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Posts posted by saintofsilence

  1. An Irish aquaintance had an erection for over 2 days

    Now where exactly did he buy them from? :)

    yeah, tell tell tell! :D

    this story is bit a hard to believe

  2. Produce a booklet of known scams of thailand for all Tourists this would give employement to hundreds more people and allow more scammers to make money from the booklet.

    Only problem is you would need to set aside 1 day to read it and there would be not be enough paper available .

    Or just a web site scams of Thailand should only be 10000 pages or so to flick thru.

  3. Hi gang,

    I'm not internet savvy so bear with me.

    I've been told that I will need the above

    to gain access to the internet.

    Any ideas where to buy and if it is

    difficult to set up?



    most mobile phones will allow you to do this its not neccesary to buy a usb modem just connect your mobile phone to your pc buy a 12call sim card and some internet hours and that should be ok.

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