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Posts posted by saintofsilence

  1. Nonsense

    Just empty threats from the regime.

    No tanks in the city now.

    This means the army is split and not supporting the regime in full.

    Hundreds of army snipers in black are supporting the reds and it is growing each day.

    They can push back any armed attack with their weapons and skills. if need be, they will simply allow the buildings to be destroyed and move to another area to defend.

    What happens when major army groups join their brothers in Black to defend their people?

    They boys from the countryside will not sit there and allow a non-Democratic regime to shoot down their people in the streets.

    revolution might be in progress

    Leave my farang friends because this will get real ugly sooner or later.


    It is just a matter of time before farangs from the left join the fight.

    then all whites will be targeted by the regime.

    But the red leaders have said they don't know the blacks and that the reds are non violent .

  2. So how long has the army been "ready to crack down" now?

    Too long for the red leaders. Which will probably be followed by provocations to trigger the army to stomp them.

    The result will of course be dead women and children, which have been put in the front row.

    Speech attacking the government of unprecedented violence against unarmed, peaceful protesters has already been written I am sure.

    But then again, your question was only a provocation anyway, while you're swapping to another red account to throw some more provocations out.

    The Government and Army will take time until some red idiot throws one of there bombs at the army and then they will be shot , the army will not purposely shoot innocent unarmed people , but i would not want to be a leader of the reds as thats a different story.

    The PM has done a great job under these circumstances and the majority of thai people support him for being a true leader .

  3. I have a number of friends (yes, FRIENDS) who are bar girls in Patpong. They don't gamble, don't use drugs - just work to support their families as best they can. Two have called in me in the past few days. They are desperate. They were told not to come back after Songkran. They don't know how they're going to pay their rent or send money home at the end of they month. One asked me if I could send her 500 baht to buy powdered milk for her children. I've been to her home in Kalasin; it's not a scam. Just to point out that this mess is truly hurting people in ways that most of us can't imagine.

    So I guess you was a good samaratan and sent her a few thousand baht ?

  4. I am deciding between leaving her immediately and trying to help her as much as I can before I do. I know its a bad situation for me.

    She went to Bangkok for a week to see her friends OBVIOUSLY I did not know she would be trying drugs, and she was always upfront and would not lie to me about seeing another man I believe, not that it is important, I am not worried about that, especially since I am going to be leaving her.

    What I was looking for is some sort of hotline, a treatment center where I could get an evaluation, or something like that. I don't want to immediately leave her (which I believe would crush her) while she is in the midst of being rooted in a drug habit. I want to be able to help her before I go.

    Why try and be a white knight it would be a complete waste of time and would just cost you heaps of money and you could never trust her again. Thai girls have enough support if they want it from family and friends.

  5. From the Breaking News Update...

    "THE NATION: Arisman has threatened that red "army" will carry out "special ops" tonite, seizing ambulances and military vehicles"

    Interesting development.

    How pathetic is this guy taking ambulances off the road , thailand would be much better off if he is carted away in one.

    It is so unbelievable how there are still people on this forum supporting these red pigs.

  6. Even if Abhisit promised general elections in 6 months how much can he be trusted ?

    a- He change his mind all the time . First army no live ammo , then have live ammo but only shoot in the air , then now we know for a fact some shot live bullets at innocent reds rank and file

    b- He is not even in control himself . He reports to the army . he owes his job to them

    dream on

  7. Thanks for the feedback.

    So what does it mean when I've met the parents and spoken to the sisters?. Should I still be afraid of what I may get myself into?

    Appreciate the feedback. I'm considering relocating there . . . .

    Absolutely nothing....the parents are already spending the Sin Sot.....Yes

    If you have plenty of money and are not worried if you lose it on every purchase for your girlfriend come wife and you can support the family and you are happy go for it.

  8. People keep calling the red shirts terrorists cause suthep dropped that word.

    for What? They were peacefully demonstrating until the government used force.

