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Posts posted by saintofsilence

  1. The reds have played right into Abhisit's hands , to the point that they declare civil war , Abhisit has carried out his duty to the tee and full marks to him , this will just strengthen his chances of leading government for years to come.

    10/10 Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva

    actually abhisit is most like finished.... :)

    What a lot of BS Britt he won't be finished who do suggest would replace him ?

    I sure there are several candidates right now, looking to see if they have the numbers.

    His numbers for support after all this would have only increased.

  2. The reds have played right into Abhisit's hands , to the point that they declare civil war , Abhisit has carried out his duty to the tee and full marks to him , this will just strengthen his chances of leading government for years to come.

    10/10 Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva

    actually abhisit is most like finished.... :)

    What a lot of BS Britt he won't be finished who do suggest would replace him ?

  3. What is purpose of documentary? I am sure you have some sort of premise or objective to achieve?

    It's to shed light on the differences between Western women and Asian women. It tells the stories of a wide variety of men who discovered Asian women and Asian culture and decided it was a better fit for them. It tells the stories of the Asian wives and GF's and why they chose a foreigner over a Asian man. It shatters the old myths about mixed marriages and "mail order brides" and explains the new connection of the east and west through the internet, Skype and webcams. It shows how fat western women are and their rapid loss of femininity. But most of all it shows that Western/Asian relationships can and do work and in many ways are far better that western/western relationships.

    You might be surprised to find that it has actually been done before.

    More than once, infact.

    Not at all, doesn't surprise me. But these days docs have much more complicated business models behind them. Can you name a couple of films that speak to this subject? Hope so!

    Don't tell him he will only use for his own $20 blockbuster

  4. There is one soap available only in india called"badshah"

    just apply that soap keep it for 2 mins and clean all the hairs will be removed.

    only one soap to go around for all them millions of people , that could be a problem

  5. I can understand where your coming from I was married a thai a few years back and she would go crazy with knives I had to hide every sharp object in the place and sleep with one eye open.

    I put up with it for 18 months and after she smashed my place up and locked me out , then she told me she was killing herself , the cops came and took her away and I gave her a ticket back to thailand.

    The longer you leave this the worst she will get and harm could come to some one . It seems as if a lot of these girls have mental disorders and all they want is as much as they can get for the least amount of work as possible.

    Since my marriage I have been very reluctant to go down that path again but I have met some that do have a full brain, look good and are not money hungry bitches.

    Another word of advice be sweet to her and send her home for holiday then call her and tell her to stay the f k away , and you take care of your daughter.

    good luck

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