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Everything posted by nglodnig

  1. Let's see which one falls asleep first.
  2. Wish they had blurred out the face of the one on the left.
  3. Eaxactly. Bangkok was called the "Venice of Asia" but then the "powers-that-be" filled up all the canals - result - flooding and subsidence. NOTHING to do with an estimate 3.6 mm a year sea-level rise (which has been occuring since the last ice-age, sea-levels have risen 120 metres since that time). But hey, when we are incompetent and screw up let's blame global warming eh so we don't look quite so bad.
  4. So anyone who took the Hippocratic oath - basically a doctor? You're saying stay away from all the medical professionals? You wouldn't be meaning "hypocrites" by any chance? 😀
  5. As I said earlier I do a minimum of 30 minutes bike riding a day.
  6. Yeah but I can't walk about all the time with a stiff willie. 😀 Exercise yes I do minimum half hour bicycling every day but keeping the brain active is a major if not THE major key.
  7. I have recently retired after spending more than forty years in IT in a technical role, my brain being my tool (plus hands of course as keyboard jockey). My worry is I read stories that the dementia can quickly come if you stop using your brain - "Use it or lose it" basically. My sainted mother lived until 86 doing the Daily Mirror crossword every day and was in full possession of her marbles up to her sad demise. So I spend a LOT of time doing Mah Jong Solataire. Maybe it'll help. Learning another language can also help - as it exercises different parts of your brain apparently. I have already learnt German (badly, people compliment me on how bad it is after spending so long in a German-speaking country). Next once I am full-time here I will endeavour to learn Thai PROPERLY (I speak "survival Thai" - I learnt the numbers and can barter effecitively and I can ask where the toilet is but cannot understand the answer so they need to point where it is). I have recently retired after spending more than forty years in IT in a technical role. Oh wait I just said that. 😀 https://www.ask.com/culture/benefits-playing-mahjong-solitaire-stress-relief-mental-health
  8. That's a ridiculous figure. As a Swiss resident I pay half that and it covers me for being abroad six months a year.
  9. How are they going to see it if you don't show it? Do the check-in staff have X-Ray glasses? 😀 "It it is the airline staff who check both passports in the UK upon check-in" who told you that? They only look at the passport that you will be ENTERING the country (in this case Thailand) with.
  10. You seem to be confusing yourself. a) British citizens can enter the UK with ANY British passport, expired or not (this is international law I believe a country cannot refuse a citizen entry) b) Who do think is doing the checking? It's the airline - so you show them the Thai passport when you leave the UK, but actually show the BRITISH passport to the Immigration person or machine or whatever IN THE UK. Arrival at Thailand you show the Thai passport. It's really simple. The airline isn't following you to make sure you use the same passport! Airlines are liable to return you if you are not allowed in a country which is why they do checks
  11. The person show their Thai passport when checking in in the UK. When fly The person show their Thai passport when checking in in the UK. When flying back shows their (soon to be expired) British passport as this is ALWAYS valid (even if it is expired) to enter as a British citizen.
  12. I have a UK bank account. Pay my Bangkok Bank account and I will pay her (for a suitable reasonable fee of course). You can trust me.
  13. REALLY? I have NEVER drunk tap water in Thailand and never will
  14. A committee was formed to end the pollution by rainy season. Looks like they will meet their target.
  15. Colin was a well-regarded member of the expat community in Thailand and a friend to many (including myself) and I find these ghoulish enquires disrespectful.
  16. Thanks for the "expert" comment but an article in the newspaper we can't mention by his friend and colleague Roger Crutchley says he had a heart attack when driving and lost control.
  17. I NEVER knew that! Brilliant!
  18. What about the new "S" terminal at Suvarnabhumi? Hasn't that done the trick
  19. STFU and go make your "clever" comments elsewhere. P.S. learn how to spell "humour" properly.
  20. Oh FFS A good friend of mine and others has died and all we are getting is the usual shyte from bored insensitive callous pryks who occupy their time like a bunch of ghouls on this site.
  21. Oh give it a rest why don't you. As has been pointed out before, have some respect and stop playing CSI forensic shyte. This man was a friend to me and many others - go play somewhere else.
  22. I second that. This isn't the usual "drunk/drugged tourist kills himself on a motorbike" so beloved by the bored readers of this forum, who drool over snippets like this. This was a man who was well-known and a friend to many people (including myself) - go amuse yourself somewhere else. What a pathetic bunch we have here who have nothing better to do other than to add "witty" comments.
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