    They were merely defending themselves afterwards (the best defense is an attack)

    if the army stays in the barracks, there will be no violence anymore.

    So dont call these people terrorists just cause they ignore the isa and emergency degree.

    It was bullshit imposing them cause they blocked a couple of roads.

    Dissolve parliament! and dont say they cant do that so fast. Look and the netherlands! the government collapse almost every year (yes we have a stable country hahaha) ad they have elections 2 months later.

    so stop complaining and hold new elections and let get this country right again, no matter who wins red yellow pink blue or green, maybe we also get brown and purple, we never know!!!

    ps. i dotn support any color just giving my opinion of one of the biggest bullshit talker in thai history "Suthep" there are some more, but cant mention them.

    you dont deserve a reply

  9. Faced with this surprisingly strong US demand, we have made the difficult decision to postpone the international launch of iPad by one month, until the end of May," Apple said in a statement.


    "Although we have delivered more than 500,000 iPads during its first week, demand is far higher than we predicted and will likely continue to exceed our supply over the next several weeks.

    "We will announce international pricing and begin taking online pre-orders on Monday, May 10.

    "We know that many international customers waiting to buy an iPad will be disappointed by this news, but we hope they will be pleased to learn the reason - the iPad is a runaway success in the US thus far."

    Start of sidebar. Skip to end of sidebar.

    End of sidebar. Return to start of sidebar.

    The new tablet computer from Apple went on sale in the US on April 3, with prices starting at $US499 ($537).

  10. Black masked gunmen from weekend bloodshed identified

    BANGKOK (NNT) -- Names of armed gunmen in black firing at authorities during the 10 April bloodshed have been identified by the Democrat party.

    Democrat Party Spokesperson MD Buranaj Smutharaks stated that black clad gunmen spotted during the recent bloody clash between authorities and the United Front of Democracy against Dictatorship (UDD) have been given names.

    Security officials have been tasked with making the apprehension of the gunmen a priority. The discovery of the interlopers has lended an increased sense of unease to the already tense situation.

    MD Buranaj used footage of the gunmen to indicate that they were trained and sent in disguised to exacerbate the engagement of authorities and protesters.

    The spokesperson has asked all sectors cooperate and inform authorities immediately if have any information as to the whereabouts of the gunmen.


    -- NNT 2010-04-14


    The first place to look should be in the middle of a mass of red shirts.

  11. Thaksin and his leaders are just terrorists they should be reigned in over this with international help if necessary , the red shirts who were used as props should go home but they wont.

    The Reds wanted a bloodbath and they got it .

    There could have been a lot more deaths lets hope there is no more bloodshed but i doubt it.

  12. Rogue generals on Thaksin's payroll cry for final showdown

    By Sopon Onkgara

    The Nation

    Published on December 29, 2009

    A NEW battle line has been drawn, with the sound of war drums beating, and the red shirts dancing around the bonfire. Their spirits are high, hoping that the showdown this time will be final and victorious. It does not matter to them whether there will be bloodshed or if the nation faces ruin.

    The red-shirt battle cry this time came from a rogue junior Army general, and a number of retired military officers on the payroll of fugitive Thaksin Shinawatra. They don't mind being branded traitors. The tidy sum from the man in exile is considered worthwhile.

    The other day, the rogue soldier, commonly known as "Seh Daeng" warned that the battle this time will be open, with advance warning when shots will be fired upon the enemy, or whoever dares to move against the joint push for power at the command of Thaksin.

    "Seh Daeng", Major General Khattiya Sawasdiphol, is a self-styled warrior, seeking the full blaze of publicity. He commands a group of militia being given political indoctrination as well as basic arms training.

    He brands his warriors as "Ronin", the legendary leaderless samurai warriors of ancient times, and also soldiers of King Taksin the Great, who fought to free Thailand from Burmese occupation before the Chakri Dynasty. Some of the rogue general's fighters are mere thugs with no honour and or valour. It is sheer brute force inspired by cowardice.

