PDRC.

    Looking at the numbers today of the rallies, I doubt their were more then 250,000-300,000 protesters which means they are in the minority.

    I was at Asoke for around 2 hours today. Permanent squatters - sitting under the awnings - were no more than 2,000. I stood there and did a mental calculation of the rows and the depth under the two awnings. Then there were the walkers - those Bangkokians coming to take a look-see armed with flags and whistles and taking selfies of themselves. So at any one time, I reckon there were no more than 8,000 to 10,000 at any one time. And like me, many of the crowd were just curious and came out for the fun of it. I think, to be fair, there were a lot more at the MBK site.

    And further evidence of either funding is drying up or enthusiasm is drying up - there was a walk-by down Petchburi Road today. No more than 500 people. A fraction of what they had back in November and December

    These figures being thrown around by their PR department are ludicrous IMHO.

    If you are interested in the amount of people today, Blue Sky has some images (if you dare :))

    I believe when the weekend approaches, and when on Wednesday the rice farmers still won't get paid, the situation will intensify. Even though the protestors have done a good job today getting settled strategically.

    But.... a few hundred thousand is enough to force Yingluck out so maybe not to many protestors is better for day to day life.

    • Like 1
  2. What a farce Abhisit is. I wouldn't be surprised if it's own thugs linked to Comrade Suthep are doing it.

    “If the election is postponed, (the government) should agree with society on which direction the country will move on. It’s not a matter of solving the problem merely to enable the government to stay on in power. It’s the government’s duty to find a resolution for the nation,” said Mr Abhisit.

    Suthep has made it clear already even if the election is postponed they will not stop.

    After inspecting the damage at his party quarters, Mr Abhisit and some party executives took the BTS Skytrain from Aree station for Pathumwan – one of the six rally sites for the Bangkok shutdown -- to meet the anti-government protesters.

    Yes, this is the real Abhisit and the Democrat Party backing and mingling with the protesters.

    I say it once again The Democrats is the political wing of the PDRC.

    Looking at the numbers today of the rallies, I doubt their were more then 250,000-300,000 protesters which means they are in the minority.

    Abhisit the coward who's hiding behind Suthep's back...whistling.gifwhistling.gifwhistling.gif

    Well he is still in Thailand.

    He was hiding at the 30th floor of the luxury 6 star BTS station..

  3. In case anyone's looking for the letter sent to the UN...attachicon.gif.pagespeed.ce.eFBhf2OPKe.gImageUploadedByThaivisa Connect Thailand1389574108.012483.jpgattachicon.gif.pagespeed.ce.eFBhf2OPKe.gImageUploadedByThaivisa Connect Thailand1389574140.025533.jpgSent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    Excellent post. So come on you pro government experts, let's see you pick the bones out of that!

    I forgot to add in my previous post, the idea that the Democrat Party is not helping to organize this is laughable. Not only are Suthep, Satit and other Democrats core leaders, but Abhisit himself was on stage last night. And why are the BMA apparently helping the protesters move barricades to the protest site?

    Sunai @sunaibkk 11h

    BMA truck was seen transporting barricades to protesters near Pathumwan intersection #BangkokShutdown pic.twitter.com/quwVvCC3LG

    This is Abhisit yesterday - hard to keep claiming he has no involvement or affiliation with the PDRC when he goes up on stage and encourages the protesters...


    "Democrat Party leader Abhisit Vejjajiva?" Didn't he resign from the Party in order to party with the demonstrators and avoid insurrection charges?

    I think he just showed up as a Thai citizen. Some play back door politics from a safe place like a 6 star hotel in the desert and some just walk around in Bangkok.

  4. Seems Yingluck spoke to Ban, then Ban spoke to Abhisit and these conversations are in private. Abhisit's letter may be all we have to go on but it's content is pretty clear. Now it is public, let's wait a day and see if PT care to respond with their own letter addressing the arguments laid out in Abhisit's letter. I bet they won't...

    Why would they bother. abhisit is an ex MP, he's not bothering to contest an election, his party and followers are supporting a movement (both financially and physically, including the BMA) that seeks to overthrow the democratic principals of elections and government. Why give him the oxygen of publicity?

    seeks to overthrow the democratic principals of elections and government That's how you read: Reform before Elections?

