25 years I swapped my UK ([paper) driving licence for a Swiss one, and have used (and lived there) ever since. preparing to move to Thailand on a retirement visa, I called the Swiss drivers place thinking they had locked my licence away safely in a drawer for a quarter of a century. Nope they had sent it off to the DVLC swansea without delay.
Called them, "Nah we shredded that. Like a new one? Come live in the Uk for 3-6 months and send us some utility bills." not possible.
SO what are my chances of exchanging my Swiss one (I could prove residency) for a Thai one - any one done this?
I would rather not take a test and would not definitely NOT want to use some sort of dodgy agent
I would appreciate prarttical advice (I will go to the Chiang Mai BLT ppleace) PLEASE no "you should have done this instead@ which is not really helpful.