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Posts posted by Nickymaster

  1. Hey, you survived to ride another day....thats always a plus. I could tell by your nervous laugh that it was a bit of a wake up, in that you were probably surprised that you didnt get more banged up. Lucky lucky lucky.

    Glad you got 'back on the horse' too. And yes it does make one think and learn how to tackle the situation if it happens again.

    I must concur with some other writers however about your lane control (Or lack of it). It is a public road...not a race track. Biggest cause of accidents back home is due to drivers not staying in their lane, albeit just a dual carriageway. Even when I travel at speed, I stick to my lane religiously and always indicate my intention to change lanes at least 3 seconds before doing so. It probably doesnt count for much in Thailand but at least I get some sense (Be it false or otherwise) that other motorists will give me free passage to change lane.

    Dont give up, and happy safe riding!

    Yeeah, a typical case of going into the corner too fast (of line) and then don't know whether or not you can still make it (a little panic) and start braking and turning at the same time (which is always tricky).

  2. Adul also admitted that the black-clad individuals believed to have fired live bullets into the crowd from the rooftop of the Labour Ministry nearby were police officers.

    Well, "believed" is the operative word here, since there's no evidence they fired live bullets.

    The problem is who to believe? Chalerm has already said the men on the roof of his own ministry building were Suthep's own 'agent provocateurs'! Not a far stretch of the imagination that there was the possibility one was taking potshots at protesters but as far as proof goes I for one doubt the truth will ever emerge.

    You are really wrong edwin. Even though the police chief has already explained the situation you still believe that there is a possibility Chalerm was speaking the truth. Please inform yourself better before posting.

  3. Thaksin is such a magnanimous character his empathy and charity is legendary, not. This is a guy who cares so much about himself that he happily has dragged his family down to his level of greed and corruption and he continues to align their fortune with his. He has given them no chance of escape they must either sink or swim with him. Any honourable man would have refused to put his family at risk, and bowed out of the public scene and let his sister run the government for the people instead of his risky agenda.

    Correct, but don't forget that they all enjoy the wealth he gives them.

    • Like 1
  4. What the Shins are doing is unacceptable in any modern democracy.

    -800 billion spend on rice and still no money to pay the farmers (no figures released since 2.5 years),

    -amnesty for family criminals

    -laws to bypass scrutiny

    -Thailand lost 18 positions on the global corruption index last year (84-102).

    -everything is done to enrich themselves and their friends

    -Yingluck answered 2 out of 120 questions the opposition have asked her since she took office.

    That's democracy for you folks!

    Yingluck is the facilitator for all these illegal activities.

    It really amazes me that there are people who support this bunch.

    And in any modern democracy the opposition party would highlight these faults and the electorate would make a decision at the ballot box to vote for or against them. By failing to register any candidates, the Dems have denied a substantial minority of the voters of Thailand the option to vote against PTP.

    The fact that PT can get away with what I wrote already proofs that there is something wrong. So you are saying, if they win the election, everybody should shut up and accept whatever they are doing?

    -Yingluck answered 2 out of 120 questions the opposition have asked her since she took office. Doesn't this say enough about that there is something very wrong with Thai democracy?

    • Like 1
  5. What the Shins are doing is unacceptable in any modern democracy.

    -800 billion spend on rice and still no money to pay the farmers (no figures released since 2.5 years),

    -amnesty for family criminals

    -laws to bypass scrutiny

    -Thailand lost 18 positions on the global corruption index last year (84-102).

    -everything is done to enrich themselves and their friends

    -Yingluck answered 2 out of 120 questions the opposition have asked her since she took office.

    That's democracy for you folks!

    Yingluck is the facilitator for all these illegal activities.

    It really amazes me that there are people who support this bunch.

    If PT had done their work in a fair, good and transparent way, there wouldn't be so many people on the street today. Trust me. I have spoken to many protestors. They basically told me that they don't care who is the government, as long as it does its job.

    • Like 2
  6. So, her English isn't perfect. There is something to admire in the fact that she has the guts to give interviews in English. How does Obama do in Chinese or Cameron in German? Suthep, of course, will NOT give any interviews in English. While he seeks out foreign media, he insists on using an interpreter. That doesn';t make his ideas any less nutty

    Suthep hates foreigners, as he itself said in 2011. That's why.