    The warning, of course, should cause considerable unease among those who know about Seh Daeng's notoriety. His claim to fame was an ability to predict when grenades would be launched at the rallies of the People's Alliance for Democracy. He denied with a deadpan face, of course, that he had any part in the action. There was no proof, due to lukewarm investigations by law enforcement officers.

    When should the mayhem and bloodletting take place? There are variations in terms of timing for the strike. Seh Daeng said it should be sometime after Valentine's Day, as instructed by Thaksin. Another ageing general said April would be judgement day, and that would be the time for Thaksin's return to triumph.

    Posted again i forgot the link sorry http://www.nationmultimedia.com/2009/12/29...on_30119360.php

  13. Rogue generals on Thaksin's payroll cry for final showdown

    By Sopon Onkgara

    The Nation

    Published on December 29, 2009

    A NEW battle line has been drawn, with the sound of war drums beating, and the red shirts dancing around the bonfire. Their spirits are high, hoping that the showdown this time will be final and victorious. It does not matter to them whether there will be bloodshed or if the nation faces ruin.

    The red-shirt battle cry this time came from a rogue junior Army general, and a number of retired military officers on the payroll of fugitive Thaksin Shinawatra. They don't mind being branded traitors. The tidy sum from the man in exile is considered worthwhile.

    The other day, the rogue soldier, commonly known as "Seh Daeng" warned that the battle this time will be open, with advance warning when shots will be fired upon the enemy, or whoever dares to move against the joint push for power at the command of Thaksin.

    "Seh Daeng", Major General Khattiya Sawasdiphol, is a self-styled warrior, seeking the full blaze of publicity. He commands a group of militia being given political indoctrination as well as basic arms training.

    The person who supports the reds says he is level headed

    From the man so Yellow that Yellow people would be ashamed at how un-Yellow they look when standing next to Super Yellow man.

    So you supports the Reds right ?

    Levelhead supports the reds

  14. Rogue generals on Thaksin's payroll cry for final showdown

    By Sopon Onkgara

    The Nation

    Published on December 29, 2009

    A NEW battle line has been drawn, with the sound of war drums beating, and the red shirts dancing around the bonfire. Their spirits are high, hoping that the showdown this time will be final and victorious. It does not matter to them whether there will be bloodshed or if the nation faces ruin.

    The red-shirt battle cry this time came from a rogue junior Army general, and a number of retired military officers on the payroll of fugitive Thaksin Shinawatra. They don't mind being branded traitors. The tidy sum from the man in exile is considered worthwhile.

    The other day, the rogue soldier, commonly known as "Seh Daeng" warned that the battle this time will be open, with advance warning when shots will be fired upon the enemy, or whoever dares to move against the joint push for power at the command of Thaksin.

    "Seh Daeng", Major General Khattiya Sawasdiphol, is a self-styled warrior, seeking the full blaze of publicity. He commands a group of militia being given political indoctrination as well as basic arms training.


  15. Rogue generals on Thaksin's payroll cry for final showdown

    By Sopon Onkgara

    The Nation

    Published on December 29, 2009

    A NEW battle line has been drawn, with the sound of war drums beating, and the red shirts dancing around the bonfire. Their spirits are high, hoping that the showdown this time will be final and victorious. It does not matter to them whether there will be bloodshed or if the nation faces ruin.

    The red-shirt battle cry this time came from a rogue junior Army general, and a number of retired military officers on the payroll of fugitive Thaksin Shinawatra. They don't mind being branded traitors. The tidy sum from the man in exile is considered worthwhile.

    The other day, the rogue soldier, commonly known as "Seh Daeng" warned that the battle this time will be open, with advance warning when shots will be fired upon the enemy, or whoever dares to move against the joint push for power at the command of Thaksin.

    "Seh Daeng", Major General Khattiya Sawasdiphol, is a self-styled warrior, seeking the full blaze of publicity. He commands a group of militia being given political indoctrination as well as basic arms training.

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