    Even though you wear Red glasses, I still hope you understand that reform is badly needed in this corrupt country. Or not needed as long as Thaksin is in charge?

    Reform before Elections with a not elected council: seeks to overthrow the democratic principals of elections and government

    Reforms are badly needed, but through a democratic process, not due to illegal occupation of public places and disruption of everyday activities.

    I ask again, why Democrat did not make reforms back during their government? They had more than 2 years for do that. But they didn't.

    Thaksin, Suthep, Chalerm, Abhisit. They all are liars, corrupt and opportunists. Thailand not need any of them.

    The biggest liar is Yingluck. Have a look at the interview she gave with Aljazeera, especially the part that she had nothing to do with the amnesty bill.

    why Democrat did not make reforms back during their government? Because they didn't try to give amnesty to themselves and the didn't make THB 800 BILLION disappear to name a few. You need more examples why reform is needed after 2.5 years of PT/Thaksin?

    You are truly a newcomer. You see things isolated, ie without knowing the past.

    • Like 1
  5. Seems Yingluck spoke to Ban, then Ban spoke to Abhisit and these conversations are in private. Abhisit's letter may be all we have to go on but it's content is pretty clear. Now it is public, let's wait a day and see if PT care to respond with their own letter addressing the arguments laid out in Abhisit's letter. I bet they won't...

    Why would they bother. abhisit is an ex MP, he's not bothering to contest an election, his party and followers are supporting a movement (both financially and physically, including the BMA) that seeks to overthrow the democratic principals of elections and government. Why give him the oxygen of publicity?

    seeks to overthrow the democratic principals of elections and government That's how you read: Reform before Elections?

    Even though you wear Red glasses, I still hope you understand that reform is badly needed in this corrupt country. Or not needed as long as Thaksin is in charge?

    • Like 2
  6. Uggfacepalm.gif again with the 'rice scheme. corruption' bs

    It's a farm subsidy, ok? We have farm subsidies in the US, they have them in Europe, it may not be good policy but it's not a form of 'corruption'

    Yingluck would say it winds up not really costing that much because it creates disposible income in poor area's of the country, more money there, more economic growth, less dependence on the Bangkok economy .. although I tend to be against farm subsidies, in this case she's probably right.. You can say what you want about the Shinawatra's but it can't be denied that they are using standard economic pracitice that they derive from western models.

    The rubber farmers in the south are also being subsidized.

    The fact that the rice scheme is constantly harped on as a 'scam' exposes the problem with the PAD/PDRC - that they have no real issues, just acrimony.

    Any Thai who does not like the current government should go vote her out. Methinks the majority do want the current government. Juntas or a cabal is not democracy.

    Democracy must prevail and everyone should respect the outcome.

    Meanwhile Thailand slipped from 84 to 102 on the global corruption index, THB 800,000,000,000 is thrown at the rice scam and still no money for the farmers. The Department of Special Investigation is busy trying to arrest people that blow whistles and speak out against this corrupt government. The DSI is not interested in investigating the rice scam. Strange isn't it?

    Rice scam corruption BS??

    If it was not a scam, why haven't there been any figures released by Yingluck since it started 2.5 years ago? The ONLY info there is, is from the BAAC saying that there is no more money for the farmers. And from the unions that they fear the bank might go bust. Where did all the THB 800 billion go? How much RICE is there still in stock? Who own the trading companies who seem to make a lot of profit?

    Please don't act as if we have no idea what subsidies are all about and that more countries have them. This is about accountability and transparency. Nothing more and nothing less.

    Again EIGHT HUNDRED BILLION THB GONE and nobody (besides Yingluck I guess) knows where the money went.

  7. Perchance those ardent supporters of Thaksin and his ideals might find this an interesting view. The clip encapsulates succinctly why the Thai people want to see the Thaksin clan and their P.T.P. puppet gone.


    Certainly more interesting than the Suthep Stroll through Bangkok today

    The 'protest' has been exceptionally well handled, allowed to take place with minimum interference by the current administration, how refreshing, especially when one recalls the the abysmal and inept performance of Abhisit and Suthep when facing simiar situations

    Similar situations? I believe it's time for your doses youtube 2010 again.

