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Everything posted by mania

  1. The innocent bystanders same as always...The same who were evicted many times from their lands & homes
  2. If you google "Karen Definition" they probably have her picture posted
  3. Why does Thailand believe all tourist come here to get trashed/drunk? First opening bars till 4am with its increase in road deaths. Then talk about keeping bars open till 6am & now this reduce the tax on Alcohol to increase tourism? AND Consumption? Listen Thailand with your world leading daily road death count do you really think you need more alcohol consumption?
  4. Exactly.....If he were smart he would not choose Hawaii Because ever since the USA overthrew the Hawaiian Monarchy & took over Hawaii they have made it a strategic target Which is why in WWII The Japanese chose to try & disable Pearl Harbor even before the US entered the war. Because they knew the US eventually would enter & they also knew the value of Pearl Harbor as a refueling stop If/When WWIII occurs Hawaii has a big X on it & will be obliterated in the opening salvos. Many will not want the US to have the ability to refuel mid Pacific Ocean so that option will be removed in the early rounds of Nukes He should have chose Norway next to the giant restart the world vault Svalbard Global Seed Vault
  5. Umm it got noticed in a race to the bottom I guess if cheapest is the criteria for desirable then ok ;)
  6. Isn't it like Jazz week or something now? I think that might bring in Thai tourists but also with Loy Krathong just ending probably busy at the moment Traffic on Canal was insane this time last year...Hopefully not as bad this year
  7. Don't roll the dice if you cant pay the price
  8. Must be nice having such a simpleton outlook ;)
  9. I've been on Renue's NMN for quite a few months now & love it!
  10. Not Taurine powder but have been taking Magnesium Taurate for years. (Which uses Taurine as its carrier)
  11. Hello.....Same prob worldwide....Bad guys dont register guns... kow jai mai? They buy them from Somchai's trunk of his stolen car
  12. Well I have a wealth of no idea but.... I find it interesting that Devil spelled backwards is Lived So maybe that makes those that lived the devil? That would answer your question Kidding aside I would say some are evil because they can be. We can all be what ever we want we can all create what ever we want. As to why each does what they do..... again I have a wealth of no idea
  13. Same as always smoke.....but many call it smoke season instead of Dengue control
  14. I don't golf but I think he is like those little markers they use to hold a spot where their ball was. I think he is just holding the spot either for that guy in the supposed hospital/jail or that same guys daughter
  15. Ah similar to when the US targeted all those Japanese civilians & were the first & hopefully last to use nukes to bomb a civilian population to dust? Sorry but this is the problem with this kill everything in sight & justify it by saying we were chasing the bad guys & if they just surrendered then none of this had to happen???....because now in a normal mind the retaliatory are also the bad or worse guys....(if they weren't already) This is 2023 that this kind of thing is even tolerated by the world speaks volumes about the state of humanity......ALL HUMANITY.... If alien life exists they must just look & wonder Cue the JDL & pardon any lack of response as I know it is as futile as any Humane hope for this situation
  16. Do what most do & just fold it in half
  17. Yes & the sad part is they usually would have looked better growing older gracefully & thru diet & exercise. Instead they go the Joker route & for some reason they chase it more & more after each alteration Till they look alien & usually have so much scar tissue Sad testimony to themselves & society that thinks that is beauty & it should come from a knife/creams/drugs
  18. The thing I have found doing similar with Wise is check operating hours of your bank which if open tends to result in instant transfer Same with Wise to Thailand...If during Thai bank business hours it is instantly done.
  19. Sam Bankman-Fried is found guilty of all charges in FTX's spectacular collapse Tom Brady And Other A-Listers Sued For Fumbling FTX Endorsements
  20. Which is a big reason behind the total corruption mindset here. These unqualified folks once in place want a return on their investment...Sad but true
  21. Myanmar military using foreigners including Thais as human shields Oh!! ...they thought they meant they were shielded from harm 🙄
  22. Lord, I was born a ramblin' man Tryin' to make a livin' and doin' the best I can And when it's time for leavin' I hope you'll understand That I was born a ramblin' man
  23. Firefox could not get rid of it or the big drop down ad that came soon after Even with the usual unmentionable extensions But Brave browser does very well & neither ad shows
  24. Actually they achieved as useful idiots exactly what the coup/junta wanted them to achieve. An excuse for yet another coup/overthrow that in turn allowed the usual pigs to once again belly up to the public trough & enrich themselves at the expense of the Thai People
  25. I am sure some do but...Not all My sister for instance is now 70 works in medical field (imaging) She keeps working & I ask her why? She say's she wouldn't know what to do if she didn't work (kind of a slave mentality IMHO) But at the same time her company uses golden handcuffs to keep her too because it is so hard to find reliable folks these days. They keep paying her more & more to stay....The older generation had that reliability show up at work daily in spades usually. But again I retired at 54 & always ask her wouldn't she like to do something else...anything? Folks are all different I guess. I always said work to live not live to work
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