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Posts posted by saintofsilence

  1. Well, we (wife and myself) live in Sukhumvit. Rent was 105,000/month until a year ago and now it's 125,000 a month (excluding electricity charges)

    I really don't calculate this too often but it seems like we spend around 250 - 300,000 a month total.

    I guess that would be on the lower price range of rentals in sukhumvit area and only having 175000 left after rent you must find it hard to afford a good night out.

  2. Tourist demands apology over wrongful drugs arrest

    A TOURIST who spent five days behind bars on drugs charges for bringing lemon-flavoured iced tea into Australia has called for an apology from the officials who arrested her.

    Wedding planner Maria Silva, 29, from the Philippines, was facing charges of concealing 2.4kg of amphetamine within three containers of iced tea she brought as a gift for a friend.

    After spending five days in custody, further tests by a Federal Police forensic team revealed that the powdered tea formula did not contain any illicit substances.

    "I want an apology," Ms Silva told AAP.

    Still shocked after the ordeal, she described her time in custody as "terrible".

    "It's just the worst thing you can imagine."

    Ms Silva said she thought she may have been targeted.

    "Maybe because I'm an Asian, I don't know."

    source http://www.news.com.au/breaking-news/touri...0-1225842871229

  3. He will end up in the monkey house eventually it is very likely that he is being monitored by US intelligent agencys and I am sure that if he slips up or they consider him some type of threat they will have him as quick as it takes eat his chocolate cake.

    Look at the type of world we live in today since 9/11 people who encourage others to create violence are on US watch lists.

  4. You could always threaten to sue her for 20k or more and tell her you are not prepared to divorce her until she pays , if she has another man she will probably want a divorce so she can keep on ripping people off.

    Negotiate with her yourself and then when she starts to worry then tell her ok divorce has to be by a certain date or you will sue her.

    just use reverse psychologey

  5. Abhisit seems to be doing a good job he handled the blood rally quite good , the next rally he will have to worry about will be the Semen Rally when a million of the red shirts march holding flag poles ind there hands and a photo of Thaksin while they donate a million cc of sperm into a million test tubes.

    But Im not to sure what they will do with it then any ideas ?

  6. His days of running are numbered i'm tipping that he will be back in thailand behind bars in less than 90 days

    Thats a pretty extreme prediction,I can only hope you will be right.

    Since his latest court hearings where he has been found guilty on many charges and the stupidity of these red shirts with blood I am sure there are not as many sympathizers in other countries as there were before then they are probably more likey to help the Thai Government in not allowing him into there countries or arresting him.

    And If he has been kicked out of UAE this will hurt him and what happens if all his banks get frozen.

    Its very hard for person with his profile to keep hiding and running.

  7. Sorry to see what has happened to you but its the usual story a lot of these girls look at a falang as a meal ticket they plan to suck as much as they can out of you unti they break you financially and mentally .

    Try and get back as much as you can and get out of as soon as you can.

  8. Isn't it obvious that spilling blood in this manner is a symbolic gesture. It's a demonstration of unity and brotherhood, like an oath of allegiance taken for a united purpose.

    There are gestures that make sense, and then those that are irrational.

    This is the latter with out doubt. Desperation to make some kind of point.

    Even if this hurts the peripheral causes more than it saves the leaders face.


    you are saying large scale mass blood oaths are still a good thing in the age of HIV and AIDS?

    Sorry, it is not.

    I'm not aware of any blood oaths being taken. Where did you get that one from?

    Abhisit made the statement that he would not walk over the peoples blood to get to work. The blood is to be splashed over the entry to government house to show he lies. It is a symbolic gesture but good for the anti Abhisit/Elite in that it will generate International coverage.

    Nobody will be carrying blood filled syringes as suggested in somebody's lunatic comment above.

    they carry grenades so why do you think they wont carry syringes ?

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