    (you are trolling right?)

    The protest march today has been handled exceptionally well

    Credit to the RTA, RTP, and the goverment for their considered approach to this protest.

    Thanks to their leaders and the general public who is participating. Nothing to do with the government.

    • Like 1
  8. Perchance those ardent supporters of Thaksin and his ideals might find this an interesting view. The clip encapsulates succinctly why the Thai people want to see the Thaksin clan and their P.T.P. puppet gone.


    Certainly more interesting than the Suthep Stroll through Bangkok today

    The 'protest' has been exceptionally well handled, allowed to take place with minimum interference by the current administration, how refreshing, especially when one recalls the the abysmal and inept performance of Abhisit and Suthep when facing simiar situations

    Similar situations? I believe it's time for your doses youtube 2010 again.

    Oh btw, here is a "similar situation".... This was the general tone of the 2010 protests

    • Like 2
  9. Not a squeak from the Army when Yingluck's house was surrounded by protesters. And, they are, cough, cough, neutral when Government offices are ransacked. But now they get all upset.

    The protestors were on a public road when they went to Poo's house. They didn't say they would take her son hostage and hey didn't trow blood over the fence. Just protesting.

    Nice try Dancer but not same same.

  10. It said more than the OP states, it said, and I quote

    ''Taking them alive as hostages will be very good. But catching them dead is also worth it. Prayuth will know the taste of losing loved ones.''

    Sick bastards !

    Thaksin tried very hard to "buy" the army but it didn't work. Completely in line with the PT way of working, the army is now threatened.


  11. Police said it might be the work of ill-intention people wanting to incite violence.

    If someone sprays a coffee-shop with bullets...is that not violence, yet?!

    Sounds to me that someone is trying to force a coup.

    The only ones benefiting from a coup is PT because it will end something they have started. If there is a coup, PT and Thaksin can blame the bad army again. This time around there will be no coup and all eyes are on the caretaker PM.

  12. And a lot of TVF members have been claiming Suthep's gunning for violence in order to bring out the Army. So the Reds are getting tired of waiting around so they throw out some threats against the chief to really set the cat amongst the pigeons? Any condemnation from the PTP regarding this? Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    PTP is begging for a coup because they themselves have no clue how to end the mess they have created. They are the only ones mentioning mentioning it on a daily basis. If there would be a coup they could blame the army. But.... the army is too smart this time around. They will do nothing and wait for Ynigluck to do something.......

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  13. "I don't know how it can happen. How can the PDRC have many protesters who will occupy the seven intersections for a long time? You know it was not hard for Adolph Hitler to order an invasion of countries in World War II, but it was very difficult to control those areas," he said.

    The Bangkok shutdown would not affect the caretaker government, but the lives of Bangkok people would be really affected. The PDRC would become an enemy of the people, he said.

    Exactly. Let the spoilt brat yellow shirts have their hissy fit, give them the rope they need to hang themselves, then lets move on to elections as planned.

    The caretaker PM has to clean up the mess she has created. Problem is, she might not be smart enough to do so. The last 2,5 years have shown that she is not only corrupt, but also stupid. Which is a very dangerous combination, hence the large amount of people on the street. If you want I can share pictures of the protestors, in order for you to understand what you are talking about. You will see that hardly anybody wears a yellow shirt. I would say less than 1%.

    To keep it simple for yourself, just call everybody that wants a less corrupt government Yellow spoilt brats. It will give you some easy likes from others who have no clue neither why there will be a million people on the street today.

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  14. The caretaker premier insisted that she has the obligation to stay in power until a new government takes office, or she would be charged with negligence of duty.

    Meanwhile back in the real world. The Election Commission says that she should postpone the elections by issuing a royal decree.

    "The Election Commission says that she should postpone the elections by issuing a royal decree."

    I understand that you are one of many TVF members that believe the Shins OWN Thailand, but even you must know that only HM The King can issue a royal decree.

    The Shins promised heaven on earth in 2010 and the last 2.5 years they have only lied and enriched themselves while the country is sinking. Been here for 30 years so please don't try to judge me.

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