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Everything posted by mania

  1. Ah but it is ???? That is what I was explaining ...Gold is gold there is no Thai gold, German gold, Canadian gold etc etc There is X amount of gold & that is what counts times the weight of it times the World spot price per troy ounce Thai gold does not mean it is gold mined from Doi Suthep ???? It is just pure gold from where ever that was then melted & fashioned into either jewelry or bars etc in Thailand. Except in Thailand they do of course charge a small fabrication charge if you choose jewelry over bullion. That is why you usually see two prices in front of gold shops or on their LCD price panel
  2. well it is worth exactly the same as all gold once it is normalized...meaning X amount of gold x spot price If you mean it take a lot more 14k weight to make a troy ounce compared to 22k well yes of course Because 14k is 58.5% gold & 22k is 91.67% gold
  3. Will be nice if Whales also cancel their trend of not hunting humans in smaller vessels around Iceland's coasts ????
  4. Sorry you misunderstand Gold is Gold period & is priced by World Spot Price period People confuse purity % with value or weight in baht vs weight in Troy etc etc Thai gold does not mean mined in Thailand anymore than USA or Canadian gold means it was mined in the US or Canada. Same goes for Silver or any precious metal
  5. Yes different gold bullion's & coins have different purity's. BUT that does not mean it has less gold A Kruggerand or US Eagle may be only 91.67% / 22k purity versus Canadian Maple 99.99% / 24k but both will be minted to contain 1 troy oz of gold Yes the lower % purity coin will end up weighing a bit more but if both were refined to remove the additional alloys used to hardened the coins or jewelry the same total amount of pure gold would be in each. Meaning two different purity 1 oz coins like mentioned above both have 1 troy oz of pure gold in them So basically for instance the standard weight of both the Krugerrand and eagle are 1.09 troy oz compared to 1 troy oz for the maple leaf. This extra 0.09 troy oz accounts for the alloy in the gold Krugerrand and gold eagle coins, which brings their total gold content to the same as the gold maple leaf – 1 troy ounce.
  6. Wonder if Elon has heard about the new Tax implications for any money he brings into Thailand ????
  7. I always wanted to try the at the airport method but was always too afraid it might be closed or they wanted a form I didn't have etc etc thus blowing the yearly extension
  8. This is a big problem with this country & its so called "Ministers" of this & that. Their plans are always clear as mud with zero foresight. Nor do they discuss first with the government/parliament or put things to a vote No instead with their Napoleon syndrome they like to make grand announcements. ???? But take it back or not it shows all investors one thing & that is you can count on nothing stability wise in Thailand.
  9. Yeah & that is a good reason to go for it at least for 5 years. Or even just 3-4 if she went for citizenship which is not hard. Then for sure she would get spousal benefits even if you were alive she would get a 50% check. Plus the US passport all else aside is a pass to travel anywhere if later she was interested in trips/vacations etc. Work even without a PHD is plentiful if one wants it in the USA
  10. Well tell her sometimes trying is good & nothing is set in stone. But if she likes it she can get US citizenship in her third year in the USA. Something you cannot get in Thailand as easily. Also let her know even if she does not do the US citizenship if she stays 5 years in the USA she automatically gets Social Security when she is 62 albeit as a spousal benefit meaning 50% amount of what ever your getting but hey free $$$ right? Not to mention Medicare Of course if she decided to work in the USA she could get even more but up to her. Social Security Benefits for Non-U.S. Citizens Living Abroad
  11. Oh I hear you ???? My wife & I left at the end of 2016 as we thought this coup was different than the rest (in hindsight we were right) We live happily in the USA where my wife has US citizenship along with her Thai citizenship. We sold our Condo in CM but still have our home up north & enjoy 2-3 months a year there most years. We were just musing about moving back & saw this & said hmmm those flexi goal posts look iffy ????
  12. I think it may be easier than we think...Why? Because they use the same method they used when embassies stopped supplying the proof of income letters for visa extensions... That method is? You prove it to us not we go find the answer....you prove it Ok so Social Security is a simple one as SS provides the proof of SS letter to everyone thru their online SS account. Anything transferred in above that is going to be a bit harder to suss out. So yeah kinda foolhardy of Thailand as it basically will reduce what is brought in & spent....but they never were the sharpest in these matters. ????
