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Posts posted by saintofsilence

  1. I agree with you about this and I will be getting my hands on one as soon as I can , these Ipads will be the best thing since sliced bread I say this only after I have an iphone and love it .

    The Ipad will do the job well and will take over from netbooks.

  2. The driver is a stupid lieing man, more like nodded off because he has driven for the last 24 hours. I have driven wagons for 35 years from containers to tankers, The air keeps the brakes off, so no air, the brakes come on , if the wagon is road worthy. It does not matter how many horse power you have it depends on how you use the gears, In the UK people are taught not to use the engine as a brake, because brakes are cheaper than clutches, Most modern wagons are now automatic.

    The brakes would only automticaly go on on the trailer if he lost air pressure . And the front of the truck has been dragged in.

  3. Let her go just go to the Amphur and get your divorce it will cost 20 baht and you can start again you will have to be present :)

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