    Find me the exact quote where he says he 'hates' foreigners. Seriously post it here where he said himself he 'hates' foreigners.

    Nation Multimedia - 2011/03/24:

    Suthep: "I don't respect 'farangs'. We do not have to surrender to them"

    BANGKOK, March 24, 2011 (AFP) - Thailand on Thursday dismissed suggestions that foreign observers were needed to monitor its upcoming election, with the deputy prime minister saying he does "not respect" Westerners.



    Aim_The Nation @Aim_NT

    Suthep said foreigners have been sent to spy among the protesters. They might cause chaos, light fire, and frame the protesters.

    Says enough, doesn't it?

    Makes you wonder what dear leader Suthep will say to foreign ambassadors or diplomats when he completes his "people's council". What will he tell them? "Hi, I'm Suthep ...I don't respect you!". The PDRC Thai Facebook is full of anti-foreigner slogans.

    If he completes his power grab, the foreign media like CNN and BBC will be all over these comments he has made in the past and present and then Thailand's reputation and tourist industry will be ruined.

    Nobody wants to make holiday in a country where a "people's council" rules and their leader hates foreigners. They might as well go to North Korea instead. Same thing, but they don't hate foreigners.

    What a sad world we live in when people translate the above into: Suthep hates foreigners.

    This is a crystal clear example of a poster that wants to instigate hatred towards somebody . The poster even tries to "explain" to us how foreign media will react to it. Very sad.

    • Like 1
  7. The government clings on to power? You can form your own view. Most intelligent people can see what is going on.

    And what would that be?

    Because the amnesty bill gonna come back in what is it now 130 days ( ? ) , and they want to be in power that day to pass it through the lower house.

    If there is no government on that particular day, the bill is waisted.

    I don't think the bill will be seen again in it's current form. We are witnessing a sea change in Thai society, it's different to previous uprisings. The will of the minority will not prevail in this circumstance, but that does not mean that Thaksin will be coming back any time soon. If push comes to shove as it appears, Suthep will not last. Nor will his loyal supporters. The army will go to the winningest side, in this case it will tacitly support the government. The dems will have to distance themselves from the stuff that's going down in BKK... it's getting too hot in the kitchen. The dems need to make coalition partners and develop a "team" to win a majority, to do this they have to compromise... something they are unaccustomed to. IMHO.

    Are you a clairvoyant by any chance?

  8. Almost 20 people on a rooftop watching events, and not one weapon in sight.

    Damning! rolleyes.gif

    Madman Suthep really is starting to lose it.

    Starting to lose it? Why? Because he is asking this question?

    He added that he would like to know whether Chalerm was aware of the presence of the “men in black” or not as their presence coincided with the clashes between police and protesters in front of the youth centre and the dead victims were shot from a high ground.

    How can they tell their presence coincided with the clashes? Are they <deleted>###ng nuts??? Do they have an exact idea of when they were deployed there? And which kind of interaction they had with the clashes?

    They are only vomiting propaganda, and someone listen them on 2 paws and with tongue out...

    And words from the Supreme Suthep... He will sue government for damage of private property. What about him and his nice security? Should they serve jail for life for damages? Totally nuts.

    Take a deep breath and then tell me if you still think Suthep is vomitting propaganda. Looking at this video I have to assume CAPO, led by Thaksin's cousin Surapong, is capable of doing more then you might want to believe.

    Warning! Graphic content!


    (Video is shown on The Nation website)

  9. Almost 20 people on a rooftop watching events, and not one weapon in sight.

    Damning! rolleyes.gif

    Madman Suthep really is starting to lose it.

    Starting to lose it? Why? Because he is asking this question?

    He added that he would like to know whether Chalerm was aware of the presence of the “men in black” or not as their presence coincided with the clashes between police and protesters in front of the youth centre and the dead victims were shot from a high ground.

  10. There have been constant aerial shots of the protests, including drone images. I have a feeling they could come up with something better than this picture.

    The actual image might be better. This is a camera shot from a picture.

    Anyhow, can't you see people dressed in black who are trying to hide on the rooftop of the labor ministry? I think that's fairly clear. Therefor the question: Who are the men in black and what are they doing there? Like Suthep stated, we can be sure that Chalerm's office is well protected so for sure they can't have sneaked in. Otherwise they would have been arrested and shown in the papers.

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