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Posts posted by mania

  1. Thanks Ticketmaster

    Yeah I am liking this Scorpion more & more as I read about it

    On the price I am starting to think I may be better off just buying locally.

    Even the site you link has it for $539 USD/ 16,732 baht then I still have to get it here smile.png

    They sell here for 19000

    I have seen it in the UK for a bit less but again the shipping risk.

    Will see & glad to hear you like it.

    Did you note any gains on your Er6N when installed?

    Thanks again

  2. Feels like the rain has arrived smile.png

    First real soaking I have had in awhile coming home on the bike tonight.

    Before tonight seems like all the rain was the passing type that lasted only a few minutes.

  3. If you can find it in the USA & get it sent USPS Priority you will probably not pay any customs charges

    Same if you order from the UK & use royal mail

    I have used USPS & never been hit & I know others have used Royal Mail & never had a charge

  4. then go forward mania. titanium is the way to go. looks cool.

    love that red circle on the tip.

    and yes, no packing lifetime is great. mine they said needs packing every year or two and they can do it for 500 thb.

    will you go forward for full system or slip on?

    I have to see about full or not.

    Seems here I have only seen slip on so far.

    But headers here are easy to find or I can dig the cat out of my stock one too.

    But of course a system designed as a whole would be better

    I am also going to check with Area P how hard I would be hit by

    postage getting their quiet pipe setup

  5. It's actually not about sanctions. The USA has a special favorable program now with Ecuador and word is if stopped, that's 400,000 Ecuadorian jobs lost. Nothing to do with sanctions. Just the option of dropping an especially favorable program for them.

    Correa is taking a big risk with his showboating, but he won't get hurt, only a lot of his people.

    Causing the loss of 400,000 jobs?...not saying it is possible or true but, it sure fits a sanction definition to me.

    economic sanctions

    (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) any actions taken by one nation or group of nations to harm the economy of another nation or group, often to force a political change

    But again such childish acts are childish & would be seen as such on the worlds stage.

  6. The days of economic threats are quickly setting.

    There are many sectors of energy now in Latin America & many buyers.

    It is a two way street

    Economic sanctions or threats backfire more often than provide results these days.

    Besides is it about time to grow up & get on with cleaning our own house?

    How silly does the US need to look these days?

    Imagine Russia after the Viktor Bout episode saying well fine we are not talking to you anymore nor doing any

    business with you. We are not your friend anymore

    Grow Up for pete's sake

    • Like 1
  7. a very interesting interview with President Correa (24min) gives a lot of insights that was only speculated by American, Asian and European public. He presented actually a proof.

    the Media owned by bankers, police paid by the US Embassies and so forth ... run up why Correa kicked out the US Ambassador ...


    Thanks that was very good actually & I am glad I watched.

    A lot of interesting thoughts about current affairs & how they create change

    That section at about 20 min in was good.

    Also some funny things said like " We have no problem with the US having a military base here

    would they have a problem with us having a military base in Florida" :lol:

  8. i know scorpion as they have the same pipe for cbr500r.

    great looking and great sounding pipe but mania do not believe like it will be quieter that what you have in your hand.

    maybe slightly but not much i think.

    No it for sure is not quieter

    But it is not loud as in 95-105 db range

    Their tests show & so do the videos

    Pretty reasonable give the gains

    Also the features are very different in materials & never needing a repack is huge

  9. Not 100% thrilled with the look but it is ok.
    What I am excited about is the sound & dyno's I have seen
    on various bikes. Good gains & not too loud

    Also some key features of this product is the materials being used

    on end cap etc.
    & the lack of ever needing to be repacked sounds great !
    It is an interesting design with no mount strap around the can either

    Sound wise stock is 88db & this is 88.25 with silencer in
    Less than half the weight of stock
    Gains for both slip on & full are quite good.

    Sound clips I have heard are very good
    The difference between silenced & out are nice

    With the silencer out it is louder of course but very tight not flabby at all.

    I have an email inquiry in to the UK company yankee99 recommended

    As they are made in the UK

    Also I would like to see what other versions are available.

    Form the Scorpion site I see you can have pretty much any config you want

    all Carbon, or stainless/carbon titanium/carbon etc.





  10. No Joke I am making serious money and trying to help the poor who belive gold shall come back in 10 years

    Just remeber in 2 years when it will be under 850 who told you

    Gold shall come back in 10 years?

    If gold does not show a profit at the end of this year it will be the first in 10 years that

    it did not. So it may be acceptable. But we have half a year to go. Not that it matters

    Will try to remember to check your prediction in 2 years

    But you may also be joining the famous VegasVic seer of future gold prices

    from the first few pages of this thread in that department.

    Predictions are like that 50/50

    Why are yo in denial gold is dropping like lead and I am making lots of money I have been telling you this for more than 2 years and all I got is insults from the poor and profits from my trades

    I am not in denial nor am I invested for or against gold at this time.

    Or any other investment for that matter at this time other than simple interest

    I did go large into physical gold back in 2008 & left satisfied in early 2012

    I have not re-entered having been satisfied with my gains & not seen the same

    opportunity I saw as back then. I am not one that needs to be invested 100% of the time.

    As to shorting it is not my style & I do not have the appetite for that.

    Good luck to you though & my previous post was just pointing out a few facts.

    I am not one for crystal balls

  11. Goldbugs are gonna really want to see a bounce here, as to me it looks like Gold is very close to what is called a "waterfall pattern".

    Started within a couple minutes of posting this. Pretty good call, even if I do say so myself. thumbsup.gif

    Yes I noticed that & starting to move in earnest now

    Wasn't there a gap up years ago around 1040 to 1200 that never got filled?

    I wonder?

  12. I'd been wondering why Putin looked so tense at the recent G-8 meeting while he and Obama sat together to conduct a joint press conference. We can conclude now Putin had already known of the Grand Plan of both Beijing and himself concerning Snowden.


    That did make me smile.

    All we know from the MSN is what they have been told by

    The message was blunt and was delivered Friday night by a shadowy emissary who didn’t identify himself

    Useful idiots are harvested daily by use of such fertilizer

    One thing I know 101% to be unequivocally true & that is we don't know squat & neither does the MSN

    All the MSN knows is what they are fed by shadowy figures. Could be accurate, could be false flags.

    A case like this is likely to have a lot of diversion seeded by those accused of wrong doings.

    It is amazing more questions are not being asked about the crime rather than the whistle blower

  13. On Sunday I bought half a baht in bar form. It's an investment for my 1 year old, he can have it when he's 21. Where do you guys see gold being in 20 years time? Have opened a v. big can of worms?

    It should still be worth enough when he is 21 for him to blow it all on a hooker and some weed.

    The gold will buy the same as it buys today no more and no less it's function as an investment is not to grow but to protect against inflation

    Dysfunctional in that regard. eg 1980-2005


    But rearward views are not always valid indicators of forward direction

    But, before you get all excited & call me a goldbug...Let me say I am not claiming any direction

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