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Everything posted by mania

  1. Light him up with the Defibrillator then ask him again or ...let him pay his bill? ๐Ÿ˜‚
  2. My wife often comments on where we live most of the time...(Not Thailand) But so often on the roads when cars stop & wave our car thru or when we cross roads & they stop for us etc She always asks why do you never see this in Thailand? I always reply as you did & say it is a me first culture there. Probably because they were raised with that whole face thing & a hi-so/lo-so class system
  3. We did the same & looking back we are glad we did. Life is too precious to be breathing air such as that. Yes you can hide & use a filter in a room but that is not living & that is not as purified as folks like to think. That you even have to wonder about the safety level of exercising outside was unacceptable to us so yes we left. We do return yearly from Oct to Jan (we have a home there) but even last year it was already starting in December ๐Ÿค”
  4. Seems at least 3 weeks now ๐Ÿ˜‰
  5. A photo posted today on FB flying over Chiang Mai It is amazingly bad what a layer looks like from above too
  6. This shot posted on FB today ๐Ÿ˜
  7. I know right?
  8. Don't know whats going on with Swiss guys but here is another & this one seems much worse A Swiss Man Seriously Hurts Thai Woman in Trang Supermarket
  9. Well no of course not The point is the total price is not worth the value of the visit per year. It was actually not just this Visa 500% increase but instead just perhaps the final straw The $2500 is just the International air fare which has increased a lot since COVID. We use to travel for $1400 airfare... Then travel insurance is roughly $300 & we always buy it as we are sports folks + other fees for various things. Because of where our homes are both here & in Thailand there are also smaller flights to & from + hotels here & there before we even reach our Thai home In our case by the time it all adds up for just a 30 day visit THAT is what is not worth it for us. The total for a trip is just tipped past what it is fair value "in our" minds for an every year trip We of course will still visit just not yearly is all... BTW: it is my Thai wife who has said this is poor value & yes I agree. For that price we would like to switch it up a bit or stay here & do more at home
  10. Same thing my wife & I initially thought we would likely do if the prices wen 500% up like their suggesting. But after we thought about it paying $2500-$3000 avg for our flights then staying only 30 days instead of 90? We think that juice is not worth the squeeze. So if this goes as suggested with $488 prices on a Non Imm 90 day visa based on marriage to visit family & our home there...We we think we would switch it from yearly to once every 3-5 years Sad though as we would like to visit family & out home there...but really it would not be worth it when so many nice alternative destinations exist
  11. Well that 30 day visa waiver may be because they want to take part in the visa waiver program. If they pulled that they might lose benefits for Thai's wanting to go to other countries in that program too. Although Thailand is not one of the 41 countries currently in the program I'd imagine they aspire to be That aside ...sadly the 30 day visa waiver is probably exactly the type of tourist Thailand wants...Come bring/spend money then get the H*ll out
  12. There is no way it would be only NZ The only explanation is someone at NZ office jumped the gun posting it...but if true & goes into effect in NZ it will surely be enforced worldwide
  13. I'm guessing but...I think NZ just jumped the release gun & posted on their site sooner than the rest In typical Thai new rules fashion they were probably all supposed to wait till March 18th ๐Ÿ˜‰ But yeah agree no way it is just NZ & looking at document sure seems real enough.
  14. Yeah sorry didn't see that but the thread you posted is also closed already In any case I think these jumps are over the top but expected as after the Junta drained the rough the new govt needs to find ways to refill. Seems their preferred methods will be tax the Falangs & raise visa fees for starters. Anyone think the 400/800k required will not also be increased? ๐Ÿ˜‰ This is the latest....
  15. Stickman Bangkok reported that the Thai embassy in New Zealand published its new visa rates schedule online. Scroll down to pages 3 & 4 for English & note prices are in New Zealand dollars so convert to your currency It is pretty dang hefty IMO Where I use to pay $80 for my 3 month non imm visit yearly it is now going to be about $500 USD A one Year Multi entry Non Imm is $1222 USD It seems this is due to start on March 19th 2024 & NZ just leaked it a bit earlier than the news being reported
  16. He can't make his account that he uses for his Visa a joint account. But he did say he has two accounts so he could add her to the other non Visa one Also some banks like BKB do have the form to add a beneficiary name to your account in case of death
  17. I think this will be the most interesting thing to see...as to how that is sorted/proven In simplistic terms I would guess for Thailand both government & banks it will be easiest to tax all incoming transfers period. Then leave it to the tax payer to file a claim for a refund yearly with proof provided. Otherwise I can imagine more banks balking at trying to sort this out
  18. It has not been a sweet dream with you either Joe ๐Ÿ˜‰ You have actually been gone for years but just forgot to take your body with you. Does not matter who wins in this next election as long as your body is removed from the WH ๐Ÿ™
  19. This is the way a free market works & is no different than what happened to Hawaii years ago. They were #1 Sugar growers with C&H Sugar Then Brazil, Vietnam, Mexico all started to grow it cheaper Well in Thailand they kind of helped that along by being silly during Yinglucks time with the thinking they could pay farmers above market prices. They would just warehouse the excess rice & wait for prices to rise. Well we know how that worked out ๐Ÿ˜‰ Vietnam said what? you need rice?? Coming right up Next the warehoused rice of course deteriorated waiting for prices to rise & the rest was the history the Junta used to oust her
  20. Yes it started much earlier this year even much further north
  21. Yes for sure a 2nd opinion is always needed. In my case the second opinion was a famous Thai doctor that gives lectures...His opinion was I needed not one but two operations . Trust me I wish I could name him & the original hospital but TIT right
  22. Oh trust me I fully accept Thailand does not have all the rights to corruption...Just best to remember from monks to doctors it exists in spades in Thailand...too ;)
  23. Sorry to say I have had the same experience at a few well known dental clinics in Thailand. Best to just realize that in Thailand $$$ is king & there are many in every profession that do not blink at the chance to remove $$ from you Whether that be dental or medical it is something to know & realize that you need to be careful. When I was told by the biggest hospital chain in Thailand I needed a 450k operation ASAP I flew back to the USA to be laughed at for believing that. Now 7 years later here I sit never having been bothered by not having that so called needed operation. I have to admit though it was a kick in the gut for my wife & I . Although we lived in Thailand many years & knew corruption was pretty common everywhere for some reason we thought at least at a big medical facility you could trust. But no & hard lesson to swallow.
  24. Jews? Are you talking bible days or?? In any case lets stick to the Israeli's (settlers & militia that clears the land for them ) for now shall we?
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