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Posts posted by mania

  1. FYI ordering renthal from the uk is a bargain. You save 20% vat and royal post is cheap smile.png.

    Do you get hit with customs duties when using royal post on smaller things like this?

    I have never got hit with tax on small things like that from the uk. I found a good company to deal with and if its from the eu they seem competitive. I just email them and they send a quote then a paypal invoice.

    if i remember the sprockets were $77.00 shipped

    Good to hear that

    Although I have recently had a problem using my Paypal from here

    Area P only accepts paypal which I have had for over 10 years.

    But Paypal wont allow your shipping address to be different than your charge card on file billing address.

    Paypal told me make a new Thailand based account which I tried but when it came to adding a credit card same problem...DOH !!! :)

    My cards are business cards & my billing is paperless but listed as my US address.

    Although they all know I now live here for over a year they require a US address due to high limits

    So I had to send a check recently to Area P instead.

    Should not be a problem for companies that accept Visa or Master card hopefully

  2. Got it today thanks to Brian.


    Woody just posted the can for the Ninja is 4490 & the headers for 3900

    Or buy both/full setup for the N250 or CBR250 is 8990

    Prices are pretty good on that pipe for the 250's

    Honda 500 just a bit more same as you quoted

    Wasn't someone just asking about a cbr250 setup?

  3. i think it for sure a mechanical/hydraulic issue as the brake[pedal and caliper] simply wont move no matter what. however when the brake line is removed the brake lever will move so it not a simple lever problem its something in the fluid/cylinder/lines etc i think....and the brake line seems to lead to the ABS sensor before the caliper as far as i can see...i am just not mechanical enough to really know!!

    Just a thought but now that you mentioned hydraulic

    why don't you go open the bleed valve on the rear caliper & see if it frees the brake pedal?

    Just to rule it out

    Because as you said with line off it moves.

    • Like 1
  4. Now the US government is investigating the possibility that all of this was a Beijing setup, that Snowden from the start was an agent of the CCP-PRC.

    but, but....aw never mind smile.png

    You haven't any extant data because there aren't any.

    There's only the long train of possible horrors imagined by people who haven't any data, any real cases.

    • Like 1
  5. to screw into? What do you mean by that isn't the pipe supposed to be delivered with the o2 censor you're not trying to tell me that we can use the old o2 sensor from the original pipe?

    I am sorry I am not sure what your talking about.

    I have a hunch you may be confusing a catalytic converter with an O2 sensor

    Wait I will explain to you soon I'm just going to have lunch

    Sent from my GT-N7100 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app


    All I know is the O2 sensor is part of your harness not a part of any pipe.

    That many pipes in Thailand may not have the bung/ threaded hole for it could be because carburated bikes did not have an O2 sensor

    as far as I know

  6. to screw into? What do you mean by that isn't the pipe supposed to be delivered with the o2 censor you're not trying to tell me that we can use the old o2 sensor from the original pipe?

    I am sorry I am not sure what your talking about.

    I have a hunch you may be confusing a catalytic converter with an O2 sensor

  7. Answer my questions, if you can.


    I did

    That it is unacceptable to you is not my problem.

    Really I do not want to do the what if dance with you.

    To summarize

    I do not freely give up my rights regardless of how harmless you claim doing so to be.

    as to your other post about B Franklin & the world today


    • Like 1
  8. Nevermind the paranoia. What are the extant data???

    So basically your stance on our Constitutional Rights & Bill Of Rights is no harm no foul?

    Yet your same question turned on itself would be

    How has the good citizens of America being told they have a Peeping Tom/ Employee in their midst

    harmed National Security?

    I have no problem with the NSA wanting something. Except when it is our rights.

    If they need those sorry they will not be given freely by me.

    If they pass a law or amend the Constitution or Bill Of Rights

    So be it. That is how America rolls....or did

    • Like 1
  9. Tell me if I'm wrong. those cheap pipes that are not top branded that sells here in Thailand don't have a o2 censor on them.

