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Posts posted by saintofsilence

  1. They should better clear the beach road of the bad semelling garbages everywhere, look that Restaurants and Hotels not put all their garbages at the public containers on the beach. Those businesses should have their own garbage storages. They should also clear up all the motorblye rentals who occuppies all the parking spaces acround the beach road, because there is impossible to parking a car on a public parking space unless you go in a shopping centre. This is for me more "the reason" why i avoid the Pattaya beach, because i can't park my car.

    BTW how can they check which one of the "chicks sitting on the beach is a "prost", and which one isn't?

    the "prost " are the ones eating bananas


    Court says coup order to appoint AEC legally sanctioned

    Third legal issue is whether the coup announcement to form the AEC was legally sanctioned.

    The high court ruled that the coup-issued law is classified as an equivalent to an act of Parliament, hence it is legally binding.

    How democratic if a High Court rules that a coup-issued law is legal and equal to an act of Parliament..... :D

    A Soap Opera it is.


    Yes , well you would say that wouldnt you :D

    Is the fat lady singing yet? :):D

    she is just warming herself up but she will be singing

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