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Posts posted by mania

  1. So you think they are really after you? For what?

    My guess is that all this huge amount of data is of no interest to big brother. He could access it at some time, but unless you are planning some terrorist activity, you probably are of no consequence or interest to anybody.

    Yeah I guess if a peeping tom looks into a few million bathroom windows

    they may not all peak his interest.

    Does that make his peeping legit?

  2. What Snowden did was a good thing. Some bad practices were exposed. But his travel to China and Russia, 2 countries with some of the worst suppression of individual's rights, is not a good thing.

    Would be nice if there were choices of fair places with a backbone but,

    As it stands it is not easy to find a country that is not under the thumb of the US

    Paid for one way or another with strings attached to "preferential" treatment & grants etc.

    Lets face it Snowdens choices were very limited as is anyone's who dare point out

    a wrongdoing if a branch of the US govt is the wrongdoer

    Especially if one of the multitude of US

    secret services are the ones doing the wrongful deeds

    Even if he chose a lesser country that agreed with him morally

    as a pivot point but that could not defend him he would probably

    be a drone statistic by now

    Being in Russia & China is his drone safe option.

  3. I was just questioning whether they are selling the bike specific kit here, or just a generic can and you have to figure out how to mount it by yourself. Often, that is the way it is here simply because there are so many combinations and permutations with all the different bikes and accessories out there, nobody can stock it all for such a small population. The motorcycle population alone in the US is probably bigger than the entire Thai population!

    Ah got it...

    Yes I am not sure as I have not seen one in person yet.

    In that video it looked bike specific in that it was boxed. So I imagine they sell them that kit way but again not sure.

    Personally what I wanted to see was how that mount ear was attached to the can.

    Is it just epoxied in place or riveted etc.

  4. So far Equator canceled today the agreement about import-export duties with the US.

    Good on them


    Ecuador said Thursday it is renouncing a trade pact up for renewal

    by the U.S. Congress because it had become a "new instrument of blackmail"

    involving the fate of an NSA leaker who has asked for political asylum from the South American country.

    • Like 1
  5. Bummer sad.png

    “Jorge has suffered an accident at over 200 kilometres an hour and the obvious injury at this point is a broken left clavicle,”

    explains Dr. Xavier Mir. “However, as this was a significant accident, we have to take into account that there could also be head,

    thoracic or abdominal injuries. For now, we have taken him to hospital in Assen

    where CT scans will be carried out in those three areas to rule out any further injuries.

    video here


  6. Perhaps get your facts a straight if calling someone out on those facts. We gave Ecuador $ 26,500,000.00 last year and $ 25,1000,000.00 the year before.We have already given them $ 9,700,000.00 through the first few months of this year.

    Sensational how you write it out to the cents ;)

    26 million is peanuts & nowhere near the billions you tried to imply

    9 million this year pfft laugh.png

    Go look at countries the billions were given to countries that do fine on their own.

    See who they are


    But I do believe the USA should give $$$ to none at all.

    Food, meds....sure

    But $$$ no, charity begins at home & we are broke

  7. yeah mania, they said within a month, i think the price will be 8000 thb for the headers and all. They told me they will give me a 10 percent discount!

    But, i might go forward for Leo Vince header and pipes as well for nearly the same price next month too so i am in undecided. Let s see.

    He does not have the full set price listed but has this...

    The first price in list translates to pipe

    CB 500 (X/F/R)

    ปลายท่อ = 3,900 + EMS 200

    SLIP-ON = 4,990 + EMS 200

    FULL SET = Coming Soon

  8. We need to stop countries like Ecuador money. This is a good thing. Now I am really hoping Snowden some how makes it to Ecuador and they let him stay. Alas, we will just problem ending giving them billions more like we did to North Korea. US poloticiians are pusses.

    You should check facts & figures instead of using sensationalism.

    You may be surprised how little money the US gives Ecuador

    Last one I could find was 6 million in 2008

    Compare that to the ones in the list of which you will need to scroll way

    down to find Ecuador


    Also do not think the US does not enjoy preferential treatment from Ecuador as well

    as receive close to 400,000 barrels of oil per day

    Yes that may only be 5% of the USA's need but it is not easily replaced.

    • Like 1
  9. I'm not convinced he cares about Americans. I would bet this about his 15 minutes of fame though his fame will certainly last longer than 15 minutes.

    Well I sure cannot imagine any other reason for forfeiting his life & his freedom by alerting Americans to the peeping tom in their

    midst. Yet in true current MSN driven useful idiots fashion there are some who care not about the peeping tom.

    More convinced the peeping tom is working in their best interest by peeping into millions of lawful citizens affairs.

    Not because they have done anything suspicious mind you but, because they can, because they are drunk with power.

    I am happy though to see that over 60% of Americans are against what this administration has

    allowed the NSA to do. It shows the useful idiots have not yet past the boiling point of 50%

    Sadly is it not a good sign that they are near 40%.

    • Like 1
  10. To add weight to the Snowden might be mentally unstable theory, it's now come out that some time ago Snowden was posting that leakers such as Wiki leaks leakers should be ... SHOT! coffee1.gif

    I see the basis for an insanity defense if the U.S. ever gets hold of this guy.

    People are really stretching & spinning that one to fit yet the reality is otherwise.