    If you mean the threaded hole somewhere in the header assembly for the sensor to screw into...Yes,

    Some do not have them

    Which is why some folks Like Pekky's sells headers that have been drilled & a threaded piece added

    Like the one I post below they sell for 4000 baht

    But, If you look at better headers with the hole they have also bulged that area I believe

    to make up for the lack of strength at that point in the pipe the hole created.


    The Devil like I had you can see is bulged where they put the hole


    Not much stress there so probably all right either way but just something I noticed.

  10. It still shows an evident pattern of deception meant to shield the truth from ever being known. Both Congress and the citizenry should be outraged by that. Why are you focusing on Snowden and not these other bastards? Why isn't anyone calling for their heads?

    It seems a Patriot is redefined these days

    Originally, a patriot was someone who loves their country and supports it, but won't blindly follow whatever their country's government does.

    These days, it is synonymous with Nationalist, which is someone who blindly follows whatever his country's government does, and lacks his own ability to think and reason for himself.

    I have only ever heard about the exposure of the NSA Prism program.

    I also find it ironic that they chose the name prism for their project.

    But it is sad to me that millions are now targeted to lose their privacy for no apparent reason

    with this blanket called National security & more sad that so many cheer it onwards.

    What happened to innocent with rights until proven guilty? Or at least suspected?

    Are we all suspects now?

    If this is all based & justified by the so called war on terror then we have already completely lost

    the plot & I fear are at risk of all becoming useful idiots

  11. Tim Geithner is not in office. What are you on about?

    So when he left office his "views" were all erased?

    Could be a handy feature for these types smile.png

    What views?

    No idea as I do not listen to idiots when possible.

    But I was speaking to your usual one liner type flame response to LinertyNinja in which you

    tried to imply Geithner never had any since he was no longer in office.

  12. No Joke I am making serious money and trying to help the poor who belive gold shall come back in 10 years

    Just remeber in 2 years when it will be under 850 who told you

    Check the post what I said from 1500 to the high

    It could well dip further, but it is well oversold.

    But to say it won't recover for 10 years means you have pretty strong faith in central banks and sovereign debt levels.

    Any particular pro- trader who's views you follow?

    (Please don't say Tim Geithner cheesy.gif )

    Tim Geithner is not in office. What are you on about?

    So when he left office his "views" were all erased?

    Could be a handy feature for these types smile.png

  13. No Joke I am making serious money and trying to help the poor who belive gold shall come back in 10 years

    Just remeber in 2 years when it will be under 850 who told you

    Gold shall come back in 10 years?

    If gold does not show a profit at the end of this year it will be the first in 10 years that

    it did not. So it may be acceptable. But we have half a year to go. Not that it matters

    Will try to remember to check your prediction in 2 years

    But you may also be joining the famous VegasVic seer of future gold prices

    from the first few pages of this thread in that department.

    Predictions are like that 50/50

  14. Who is paying for him to go gallivanting all over the globe and stay in 5 star hotels? I am not convinced that he is not being financially compensated by foreign governments for what he is doing. For one thing, his timing at releasing the information benefited both Russia and China in talks with the president. What he is doing is hurting his own country.

    I may be naive but there could be other countries that are willing to help

    those they feel are doing a good thing. I know what you say is also possible but

    I do not get that feeling from what has been released.

    As to hurting his own country.

    I guess it depends on what the definition of "his country" is.

    Is it defending any & all acts committed by the government or

    defending the rights of the people who elected the current government to represent them?

    I note there are many definitions of a Patriot

    One funny one is from Mark Twain that sadly I think describes many citizens these days.

    "Patriot: The person who can holler the loudest without knowing what he is hollering about" [Mark Twain]

    another which i do agree with is

    A person who regards himself or herself as a defender, esp. of individual rights, against presumed interference by the federal government.

    Regardless of any work around paper named the Patriot Act that those that seek to infringe use as a shield

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