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Everything posted by mania

  1. Hopefully more info on this.. But I'm sure anything is possible with weather
  2. True at this time better rates in other countries. But 2012-2014 Thai banks were quite good. Especially Bank of Ayudhya Mee Tae Dai savings accounts. But yeah right now money needs to be elsewhere 😉 Capital One is 4.25% which is about what Ayudhya was back then
  3. Personally I hope all of this is a storm in a teacup & the tax law is only to close the loophole that Thai's working abroad was using to bring home older than 1 year pay tax free but................ As for the benefit that many mention of giving X amount to a Thai wife & it not being taxed I wonder would that not be considered goodwill & therefore subject to taxation under wife's name as income? Or did you mean a married couple have better taxation rates? Above Quoted from this article https://www.aseanbriefing.com/news/taxation-of-foreign-sourced-income-in-thailand-begins-in-2024/ I do agree idea #3 should be fine 🤔
  4. Sorry no idea about price in Thailand but these days it is unlikely to be a 24hr monitor. Instead they now use these mini monitors that you leave on even to shower & they like to gather 14 days of data Which is really much better as often a 24 hour may not even show a problem. Not to mention the old holters were big bulky affairs This new type is nice as it monitors the whole time & also has a button on it so if you detect an event yourself you can press it & it marks that time frame for those who later review the whole recording In the USA when I had the long 14 day monitoring version (I have had both types 😉 ) the report is generated by Boston Scientific & is quite interesting to pour over. Of course they send it to your cardiologist first 😉 I'm sure Thailand has something similar.....Good Luck https://www.cdx.bostonscientific.com/us/en/patients/cardiac-monitor.html
  5. Actually you would just need proof of the 12 incoming transfers of at least 40k baht. You do not need to keep the funds in the bank until you have 12 month evidence...(If that is what your saying?) AFAIK it has not requirements to be held like the 400k for X amount of time.... just that you transfer in each month for living
  6. Maybe right off the bat stop all the handouts of billions per year to other countries Like Ukraine & Israel in weaponry & financial aid at the expense of taxpayers. Let the USA support those that have paid all their life first...Their citizens https://www.usnews.com/news/best-countries/articles/countries-that-receive-the-most-foreign-aid-from-the-u-s
  7. Translation.....Silver Van driver called police first with an offer
  8. This Youtuber "Greeny" just did a couple on parts of VN I never knew about...quite nice actually
  9. Since 400k is mentioned I am imagining he was asking "based on marriage"? In any case it is the same in USA this year I always get the Type O non Imm/ 90 days to visit/stay with Thai Family based on marriage 3 months every year with my wife. Usually have to show just $750/$1000 in bank statement This year they asked for 400k equal in USD I explained I was not looking for 1 year extension just 90 days always for years to travel with my wife....to which they replied new requirement So only option is 60 day tourist visa then extend 30 more in Thailand if you want 90 days...as always TIT 🙄
  10. I think this is a misprint as the top of the line Maybach cost is around 12million baht (+ of course any import taxes)
  11. All else aside look at how the Benz faired compared to the made in Thailand truck.... I am always amazed at how totaled any Thai truck is even in seemingly soft accidents. Then in a hard accident they are usually totally dismantled...makes one wonder a bit 🙄
  12. Hi can you say if your insurance company is a Thai Health Insurer? IF so perhaps you can try getting quotes from a International Insurer ? Like Cigna Global As far as self insure goes it is a fine idea but most who think they can afford it may be kidding themselves. Although I understand for many there is no other choice Of course there are those that can set aside millions for future health care problems but few who can replenish that at a moment notice or over & over again if complications quickly drain so called self insurance Many of those same thinkers also think they will return to their home country for medicare treatment etc etc yet do not consider the possibility of not being allowed on a commercial flight nor being able to afford a air ambulance much worse waking up in a Thai ICU In any case good luck
  13. AKA: "Do You Know Who I AM?" Syndrome 🙄
  14. Poor Joe isn't capable of a coherent speech in English much less any other language. Although at times we do wonder what language he is speaking 😉
  15. Thinking it is headed in the direction of new normal...But still has more heat to come.
  16. Your right both the USA & Israel suck in that regard 😉
  17. IF your wife is Thai & she is experienced traveler fine...IF not highly recommend Korean Air (usually 2hour easy connect in Incheon )or even Japan airlines. (Tokyo ) Reason being yes China Air lands in Taipei but it is a hurdle even for experienced travelers. You need to take a Tram from one terminal to another & also time is tight when you see the lineup to get thru mid checks at Taipei
  18. Surprisingly few answers to your actual question. I am not self insured but if I had to I think a minimum of 800-1 million baht & better 2 or 3 million baht same as most available policies BUT...the problem starts at the point of using that self insurance. Is your situation such that it is no problem losing that to a medical cost? Is it easy enough for you to then refill that self insurance fund back to full? TBH I think the only folks who are truly able to self insure never even consider asking how much to set aside (That is not me either 😉 )
  19. Did you read the quote? "but continue to exempt import duties. " All I was saying is call it this or call it that a tax is a tax...But never mind it was never meant to be so serious 😉
  20. A rose by any other name is still a stinkin tax 😉
  21. After many many years here I am afraid this is no longer usable. It is a pity as there is useful info gained & given here. But as of today it was almost impossible to use. Even as I type this I am being slammed by pop ups. I am using the newest version of Chrome browser in case that is of any interest to support? I will check back from time to time but as of now this is no longer usable
  22. Wow I know you have been in CM a long time. If I may ask was it the burn seasons that finally convinced you? In any case good luck to you. We have sold on our own before in CM also but it was just a condo & was sold very quickly just by posting on FB
  23. When I was in the same situation I did not need a return ticket. The airline is the only one that asked when departing USA. When I said I plan to retire & extend to yearly they had no further questions.
  24. Hear Hear ! 👏
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