    If I remember right he was upset about them leaking the story about the US collaborating with Israel to bomb Iran

    Of course any American would not like that published (or done for that matter) as it might actually start a preemptive

    strike by Iran

    If anything that story shows he cares about Americans same as his willingness to let Americans know

    now what their elected government is doing To Them behind their backs.

    Two very different matters that do not suggest mental instability in either

    • Like 1
  11. That last post made me wonder about the brackets. When I ordered form the US, I ordered model specif and got it; everything fit perfectly. But here, if they have some kind a a "generic" fitment model, it could end up being a nightmare. It would be nice to take your bike to the shop, hold the can and the brackets up to the bike and see how they compare to the stock installation.

    Actually it is not like you probably think.

    That mount on the can is not the mount of the exact mount hole on the bike.

    There is another link plate

    Not sure if this picture will show it clearly but you may get an idea

    Also this vid from about 1:40 in

  12. Some reports say that they will build an under pass there ? Now they make the road strong with a solid 30 cm thick concrete surface .

    Ahhh that explains that deep center section cut.

    I wondered about that as it couldn't just be a resurface with that kind of thickness.

    A small pickup lost his front wheel off that small cliff last night.

    Looked like he tore up his front end doing so.

    Also knocked out the electric lights they had set up there.

    Saw workers twisting wires together in the rain tying to get them back on

  13. what do you mean by local purchase mania? do they sell it in Thailand?

    this shipping and taxes are like a wall for me for buying something from abroad. You never know how hard you will get hit:)

    last time they charged me 3000 thb for a 3000 thb pipe for cbr250.

    that is why got the first pipe on my way this time.

    Yes that Pekky Pro Street said they have it in Bangkok

    The advertise on ninja250 thailand dot com but also facebook

    This is their pic as you can see their logo too

    I went into their Chiangmai place today but they said it is not here & need to order from Bangkok

    I wanted to see it & look at that mount bracket as well as see if it is a straight thru design.

    Sometimes I really wonder as most of these cans are just that...a straight thru design with a baffle/db killer inserted.

    All that makes them different is shape which maybe colors tone & of course quality of build & materials.

    If that is true for the can then it makes you wonder at times about the giant price differences

    among brands.

    I can understand a header design with thought put into bends degrees etc & that may have an impact

    on exhaust flow

    but on these cans they all seems to be basically straight thru with a removable baffle.


    • Like 1
  14. Another blog post about the MotoGP calendar and the possibility of dropping some events to give new tracks a piece of the pie.


    Yes I had read this part in other publications too

    Dorna could axe one of the American rounds, which they are already considering,

    with Indianapolis already making noises that MotoGP is no longer feasible,

    or one of the four Spanish rounds.

    On the Spanish matter Dorna also wanted to open MotoGP to the possibility of

    more new talent from other countries. It has become obvious that so many riders today

    are mainly from Spain due to the popularity & having four rounds there.

    • Like 1
  15. Very true about shipping & charges TicketMaster

    & I was told the same by yankee99 so am leaning to a local purchase on this one.

    Very impressive logging of your costs & where bought etc. for your bike. smile.png

    That should be very handy for quick reference. Good job

    I do the same but just a excel file with part/cost/date

    On the mapping yes I agree & have an Area P unit that will come eventually.

    Taking its time as I had to send a personal check due to paypal hassles over my billing address etc.

    But it too can hold 3 maps & be switched.

    I am looking forward to that & am undecided about initial maps/setup

    Wondering if I might want to play with it from near stock now ( just air filter panel )

    Then add exhaust & of course finally tune maps to fuel etc.

    Enjoyable stuff wink.png

    In the end I know what I want out of it so hopefully with the help at Area P/Fuel Moto on the mapping

    it can be achieved. I have played with Bazzaz's software & it is interesting somewhat simple & yet complicated

    when looking at the map & all the variables that are changeable at various throttle openings/rpm


    PS: I see you have the slip on & wondered if you have thought about a header or modified your cat out of the stock header?

  16. Publicus you said this in reference to Assange and Snowden:

    Both are wanted by the US government on espionage charges.

    I am not aware of any known source of information that Assange is wanted by the US for espionage. This topic is about Snowden, but I believe that statement is incorrect. Let me know if I am wrong.

    I believe you are correct

    In 2010 US Rep Peter King told/requested US Attorney General Eric Holder that Assange should be

    prosecuted under the Espionage Act of 1917. It was never granted/executed to my knowledge

    To this day I believe the only charge he is evading is a sexual misconduct charge from Sweden.

    He has not answered it in fear of US powers persuading Sweden to extradite him to the US when they are through

    with him

  17. Yes, Correa has chickened out by saying it will take MONTHS to decide on asylum. He's clearly trying to play a game to preserve the special trade PREFERENCES Ecuador now enjoys with the USA. The timing of the issue in Congress might prove to be unfortunate for Snowden. Again this isn't about sanctions, it's about consequences of possibly losing SPECIAL breaks for being actively provocative towards the USA.

    Ecuador is the fifth-largest South American oil producer and a leading source of crude oil imports for the U.S. West Coast.

    Perhaps if some want to be childish & take their marbles & go home others will do the same??

    That is the problem with acting childish or trying to buy your friends.

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