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Posts posted by saintofsilence

  1. also pmk

    it could turn out to be the actuall filter head itself,because somtimes the fiter head has a non rtn fuel valve built inside,or the the hand primer on the filter head has broken down inside,this used to be a big problam on the ford 1.8diesel escorts and mondeos,classic non starter in the morning,when if they did eventualy start clouds of white smoke .

    Also used to be a common problam on the 0813 ford cargo non starter in the morning,turned out to be the non rtn fuel valve which was on the fuel pump.

    Yes i no this vehcle is none of the above but most diesels are run on the same principal. :)

    Hurray, somebodies hit it at last. A lot of (no doubt well meaning) but very worrying & expensive crp spouted above. Glow plugs, cracked heads, injector valves? etc.

    Its a Ford & its diesel. Change the fuel filter HOUSING before you do anything else. They are inexpensive. I'd say 90% that'll cure your problem.

    Assuming the vehicle isn't centuries old & hasn't covered over 150,000 kms, in Thailand i wouldn't even be interested if the heater plugs were working or not as they are so rarely needed, especially if its a DI or Common rail. (Maybe just a little in Chiang Mai at 5 am in the coldest month)

    When it gets this bad, start worrying. (check out Hectors comments)

    Glow plugs is it still crp ?

  2. Try using boiling water in a spray gun

    Why do idiots have to kill these snakes?

    The creature probably moved into the car out of fear.

    Over the years I have had several snake visitors appear on my land here. I just spray them with water using a high-pressure garden hose in the direction that I wish the snake to go. They quickly sliver away at high speed off my property, never to be seen again.

    I’ve heard all the excuses about having young children, pets etc, etc, and on and on. But the facts are that these animals are easy to chase off the premises using common sense methods without cruelty.

    Stop Playing with your snake , If you have children around and there is a deadly snake around kill it before it kills some one else.

  3. If you have problems like that now it means you cannot trust your wife. Why would you buy a house in her name if she does things like that.

    You must have more money than sense.

    I don't really have any probs now. Just dont want to run into any in the future. I just know during the low season they tend to borrow money against property and cars. They are actually pretty generous.

    Well best of luck to you Its good to see you are being careful and getting a bit of advice, I hate seeing people get taken for a ride.

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