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Everything posted by nglodnig

  1. It's not a federal offence so he can't be pardoned by a president (for this anyway)
  2. She got paid this while living OUTSIDE Thailand for her teaching work in a Thai temple in Europe.
  3. My wife has got a (miniscule) government pension for some years now living outside Thailand. What do you base this on? The pension she gets will buy a bowl of noodles I think.
  4. A sad story but I must confess this is not a new situtation. Since OAPs were introduced in 1947-ish it was always clear when leaving the UK the pension will be frozen (although this got changed with the EU and also Swiss residents, and for some unknown reason the Philippines). BUT: Us old fogies were ignored as we lose our vote so nobody cared what we thought after 15 years of non-residence, This law has changed - I've got my vote back! Whether I will receive my voting papers and return them in time is wishful thinking at best.
  5. Not like the British ones - how embarassing was that? Fire off a test missle of your "nuclear deterrent" and see it fall into the sea?
  6. Now let's try him for a) trying to influence an election result (can't remember where) by asking to find some extra votes b) stealing confidential documents and hiding them in his toilet and c) let's not forget encouraging a mob to take over Congress which may I say it is TREASON?
  7. You're right there is a chance he might actually not die in jail.
  8. Preferably one with both passbook and internet / ATM access for both
  9. And of course this poster is allowed to post this shyte repeatedly despite several complaints because of course it gets clicks which equate to money in the bank as it drives up their revenue for advertising. My daily newsletter gets this crap every day from this poster which I can usually spot for the drivel it is but occasionally I do accidently click on it. Can we fix this so the author is shown on the newsletter so I can avoid it please.
  10. My ideal refuge would be an ex-pat forum where morons did NOT post bilge several times a day in an attempt to get a life. Heaven!
  11. Well it's been a while (like ten years I think) but I paid all my voluntary contributions (class 2 I think it was a no-brainer 104 pounds a year) and got a full state pension last year. I had paid in approx 20 years in the UK (which included time as a student) and paid in ten years while I was working abroad until the DWP told me to stop as I had thirty years contributions which was enough. I think the Class II stuff payment went up - it's not 104 quid anymore (those were the days!). There is a limit on how far back you can go in terms of years to pay off I think. Sorry to be so vague but it worked for me. You need to call them and get a statement but I think there is a website where you find out where you stand. Google is your friend. Not too sure where the 37 years comes from - I was told thirty years is enough. And it was (for me) but of course maybe the rules have changed, Anyway get a statement off the DWP. I don't think you can go back nine years - the figure five years springs to mind. Anyway on a personal note I first starting paying voluntary contributions back in the eighties (while I was working in the Arabian Gulf) when I had an amazing attack of future planning and thought hey I might be in my twenties now but in forty years time I might need this so I had better send 104 quid a year (this was 1980-something). I went back to the UK and continued paying FULL contributions for 15 years until I moved abroad again and continued this incredible (for me) sensible thing until told to stop like I said. Good luck.
  12. I get a generic mometasone nose spray (NOT Nasonex, it's half the price) from at least one chemist in Chiang Mai - the one next to Rim Ping in Kad Falang for instance. Why pay more for eaxactly the same substance?
  13. This would be a sure-fire vote killer for thoses in the 18-25 range - but then as they can't be bothered to vote anyway it won't make any difference 🙂 "Vote? where's the app on my phone for that?"
  14. Lucky lucky you! 🙂
  15. Credit cards have names on them and often gender-specific titles like Mr and Mrs. A woman using a card that says "Mr maxx58" looks a bit suspicious. Are we clear now? And I would hesitate to equate car wife and card as all of the same property type 🙂
  16. AFAIK all credit card companies (including Visa and MC) insist that any card in their franchise has to be accepted (providing the appropriate checks are made). OK there are exchange rate charges but the retailer doesn't see these. Although when you say "my credit card" you don't mean it was in your name (i.e Mr Maxx58)? That's a bit of a giveaway!
  17. 320 baht will get you a "schinken baguette" at any train station. They're pretty filling I often have one for lunch.
  18. Yes but German people can't understand them - they need subtitles on Swiss programmes shown on German TV
  19. Agree - had Norton AV (premium yet) and as the OP said got fed up with the constant bombardment of messages telling me I need to add this on or upgrade that - so removed it. So now I just use Windows Defender which I am told is perfectly adequate - and free. And doesn't nag me.
  20. If it's CAT (Clear Air Turbulence) they don't see it (it's not on radar) until they hit and then it's too late.
  21. I always do and will continue to do so after reading this.
  22. Never heard of him but ROBERT is my mothers brother
  23. I am moving from Europe to Thailand. We will use our baggage allowance for the absolute "must have" and dump the rest. I've got clothes in Thailand already and the rest I'll buy in Big C or similar. I have heard too many stories of people who have shifted stuff from the UK to Thailand and have spent a fortune - for what? One shipped his prized Volvo car (that didn't have A/C - OK this was a few years ago) and spent an incredible amount of money to get it fitted that he would have been better off selling the car the UK and buying another one here. Don't bother. Let it go. What is so important (furniture? Personal items? OK maybe these). Saying that that I did look into unaccompanied baggage charges here and there was a up-front fee of the equivalent of 500 pounds plus something like 5 quid a kilo. I will NOT be taking that route. Anyway up to you. You asked for advice I looked into it (I am doing the same as you) and decided it wasn't worth it.
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