  13. When you think about it....There is really only one way they are going to be able to implement his scheme... They will need to tax every incoming transfer & then ask those who are not obligated to pay or part of the tax treaty to file a refund request. Same as we did for bank interest. (back when they paid 4% here) Which was not that hard but you do need to set it up initially Because thinking about it wouldn't it be nearly impossible for them to decide on each transfer where that money originated from? Like oh.... this is Wally's SS money no tax.....Oh this is Steve's income from abroad tax etc etc So more likely a sweeping tax on all transfers & then let refund claims sort it out with proof. Side benefit being those who do not claim same as many do not claim refund of taxed interest on bank saving
  14. True & easy enough to understand but....... This being Thailand I wonder who the burden of proof will be on? ???? Actually I am 99.99% sure the proof will fall on the same folks who could no longer get proof from embassies about income much less taxation from their home country. So that might be sticky But at the end of the day the one thing little knee jerk decisions like this show us is we can never be sure that at any time in the future goal posts regarding legality of living here might change & we should always have a plan B ????
  15. Majority fly no complaints so maybe designed for average people not designed for midgets but not designed for plus sized either ???? But if plus sized they dont want to pay for a larger seat anyway right? I mean would they want to pay for say 1.5 seats & they get two seats to use? Probably not But asking the airline to make larger seats means less seats per flight / income per flight you think they will just eat that or charge more? I think we know the answer as both Business class & First Class are wider seats than Economy but of course charge more. Truthfully it seems more on the larger person to accept they cannot order from the kiddie menu because its not enough for them ????
  16. That thought also crossed my mind. Doubt they would split families but they could redistribute some if they found the plane as loaded would be tail or nose heavy by X% I also immediately wondered if on average were 1st class passengers usually heavier than economy passenger ???? But I think the general trend these days is heavier in all sectors
  17. Actually probably a bit late arriving. Also as modern day people have grown ever larger/heavier even more important now A plane has a Center of Gravity near the wing spar Too much weight forward or back of that will necessitate "trimming" the plane in flight. Meaning adjust the elevators to achieve a neutral nose up or down position That trim (making elevator more neg or positive in angle) will create much more drag slowing the plane & increasing fuel usage Which is why they said
  18. Been hearing a lot about Stem Cell therapy to speed up healing Pretty interesting & seems quite a few clinics opened in Mexico now with many US customers
  19. Sadly I think he passed on. He was not well a few years ago last we spoke.
  20. Kind of true & more to the point excess width. Make people walk between two poles if they don't fit have an up-charge for double seat. Or make wider seats etc Otherwise they get on lift the arm rest and basically are sitting partially on our seat too. Prices are high enough that we should not be asked to share our seat
  21. I have not read all 17 pages so it may have also been said already but...... Not all Thai families are the same. A couple decades ago before I married I asked my future Thai In-laws what was expected as I heard about Sinsod My in-laws were not well off but just retired farmers living in a small village. My future MIL said we do not sell our daughter but if you love her & she loves you we wish you happiness. That was that & I cannot say I was surprised as they raised my wife who thinks the same way. In the year that followed we helped them when we could to improve & rebuild their home & with little things. They lived till they were 93 & 89 great loving in-laws ! But as a side note...our neighbor in the village is my wife's sister. When her Thai son was getting married they had to give the Thai girls family 60k baht which was not easy for them either.
  22. But in the US the brides family "traditionally" pays for wedding. "Dowry" So actually ????
  23. If you use Brave Browser it will automatically translate the Thai pages of Kasikorn bank So on this page on the link to rates & fees they say.... So it seems they pay at the end.....Also note they say ..... Years ago banks like Ayudhya Bank Mee Tae Dai savings paid monthly what was due on yearly interest divided by twelve & also did not charge any tax till 30k a year was earned. Even then they just suggested opening another account & transfer the money so interest didn't exceed 30k
  24. My wife & I also do not use those nor any dairy actually.
  25. Nice! Much better than your first effort. You did well showing more of what your seeing. Thanks ????
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