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Everything posted by nglodnig

  1. As I have NEVER contacted the TRD it does not even know I exist. uNLESS TRD instructs EVERY bank operating in Thailand to provide a list of customers who receive foreign remittances I am unlikely to surface - and I do not believe this has happened yet.
  2. I was unaware that "aseannow.com" was an official TRD website. Still waiting for the email.
  3. Nope tried that (obviously) it's so old it's out of spec - I ran the windows checker and it said "no chance"
  4. Interesting - I have an ancient (but high-spec and still working) laptop that can't be upgraded to Windows 11. Is this procedure reversible - dones't seem to a lot of product info when I google it.
  5. Wotta surprise it's from the Telegraph
  6. And YET AGAIN this post was in my "newsletter" - WHY? This is pure clickbait. Yes I KNOW this site is intended to make money and the more clicks it gets the higher rates from advertisers - usually I can see the poster name and realise it's on my list of morons so avoid it on the AN home page - but not on the newsl
  7. Having a US passport won't help - banks tend to treat them as poison because of all the extra rules the US government has set
  8. Todays afternoon newletter contained not one but TWO (including this thread) posts from this (under a warning here 🙂 ) "user" Why cannot posts like this be editted out of the newsletter before it's sent? It's not rocket science
  9. Has anybody found a way to shut "Bob Smith" yet? he's on my block list but the daily newsletter doesn't filter it (I have asked for this facility but still not there). Narcissistic moronic DRIVEL from someone who has nothing better to do. Total jerk. With him and and that other moron GG we have a pair of clowns here. I wouldn't give a flying fork but I would ask the moderators if his post can be blocked TOTALLY from those sensible people who have switched this cretin off. DO NOT put his posts on the twice daily newsletter please. P.S. "Bob" - fork off
  10. As an ex-bank employeee EVERY bank does this for Know Your Customer rules as I had several training sessions on this. Basically to avoid money-laundering they need to know who you are. Only "dodgy" banks skip this
  11. No it t'aint....... check your facts please - I have had this account for more than a year and then address is DOUGLAS (which is IoM). No idea what you were looking at but mine is a STERLING bank account. Could I respectfully suggest you research first before engaging keyboard. From their website: Villiers House 2 Victoria Street Douglas IM1 2LN
  12. AFAIK they require 100k quid in your account to open a new one. Barclays kicked me out as expats were too much trouble. I did the rounds and found only Lloyds International (IoM) were reasonable - need to prove an INCOME of 50k in the first year, after that no minimum balance or annual income required.
  13. The identity of the tourist has not been confirmed, but he was carrying a News South Wales driver’s licence Last time I checked NSW was in Oz not UK
  14. Just a thought - everything is online these days, there is a good site called chess.com with different levels of chess - alternatively there is an interactive version on the same site where two people can play each other.....
  15. Unfortunately there is a time limit at Bangkok airport for holding baggage - I think I was told something ridiculous like 6-10 hours. I Certainly 24 would be nigh impossible - where are they going to keep it? Be prepared to reclaim your baggage and check in again. And NO you dont need a transit visa that "thai representative" was talking out of their proverbial
  16. Rim Ping kad falang had the same offer a week or so ago
  17. I asked this company for a quote for a pair of wills - 50k baht - for a Word template document that just needs names adding. I informed them what to do with their quote.
  18. IMHO get yourself checked out to see if you have sleep apnea - your sleeping partner may tell you that you stop breathing during the night - otherwise you will never know (cos you're asleep duh) unless you go to a sleep clinic and they wire you up for the night. Chronic apnea can take YEARS off your life expectancy.
  19. Apparently you need to earn 165k+ USD a year currently then you will get 3800 a month (max if you wait until you are 70) - how many are getting that I wonder? The average US salary is 63k a year and you get 1400 USD a month on that at 65. UK max state pension is 1219 USD per month but does not include spouse pension which is paid separately,
  20. I just completed this quiz. My Score 70/100 My Time 77 seconds  
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